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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. Always one to ponder, here's my latest...

    There are three types of people: Men, women, and those who look good in heels! IMO, wearing heels (and skirts in my case) has always been a men vs women thing. Common opinion is that I can't do it because I'm a man. Well, I've been looking and watching and I think skirts and heels are like anything else. There are those that look good in them and those who don't. There are plenty of women who, IMO, shouldn't be in heels. Likewise, there are a lot of men that look good in skirt and heels just like they would in a nicely tailored suit.

    I think there's a pair of heels and a style of skirt for every man, just as I think that some heels and some skirts will never look good on some women.

    That's the thing about fashion - what looks good on Meg Ryan will never look good on Rosie O'Donnel - and vice versa. Too much depends on body type.

  2. That's easy - divide your measurements by your height and multiply by hers. Then, compare the results to her measurements. There's definately more to it than mere proportionality. I've dated several girls who were the same height as I was and even one who was much taller (by 4 inches), yet all had the same size foot as I did (the one who towered over me) or smaller (all the rest). All had smaller heads, including the one who towered over me, even though she had longer forearms. It's the difference between testosterone and estrogen and what each do to the bone structure of the individual.

  3. Just for fun...

    This remains my favorite of the vids you have on Photobucket. I rather enjoy parodying objectors by saying, "Didn't you notice how many women picked up their children, running and screaming in the opposite direction, or how many guys brutally attacked him for wearing heels?"

    Throughout the video, perhaps one guy, about halfway through, turned his head for about a second before moving on. I noticed the larger couple towards the end, in matching gray sweatshirts seemed oblivious, as did the other 100+ people you passed (many were out of the field of view, walking on the right side of the middle lane of vendors).

    Absolutely stellar, Johnieheel!

  4. When I've gone out lately wearing my long black skirt, things have been chilly, so I've taken to wearing a pair of black Duofold thermal underwear beneath the skirt. Well, it's LIKE footless pantyhose, even though they're made for a guy... I don't usually mix skirts and heels, though.

  5. I don't think there's much that you can do about the forum being over run by either males or females - not that there's much chance of the latter.

    I am wondering where the other concerns come into the rules? I don't think it says anything about transvestic fetishism or narcism. Or is that just a personal view, which is fair enough. What I'd like to know is where is the dividing line between the personal view and moderatorial authority. And obviously I'm saying this knowing my post could be deleted if any one of the moderators thinks it's a breach of the rules.

    No breach at all, Fog - we do our best to encourage freedom of speech/expression, here, as it's rather fundamental to everyone's choice of fashion. However, since the board is open to minors to as young as 13, we have legal responsibilities to set and enforce rules which protect them from undue influences of a sexual nature. Discussions about transvestism aren't prohibited, as cross-dressing and other forms of transgenderism is considered common knowledge throughout modern society. Even the substitute teacher who shocked a local community by returning in the fall as a woman simply applied to work at a different school in the county, and no eyebrows were raised at all - she's substituting. Since the Internet is full of information on the subject, discussions about transvestic fetishism are also allowed, provided the content simply talks about the phenomenon itself, and doesn't cross the line into a report from any point of view (first, second, or third) of any actual or imagined event. That is not appropriate because of it's sexual nature.

    Narcism was one of the topics discussed in my 10th grade psychology class, so I think we're safe there...

  6. I would have to agree that most women accept or at lest tolerate men in heels out side virtual reality. Only a few on this board who been absolute against men in heels have proved to be unwilling to apply common and intellectual brain power to look beyond the cover of a book. But then again the older the person the less accepting they are to new ideas and change. Or others are down right bigots, and brain washed religious fanatics. I see no reason why men should be involved in the Girls section any more and should be left to the Girls. Those who have been against men in heels have clearly, acutely sunk their own ship with out us have to point it out. Let them seek freely, here unless it violates the rules and let the mods post links to the guys section if we have something to say about it. As what I have seen on other boards the majority of women are not agents men in heels, just steer those to those board and let the women discuss it

    Wow. I get the gist of Hoverfly's message, and have to endorse that it's dead on. Guys, if you enjoy wearing heels, terrific - please stay out of the girls' section. There are plenty of sections for you, here.

  7. As I've said elsewhere, EURO46 = M/13;F/15 USA. There are several sizing systems and it is very easy to get them confused. For example, most longer term posters will recall when 6" Heels came on line. Their Chinese system created a lot of confusion on these boards.

    It took me app. 20 email to find out I couldn't get anything I wanted from them because of my size. That didn't stop them from trying to sell me those crappy hiphop things they USED to carry!

    Living in Europe, I can always fit into a Euro 45, and I'm an 11.5 US Male and a 13 US Female. Sizing charts vary widly, but I've never found that I've been able to fit into anything differently.

  8. Which statistics? I don't know any reliable statistics on male heels wearing.

    It's the informal polls I've conducted from those who sell women's shoes. Their comments consistently underscore the fact that most men who buy woman's heels want more masculine styles. They like the heels themselves, not the femininity associated with heels.

    If Harley Davidson would increase their hh boot sizes to 14, they'd double their sales.

  9. It's no big deal. I've been on foreign trips with guys from work where I've worn shorts and no-one's said anything. I also wore shorts to a friend's barbecue, and as I was putting suncream on my legs one guy remarked "Do you shave those legs or what?" I just shrugged and said yes. He then decided to announce the fact to the entire group and nobody cared.

    If anyone asks why I do it I just truthfully answer that I dislike the hair.


    I only encountered that once, during the one time in my life I ever shaved my legs. I simply said, "I'm into bicycle racing," which was true, and he dropped the issue.

    Of course, that's not why I did so, as I'd wondered what it felt like. I've never done it again.

  10. I always check my look before heading out. If it's too over the top or ostentatious, I change what I'm wearing. It's not that I'm trying to "blend in." If that were the case, I wouldn't wear heels. It's that I'm trying carry on the tradition of male heel-wearing without drawing undue attention to myself (wearing something would would incite screams of "Eeewwww!") Having been out in 3" to 4" heels more than 300 times with fewer than 5 negative comments, I think I've managed to succeed.

  11. I found pretty much the same, including when I asked a Nordstroms salesman how many men were buying heels, while wearing heels myself. He chuckled and said, "quite a lot," then asked me if I knew anything behind this fad. I said, "well, I think many men have desired wearing heels for years, but it's only in the last ten years or so they felt like they could do so without serious repurcussion." He admitted that he'd worn heels a couple times himself. Fancy that - a women's shoe salesman actually wearing heels! At least he's getting a chance to know his product.

  12. Donna saw my nails from across the bar, maybe 15 feet away, in the dimmed light of the tavern. She waxed enthusiastic, about my blue acrylic nails, and showed me her nails, with a beautiful, custom paint job.

    I'm not into flashy feminine nails, but I have had mine done a couple of times using the gelnails approach, as it looks very natural and does a great job improving what crappy nails I do have. I always do a very masculine approach, but you can have longer ones done, too, complete with whatever design you wish. A little more expensive than acrylic, but far more realistic.

  13. Wow! Did you see how many people cast second glances, stared, did double-takes, or hit him over the head with their purses? No? Neither did I! Thanks, johnieheel, for the videos which show how easy it is for men to walk through a mall in heels without causing any fuss whatsoever.

  14. The few times that leave whith heels, the public noticed and was looking at. I feel very ashamed.

    Feeling ashamed is an emotion which comes from within. People can look at you cross-eyed for no reason at all and some people feel ashamed, while it doesn't affect others in the slightest.

    When men wear heels in public, some (just some, mind you - certainly not all, and in all liklihood, not even most) people are going to look at you a little funny. The key to getting over this it to realize the fact that you're not wearing women's shoes, but rather, you're simply on the leading edge of a fashion trend.

    Rui Leonardes and Jean Paul Gaultier have been sending men down the fashion runways for the last 15 years wearing both skirts and heels. It hasn't "caught on," but it has proliferated, with numerous stores specifically devoted to selling male skirts, and while few sites are devoted to selling masculine heels, most traditional women's shoe stores have increased the sizes of their more masculine styles from 10 to 12 over the last six years. Both Zappos and Nordstrom report tremendous increases in sales in their larger sizes (like 13), indicating that either women have grown tremendously larger in the last half a decade, or that many more men are buying heels.

    From what I gather from having talking with dozens of shoe salespeople, it's the latter. One Payless manager I spoke with said that almost 50% of the clientelle buying the larger sized women's heels (3" and above) were men, and that these sales to men numbered more than 10 a day.

    My point is that there's no shame in being different. People who're different will always attract glances from those who choose to be close to that mythical "norm," a statistical average of all behavior.

    The best way to counter such glances are to simply enjoy yourself, for who you are, in confidence, knowing that tens of thousands of other men out there enjoy wearing heels, as well.

    You're not alone! Aside from the heel meets, my most prolific sighting of men wearing heels was at a progressing nightclub where three other males and myself were all wearing heels, and I don't think any of us were with any of the others.

    Nike: Just do it!

  15. Well, that's not how the "Everybody" forum is seen. That forum is seen as a general purpose one where you want answers from/discussion about

    "Everybody!" I believe the posting that is at issue started in an honest attempt to engage the women in dialogue by seeking THEIR thoughts about female oriented topics. The other that came along later was what really set things off.

    As for your predicament, on message boards the "admin" is higher in rank than a 'umble "mod." That is why people contact you and not the others. You are saying you are the board tech more or less, and don't have much to do with general decision making, correct?

    A thought here: Why not move some of the older threads in the women's section into the everybody's so people can post on them without having to worry about offending anyone?

    In Admin's defense, while he is the board tech, having "god" power, he both seeks and accepts the advice of the other mods here. He's a firm believer in "more heads are better than one."

    That's an interesting suggestion about moving some of the older threads. Can you point to any, say, half a dozen which are definately not focused or originally intended to be women-only topics? If the threads both began and continued as a joint male-female discussion, I think it would be appropriate to move them so they can continue in the For Everyone section.

  16. One of my favorite pics of myself when I was young is of me in the stocks on Tom Sawyer's Island in Disney World. I had very straight platinum blond hair down to my shoulders. Pretty cool that a military dad would let his kid have long hair like that. Then again, it was the 70's...

  17. Went to wallmart with girlfriend shopping tonight wearing my 4"tommy hill knee highs and had a blast. for the most part, nobody even noticed except a couple women and their young daughters and they just kinda smiled. As for the men, well they just kinda gave me a look like "oh well" and went about their business. Hopefully I gave someone something to go home and talk about.LOL Just be your self and have fun and It will be alright.Posted Image Happy Heeling guys!!!

    Great boots! Looks very similar to my 4" black leather knee-high boots.

    It's a Saturday - I'm wearing them now!

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