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Status Updates posted by legs777777

  1. Hi Love your shoes, very sexy, nice legs too.

  2. Hi Nice legs and love your boots.

  3. Hi Pauls how u doing

  4. Hi stef, nice legs and heels, superb.

  5. Hi thank you for your comment.

  6. Hi thanks for your reply. I live just outside Glasgow, where this is not accepted to well. I dont get much support from my other half on many things and this would finish us if I tell her. So reciently I bought a couple of pairs of heels for me but went out of town to do so, and a pretty embaressing experience. Dont have the courage just yet, but hopefully some day, I do though, drive to my work in stockings and heels which does feel great, but not ready for outside yet. PS good to finally talk to some one about this thank you.

  7. Hi, I live in Kilmarnock, reasonable sized town, and I am a size Eight at a push, but need a nine in really high shoes. I would love to go out wearing my shoes but dont have the courage yet. I do drive to my work in my hold up stockings, usually keep them on all day, feels good, and always drive in high shoes. When I work late I do stop and walk around the car quickly. But I agree its a lonly place to be, not working on Sunday and my wife asked if we coud go to Glasgow shopping, me being me asked the million dollar question, can you wear your high boots, when we go, the following argument was one of the best so far and I'm begining to know what its like to be invisible as she ignored me most of the day. So I have no understanding wife cant even get her to wear heels if she knew I did, as before I'd turn up in crimewatch UK. Its great to talk to someone in the same predicament as myself. Vents some of the frustration. Thank you. Regards

  8. Hi, how are you, just to say the pictures in your gallery are super, There is nothing better than leggings and super high heels, stunning.

  9. Hi, Nice collection of heels you have there, every time I put mine on they get pulled so well done.

  10. Hi, sorry so long in replying, still slow in going outside yet, kept to late at night so far, but getting braver as we speak. Thank you.

  11. Hi, thank you thats the first picturs I've taken in a long time, buisiness trip soon possibily more pict to follow.

  12. Hi, Thanks for your advice, not yet brave enough to try, the heels I like to wear are pretty high, coudn't walk to far probably. As for my wife I think that me being distracted just makes her worse. Still have the scars. But thank you, been good talking to you. Regards

  13. Hi, whats happened to your gallery pictures.

  14. Hi. looking at your small avitar picture, which looks stunning. I need to add you look stunning aswell. Legs777777

  15. How did your outing go then ?

  16. I love those black sandals they look stunning.

  17. Just a cheap pair of black suede heels, 5 inchs easy to wear, love yours though very sexy looking.

  18. Just checked your album and the pictures are stunning, in particular I love the thigh high boots, very sexy, pretty good legs too.

  19. Just seen your avater and i have to say they look stunning, very very sexy.

  20. Just seen your gallery and I think it is superb, very sexy selection of pictures

  21. Love the album, stunning looking boots.

  22. Love the heels in your avitar picture

  23. Love the new album, boots look great, love boots.

  24. Love the new album. especially your boots.

  25. Love the shoes in your avitar

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