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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. Yes, and I can show you how, using the Masonic system of organization the year our nation was founded is actually 666.

    I'm not kidding if you don't believe me - PM me and I'll show you the three steps it takes to translate the numbers.

    But hey, Guy N. Heels, this is a message forum about heels, not the end times. If you want to discuss the end times, I really would be happy to share that with you.

    In the meantime, please refrain from verbose politics such as your message here.


    Guy N Heels...

    OK...I've GOT to ask...What is your profession?

    Judging by the dissertation on the various measurement systems employed throughout the world I would have to guess either mathematician or physicist.

    Happy Heeling!


    FYI, US Engineers have been taught and have been using the International System of Units since the late 1970's. While some manufactures (mainly the automotive industry) have held steadfastly to US units, most other industries in the US have adopted metric for every screw, nut and bolt.

  2. Again, right you are. Just one small example: when I was shopping around for office space for a company I was working for, one of the questions that came up fairly early was whether or not both men and women would be using the office. Since I didn't understand the significance of the question, I asked what difference it made? That's when I was informed that local laws required separate rest rooms for each sex in the office.

    Now try and contrast this, and also appreciate my cultural shock with when I first went into a public rest room in Okinawa only to find both men and women there!:rocker: Apparently they totally believe in equal opportunity rest rooms. Even though I have long-since overcome that incident, you may be sure that I've never forgotten it.

    Man, does this bring back memories! Like the time about five years ago while visiting a bar with friends. The ladies' room was caput, so they just nailed the sign next to the sign on the guy's room.

    The problem is, the guy's room didn't have doors on the stalls.

    About nine guys, and in walked a lady, who was wriggling because she just absolutely had to go, and before she got a third of her request to use the bathroom, the guys were all yelling, "yes, of course - go! We don't care!" so she made herself at quite at home and took care of business, as did the several gals behind her.

    Interesting night, as I probably revisted this restroom another four times before the night was over, and the ratio over the evening rapidly approached 50%...

    "Okinawa" and "equal opportunity rest rooms."

    Man, does this bring back memories! Like the time about five years ago while visiting a bar with friends in Korea. The ladies' room was caput, so they just nailed the sign next to the sign on the door to the guy's room.

    The problem is, the guy's room didn't have doors on the stalls.

    About nine guys were in there taking care of business, and in walked a lady, who was wriggling because she just absolutely had to go, and before she got a third of her request to use the bathroom, the guys were all yelling, "yes, of course - go! We don't care!" so she made herself at quite at home and took care of business, as did the several gals behind her.

    Interesting night, as I probably revisted this restroom another four times before the night was over, and the ratio over the evening rapidly approached 50%...

    Here are some additional characters to the hundreds listed above in order to make this message "not too short."

  3. ;-)Playing with the team of my chess club I was wearing several times high heels. Some opponents from the other team looked at me like this icon :rocker: The most of them had better looked upon than under the table... my winning rate on heels is definetely better than with sneakers. My newest secret weapon for chess tournaments!


    That's the way to confound their brains, Micha!

    Sooner or later, I'm sure we'll meet up, too.

  4. Men with painted toes is much like earrings were in the early seventies. Only the very cool blokes did it but now everyone does.


    I've done both, and perhaps it'll catch on, in time, but right now, I think heels on guys have the lead, statistically speaking...

    You really think more guys paint their toes than wear heels?

  5. tubehead Great story there!

    Just a thought. Maybe you want to add in the parts about Gaultier in the 90's putting men in stilettos down the catwalk, Rick Owens designing 4" heels for men in Fall 2006 line, Hedi Slimane of Dior Homme adding in his own 6.5cm heel for men, YSL selling their "Johnny Boots" with around a 3" heel like hotcakes, acne jeans of Sweden photographing men in heels in their current jeans collection, Gaultier's 2002 Fall runway showing men in kitten stiletto heels...It might help to add some credibility. Again, just a thought.

    Dude - you're like this walking encyclopedia of fashion history. It's absolutely terrific, and I'm in awe.

    Really! I couldn't do that...

  6. Sounds like you're married to the girl of your dreams! I'm best friends with the girl of my dreams. She accepts me for who I am, made her most recent pass at the possibility of us getting together less than 5 hours ago, and has been, and will remain one of the best friends I've had in the last 22 years of my life. Sadly, for me, it's just "not there" for me with her, although if I sprang the question she'd bust a gut telling me yes. Yet another girl, half as interested in me, and probably not supportive of my interest in heels (she doesn't know) commands my interest. Ain't life fickle?

  7. I'm posting this because I noticed some of you apparently enjoy watching yourselves, whether it's in pics or on YouTube. Every time I don a pair of heels, I do take a look in the mirror, but it's usually brief, just a last check that everything is coordinated, and I usually don't repeat that, but rather, go about my business. Whose experiences are the same, or different, and why?

  8. More on Rui Leonardes from KABIR. This is part One of a two part series from Kabir.


    Well, Kneehighs, from this I'm wondering if this guy is going to help us or hurt us simply to make a name for himself. What the heck is up with the bare-chested lads with bunny ears?

    What the heck does this have to do with the styles chosen by most of us who street-heel? It's appearing like he's overcrossing the line must line Jean Paul Gaultier did just to garner attention.

    Here's an idea - be normal. Find out what the men really want and simply give it to them.

    Well, I'm trying to do that through my $100 survey. I've mixed feelings about it being resurrected, but I'm willing to honor my initial promise, as I think it's worth it.

  9. this is thursday, i've been wearing these 6 inch heel cupid boots since noon and the time on this computer reads 430 and i believe it cause my feet are killin me!

    that is it.

    i am done.

    i've been wearing 6 inch heels every day since last week and not only can my feet not take it, my legs too!

    the balls on my feet are raw!

    so that's it.

    i'm done.

    i don't know how women do it in there higher than 4 inch heels, how they do it every day. i've been wearing mine and whew!

    all i can dream about is putting my feet up.

    regarding another post here on the guy thing: were can a guy wear his heels...

    how about out on the street where everone else wears their heels.

    i've been wearing mine for at least a week in the capital city and i've heard some weird comments but i've heard some good ones too.

    so who cares?

    just wear your heels in plain view.

    Yeah, this is good evidence that even a dedicated heeler can get what's called Peripheral Neuropathy

    The best solution, as is mentioned above, is to mix it up. Wearing high heels all the time is not healthy.

  10. Ok, I'll wear skirt, heeled boots, and will even re-pierce my left ear, but only if he'll let me play my bongos and run the sound board (quite good at both).

    It'd be worth it.



    Great! I bet the show had an amazing energy...

    Krapsparov said he is going to try to make the heel meet in London too.

    Hmm, maybe we can put Krapsparov in touch with Rui Leonardes...just brainstorming.

    Perfect! Someone needs to book him and his whole band for a gig in London. Yeah, it's a working trip, but it would both pay for his trip and give us all an excuse for a gathering.

  11. I don't know what the record is so far, but the longest I spent in 4" heels was from a Thursday, around 5:30 pm to Tuesday morning, around 6:30 am. I don't know if taking them off for showers counts, but if it doesn't, I was in my black leather knee-high boots, my four-inch Pelle Moda sandals, or my three and one-half inch Payless cowboy boots for a total of 96 hours, not including shower time. Why? I stayed home during a recent four-day weekend, and it just seemed like the thing to do! I'm always in heels while at home, and since the weather stunk the whole time, I didn't go anywhere!

  12. Dude, if that's the case, then please turn them on to the cause! Some idiot online continues to believe that this whole thing is being cooked up by one or two individuals, and said idiot resides in London, of all places. Considering the origen of this movement, it's original members, website, etc., I find that highly ironic.

    If anyone desires to tell said idiot what an idiot he is for denying the reality of men wearing heels, please register and post your comments Here.

    Idiocy is reserved for idealists who posses no brain. I apologize in advance for such a comment, but it's true - many idealists are apparently unable to apply any knowledge or rational thought to their decision-making processes. This is absolutely unacceptable! All governmental decisions require heavy rational and informed input, without with the decision and the outcome is doomed to failure.

    Dart boards are no substitute for logical thought.

  13. It's election day in the USA. The ads are finally over! lol. Anyway, I voted in heels. Jeans and some suede brown knee high boots (inside jeans) with 2.5" tapered heel. No events. But then it dawned on me to wear them to work and for the rest of the day. So that's what I've done - and here's the cool part. "Why are you wearing heels?" I point to the "I voted" sticker on them and say, whenever someone comments on my heels it reminds me to remind them to go vote. The people here at work are having a ball with it. Not only are they talking about my heels (and my ability to walk in them) but they are talking about doing their civic duty! And as WE all know - it's just an excuse for me to wear heels, lol.

    That's way cool!

  14. LOL.

    I'm a long way off from being a rock star!!!

    I am however gathering a following of guys wearing heels and skirts that come to our gigs.

    If nothing else, I hope I'm raising awareness to the cause.

    Cheers Jon

    Dude, if that's the case, then please turn them on to the cause! Some idiot online continues to believe that this whole thing is being cooked up by one or two individuals, and said idiot resides in London, of all places. Considering the origen of this movement, it's original members, website, etc., I find that highly ironic.

    If anyone desires to tell said idiot what an idiot he is for denying the reality of men wearing heels, please register and post your comments Here].

  15. For kicks and grins, and despite the cold weather, I decided on wearing jeans, leather jacket, thermals, and 4.5" heeled sandals, to a local festival about thirty klicks north of where I live. I went with a girlfriend who understands my penchant, and met up with a guy I knew back in 2003, about half way around the world. He was a bit taken aback, but his wife wasn't, and I proceeded in a drunken orgy to lick her toes. That's about as far as it went, but no one can say that German festivals, heels, wine, and women aren't an absolute blast, as I certainly had a good time! I'm sure she did too. Well, that was 2 am, so when reality rolled around about 10 hours later, she drove me home under far more subdued conditions. So where can a guy wear heels? Anywhere. It's how you carry yourselves which determines the outcome.

  16. I think it's genreally referred to as a "set back" heel. I don't like them, they make the foot look bigger because they increase the overall length from the tip of the toe to where the heel touches the ground. If the heel is curved inwards the impression is that of a smaller foot.

    I agree, Trolldeg. A forward-set heel looks a lot better (and walks a lot better) than a rear-set heel.

  17. Having worn heels in public on more than 1,000 occasions over the last five years, I can attest that it's a real non-issue. Restuarants, gas stations, banks, grocery stores, malls... It really doesn't matter. 99% of the time I never get a stare. The times I do it's almost always a double-take. Out of all those times I've only received two negative comments, and more than 10 times as many positive comments. I don't ask people for their opinion, they simply provide it when they want to.

  18. That's fairly myopic of the US government to ignore or attempt to oppress reality like that...

    I personally do not agree with the gay and lesbian lifestyles due to my religious convictions but as a citizen I fully support their rights to do so.

    Why the US government can't separate the two is utterly beyond me. It's not rocket science, folks - if it exists, it exists, and denying that it exists only makes the associated issues worse, not better.

    They should get with the program, acknowledge it's existence, and deal with the issues appropriately, as mature people do, rather than sticking their fingers in their ears and saying "la-la-la-la-la I can't hear you!" like 6 year olds do.

    The only thing that's been accomplished by this move is that the US Government has just made itself look incredibly immature, idealistic, and foolish, casting shame upon all Americans who're more objective.

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