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Posts posted by vector

  1. I think if anybody on the left wants to spew their hate for others then please go to another site and blog. This site is about Highheels.

    Regarding the site, that's true, but this particular page is for anything we want to discuss..." HHPlace Cafe! - General chit chat Have you got something to say, a point to make, a cross to bear, a plea for help. Change the world here (Posting guidlines appply)"

  2. Trolldeg:

    Starting about 1988, journalistic license shifted and many reporters began letting their personal feelings and opinions creep into their factual reporting of the "news." That old tradition is totally dead. Today, you have to figure out what political views of the reporter and the news paper are before you evaluate what you are reading.

    The news papers, magazines and TV networks you cite all support (if they haven't flat out endorsed, they are certainly in the tank for) Obama for President, liberal and leftest ideals and Democrat candidates. Therefore, it is only logical that all of the media entities you cite spin the Ayers situation to Obama's advantage. It is wise to take every bit of their reporting with a grain of salt because every word written and published in these newspapers and magazines, and every word spoken on these TV networks directly supports Obama's election.......

    ......Trolldeg, I don't really believe you'll to accept any of this because you are one of these people that knows so much that just isn't true and will never swerve from your beliefs. The saving grace for us is that you, and others like you, aren't allowed to vote in our elections. And, unless you've been registered to vote in Ohio by "ACORN" and have already contributed to Obama's campaign via the Internet, you won't be voting.

    Bubba, assuming what you say is true about the media, what makes your sources any less biased or any more true?

    Lastly, I believe the first sentence of the last paragraph definitely applies to you.

    "I wish I could see Russia from my house"

  3. "...illegal immigrants receiveing illegal mortgages..."??? Bubba, you gotta back that up or please don't even mention it. Regarding the alleged illegal alien who used a stolen SS# to rack up $800K in debt. Don't you think the mortgage originator(s) might possible be slightly culpable for not properly checking it out? How could an illegal show enough income/assets to qualify for such a loan?

  4. Bubba, Back to my original statement, BOTH parties have an equal hand in this mess. I wish I had the link to an article that would articulate that point more clearly. I received it some time back and deleted it. Your quote: "A very wise man once said:"A person belongs to a political party. Therefore they believe things or rationally bend their logic to be consistant to their beliefs, no matter how illogical they may be or sound." "Kool aid" drinkers -- as they are known around here."" I'll admit that it has some application to me. Doesn't it also apply to you? Oh, BTW, I like Cherry flavor. What's your favorite? (smile)

  5. Bubba,

    Yes, the Democrats have a hand in our current crisis, but don't forget that Dubya (Pres George Bush) and McCain promoted policies of relaxed regulation that definitely fueled this crisis.

    Also, wasn't McCain one of the Keating five. Most of whom were indicted and found guilty of crimes related to the collapse of many banks. While he wasn't charged, he was formally scolded by congress for exercising "bad judgement". And now he's running for president. Mr. Bad Judgement???

    See the link below for more info...


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