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Posts posted by Elegant

  1. As far as I know, fetishism involves being sexually [and I mean that: not emotionally, sensually etc.- there must be a strictly erotic affliction] excited by non-sexual body parts or inanimate objects. Its strength varies: for some, a fetish makes things a little spicier and more pleasant, others take more time to get excited without a fetish than with it [real or fantasized], and there are some people who just can't get turned on without a fetish. Fetishism can be a pathology or not, it depends on how people involved view it. If someone can't get turned on without something, but is OK with it [i.e. doesn't see it as a problem] and their S/O accepts an erotic lifestyle involving a fetish- then it's IMHO all right, despite limited capability. On the other hand, if someone is aroused by something [np. leather], but sees themself as some kind of pervert etc. because of that and doesn't accept their kink, then it may be a problem- even if a person doesn't have limited sexual capability. And retifism is a kind of fetishism that involves shoes/ boots. Some people include leather in its definition, too.

  2. I wish there was a gothic/fetish party in my area sometime soon... it's always nice to try new ideas. I'm planning to buy myself black nail enamel, dark red lipstick and mascara- I opt for hardcore androgynous look rather than "typical" en femme. Like I say, I'm gonna "dress like a woman who dresses like a man" 8). Oh, and I'll receive my new glasses on Thursday, so I'll look much nicer.

  3. And now, it's time for revenge! 8)


    I was also made fun of at primary school, got beaten up often and so on, and so on. Heel, pardon: hell on earth. That was an important period for me though: I didn't conform to their expectations. I never did, and I proved to myself that my will is strong enough to do what I want to, not what the masses want me to. I ain't tired of being a rebel because it never was a pose, something superficial. I've alwayds been that way.

  4. Glamour stilletto race? UGH! I know a Polish street-heeler who's much more emancipated than me [he wears stillettos and skirts]. He attended the event, complied with all conditions, but wasn't allowed to participate because he's male. The rules didn't clearly state that only women can take part in the run, though. Anyway, the race was won by a CD, who was probably "well-done"- paradoxical, eh? 8)

  5. When I was 3 or 4, I sometimes put my mother's boots on. Later on, being a teen, I had a strong fetish for heels, leather, business suits and many other clothes. I was totally closeted and afraid to come out. When I became a student, my leather fetish turned into everyday fashion [well, not completely- but in a big part], and then, the time has come for heels. I bought my first pair- spike ankle boots, and my mother was unaccepting of them [well, any other heels too]. On 31st Dec 2006, I put these boots on at a fancy dress party- fetish theme 8). I remember the terrible pain in balls of my feet, and my heel virtually came off a shoe. Then the street-heeling time came.

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