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Posts posted by vector

  1. Hey all. Me and my gf went out of town over the weekend to visit her good friend and her gf. (hope that wasn't too confusing, I just don't want to use names without permission) Anyway. My gf's friend knows that I wear heels and while we were staying with them she pulled a pair of shoes out of the closet for me to try on. She said it's the only pair of heels she has and all she wears are sneakers, so If they fit, I could have them. Naturally I'm not one to turn down free heels, and lucky for me they fit! Not sure if I'll ever get around to wearing them out, but I do really like them. Pic is below and all comments/suggestions are welcome!


    Shame, she didn't have an Aston Martin or Maserati Bitturbo that "didn't fit"....

  2. Anyway, a survey once said that the second biggest fear among Americans was the fear of death. The biggest fear was public speaking...

    It's not as illogical as it sounds. When you're dead, you're dead. But when you mess up while delivering a speech or otherwise speaking in publics, everybody knows!!!!!!!!

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