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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. No snow in Europe, it's a beautiful spring here- we've got 10 degrees C and (most of the time) sunny weather. Anyway, it's a bit cloudy now, and it can rain- a perfect "leather weather" ;).

  2. Well, even if you wanna wear these so-called "men's shoes" sometimes, buy yours in the "women's" department... Chicks can buy low-heeled oxfords that are totally masculine (the only difference is that they're available in smaller sizes and seem to be made better that most "men's" shoes) and no one bats an eyelid. So why couldn't you? And, thanks to your small shoe size, you discovered the realm of nice-looking shoes and boots... that's great!

  3. Well, as far as my gender identification is concerned, I'm androgynous- that means that I've got both masculine and feminine sides that coexist and complement each other, enriching my personality. That's also true in regard to my bisexual orientation- I don't image myself living as a e.g. macho guy, attracted to one sex/ gender only (no matter if he's gay or straight). Playing with masculinity and femininity can be a wonderful thing!

  4. I'm also a daywalker.

    Well, it seems that you guys quite liked the term ;). The Blade movies came to my mind when I wrote my first post here, especially because I wear leather head to toe, all the time (and no, no, no, I'm not a bit into vampirism despite my interest in the dark independent culture :o).

  5. I am the Daywalker, I streetheel in the broad daylight ;). There was obviously a time when I felt a bit shy about wearing high heels (well, all that leather too, but it was a LONG time ago!) during my first outings, but now I started to wear them everyday, everywhere. I've been streetheeling non-stop for a whole week now :o (I don't count a couple of times when I did it very occasionally).

  6. Firefox, I've never seen photos of such heels. The closest I have seen in books was a turn of the century pair of oxfords with a 7 or 8 inch modified Louis heel that was used for training ballerinas. If you come across any photos, I'd be very interested in seeing them.

    So will I. I'm a big fan of oxfords, as most of you probably know ;).

    Your comment is much appreciated, kneehighs! Whenever I join a group, the first post is always the most nerve-wracking. I want to introduce myself without the standard "Hi I'm ____" ; I want to go deeper.

    When I join any forums, I don't have "awkward moments" (unless the board rules seem too strict), and I write quite a few words about myself, interests, fetishes and so on in the introduction post.

    In an ironic way, mother works at a Famous Footwear. She does NOT know about my love for high heels (she may suspect it, but has not asked me). So I hate going into her store and seeing the huge and interesting women's selection and the smaller men's section full of boring sneakers, work boots, and rubber soled dress shoes that all look the same.

    Why not suggest her to introduce some heels for men? :o Of course stillettos may be too progressive, but 2- 3" block heels, or cowboy boots, may do the thing. Does the store cater for more stylish and sophisticated kinds of people?
  7. In my outfits and looks, I like and apply: 1) Chic and elegance (hence the nickname, heh heh ;)) 2) Androgyny, taking garments "from both camps". Some people even think I'm a woman, although I ain't gonna go en femme. 3) All things leather, virtually all the time. 4) Gothic and alternative fashions. 5) Corsets (I still have none, but I'm gonna buy one sometime). 6) Long coats (unfortunately, I still can't afford that ankle- long leather coat...) 7) Stand-up collars Favourite colors: black, various shades of red and purple. Blue is OK too, although it's pretty neutral and calm.

  8. Well, I've got several fetishes (leather, corsets, high heels...)- but I feel that I can be turned on without them as well. So what? Fetishism would be a pathology when one couldn't get horny without a fetish, especially if it caused some sort of suffering to them or others (I talk about genuine suffering, not consensual S/M where the pain exchange is meant to be pleasant for all partners).

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