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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question. My wife typically wears between a 7 1/2 to 8 Medium on her pointy toe high heels and boots. I saw a pair of thigh high boots that I cannot get in any other size other than in a 7 in which they have a more rounded toe than a pointy one and a 4" heel on them. In your opinion and from some of you who may find wearing a smaller size can work, do you think she may be able to wear these size 7 boots?

    Thanks for your opinion and feedback,


    It's between 1/2 and a full size smaller. If she has wiggle room in most 7-1/2 shoes, it's possible, but JMC is right - the only good way to find out is to have her try them on.

  2. How true, how true. And while I still haven't figured out what will look good on Rosie, I think she definitely needs wear things with Hefty on the lable.

    Me? If I looked like her and severely dissed Magnum PI in public on my own show, I'd don a 30 mil plastic garbage bag for the rest of my life.

    Seriously, she wasn't uncute in her police woman stint with Emilio Estevez, Richard Dreyfuss, and Dan Akyroid. It's the thought of everything else which puts me off.

  3. how many of those are in your size?

    can't you post some pictures of these?

    Posted Image

    DANG! Trolldeg - you scare me sometimes!

    How do you get around in those? Via nurse-pushed wheelchair?


    I have about 20 pair, between 2" and 4-1/2". Favorite height, 3-1/2". Most comfortable pair all around, surprisingly, are my 4" heeled sexy sandals. My most comfortable pair that I'd wear outside are my 2-1/2" boots. My favorite pair are my 4", two-strap wedges with a 3/4" platform - I could wear those all day.

  4. Currently, I'm in the state of mild inebriation, which is where I prefer to spend my Saturday evenings. As for where I grew up, all over, really. If I were to provide a history, the sheer coincidence that anyone would have followed my exact path is enormously low, and as I prefer to keep my clandestine status online permanent (kneehighs thinks I'm some sort of super-secret spy), I'll just say, "all over." OWWWW!!!! Dang, that arm-twisting is something fierce! Yowser! OK! I spent the first 18 years of my life growing up in the Southeast US. Since then, I've lived in 3 countries, and have visited more than thirty. (swiftly runs away...) :rocker:

  5. I guess I did not underscore the word "Theoretically" with enough emphasis. The "biologically inert" idea comes from the manufacturers of silicones and they seem to have backed off from it since the breast implant lawsuits. Your links illustrate quite graphically that the theory does not hold. This stuff is dangerous.

    I'm really sorry to have come across so abruptly, JMC. Please accept my apology. My main concern was to rapidly nip this idea in the bud, as it's acceptance has lead to countless disfigurements and many deaths.

    I appreciate you being so understanding, as well as your continued support - a definative testamony to your maturity - believe it when I say your presence here is both much appreciated and much admired!

    For the rest, yes, sometimes we moderators do not agree. We're as diverse as you are. But somewhere along the way we've learned to work together. I've logged in many times to find egg on my face. Ooops... We learn, we grow, and we move on, usually in more productive directions.

    Just an aside...

  6. Krapsparov You are looking very comfortable in that outfit and I admire how you uphold your fashion integrity despite being more vulnerable and visible to the public eye. BRAVO.

    NewfieGuyInHeels :rocker:You are looking GOOD! You are rocking outfits 2 and 3. Great color coordination, great coats...great shoes. You could go out with confidence in those outfits no doubt!

    I'll second that, particularly with outfit 3. Then again, I'm into darker colors. Two looks fine, as well.

  7. I suppose that has a lot to do with demographics in that black women in the city have larger feet than their Caucasian counterparts who live in the suburbs. That's just a guess on my part as I don't have anything in the way of facts to justify my opinions, that's just what I think.

    I spent about four years living in a southern state, and another three in the southwest, and I think that's about half the reason, as I distinctly noticed a pattern where the only Payless stores in which I could find my size were those seated in more ethnic neighborhoods. I found this held true in the midwest, as well, while visiting my folks.

    From my discussions with various Payless managers, they've said that the other half has to do with the fact that guys who like to cross-dress are attracted to cities, while those who're more into families are attracted to the suburbs.

    As an interesting aside, I carpooled with one of the ladies from work on Wednesday. She's black. On the way home, I noticed she had a pair of large high heels in the back. It was only then that I noticed her feet were larger than normal (she's my height, too). I said, "nice heels," and she said, "Thank you - would you like to try them on?" I laughed, then said, "sure" and tried them on for a minute before putting my own work loafers back on. On the way home we had a brief discussion about men wearing heels, and she said her boyfriend likes wearing her heels around the house, and wanted to know what I thought about it. I told her, "If it makes him happy and is doing no harm, I'd say indulge him!"

    As we neared my house, she said, "Can I ask you something?" "Sure," I replied. "When you were walking in the parking lot it looked like you weren't exactly a stranger to heels. I thought you'd be stumbling all over the place, but you didn't. Have you worn heels before?" I replied, "actually most men have worn heels, usually their mothers'. It's just that most men don't continue, or return to wearing heels later in life. But some do. Although it might be rare, it's just a choice of fashion."

    She asked me to prove it, so I e-mailed her some links to Rui's collection as well as a few pics of men in heels on the fashion runways.

    Her response: "I never knew..."

  8. Ahhh rebuilding the collection eh? Had to do that a few times myself before I just said oh well. Thats a nice shoe to start rebuilding your collection with.

    Me, too, about three times. For the first few years after I began wearing heels, I'd thought the wife was ok with it (heck, she even recommended it, initially, and would often say things like, "Why don't you wear your heels tonight, dear?"). Then, over a period of about three years, she'd leave for about a week, saying she wanted a divorce over my heeling, but return. Each time I'd throw out my collection, but each time she'd tell me that she was ok with my wearing heels. Almost three years ago and after the third time, I got a clue and didn't rebuild my stock.

    Sadly, she discovered her problem was that she was allergic to marriage and left anyway. About a month later, I purchased a couple pair and it's grown to about 20, today.

  9. I don't care for bows or lace, either, but I've a few pairs which would only look appropriate on a truly feminine figure, preferably wearing an evening gown. I dunno - they're just sexy, that's all.

    But amongst others I'm almost always wearing ankle or knee-high boots with either a block or tapered heel (about 1 square inch where the rubber meets the road).

    Like these (the heel is not noticeable beneath long jeans):

    Posted Image

    Or these:

    Posted Image

    Both arrived this week, and while the first pair are sexier, the second pair are terrific on many accounts, mostly due to the very high level of comfort (no scrunched toes, great fit, no riding up and down in the heel). In fact, since they arrived Monday, I've been out in them exactly three times, compared to once in the others.

    I even went grocery shopping for them in broad daylight, today! No one seemed to notice or care, particularly as I wore long, dark, nice slacks, a decent shirt, and my black leather jacket.

    Just a good, solid, well-made heel all around.

    Thank you, Franco Sarto.

  10. I personally discovered a bright "Back off NOW or I'll SHOOT!" sign in my rear window works well.

    Just kidding...

    One night around 12:30 am along a very dark and secluded stretch of Montana Interstate my wife woke me in a frenzy to tell me a truck was following us. She was doing about 80 and was in a frenzy. I told her to simply speed up as we were in a sports car and there was no way the trucker would be able to keep up, but she was afraid of having an accident. I'd had the car up to 133 mph, and it was stable as a rock, so I knew that wouldn't be an issue, but she wouldn't listen.

    So, I turned around to look at the "truck" and discovered it was an 18 wheeler without any lights on about 5 feet from our bumper.

    So, I reached into the back seat, pulled out my 1,000,000 candle power handheld searchlight that she she weekly used to bitch about my spending $30 too much for (it only cost $30), and told her to open the sun roof.

    She refused, thinking we were going too fast, so I told her, "You have three choices: Prepare to die if this idiot runs us over, speed up, or open the dang sunroof!"

    She opened the sunroof, I popped up, and "fired" the searchlight directly into his eys for about 1/4 second. He hit the brakes but started to speed up, so I fired and held the trigger.

    That worked and after the idiot backed up at least 100 yards, I turned it off.

    He started to speed up again so I told my wife, "Switch!" She put the gas on cruise and we switched seats (we did that often to save from having to pull over - I know, not very safe...).

    I dropped it into third and floored it just as he was nearing our tail at a fast clip. I honestly though he was intended on ramming us, such was the closure rate.

    Fortunately, he never got closer than about 50 feet as we left him in the dust.

    I pulled off at the next exit and called 911...

    with the idiot's license plate!

    I know he was caught because I later received a letter in the mail asking us to fill out and sign an avadavit for reckless driving and reckless endangerment against him. We did, but we never heard if he was fined, jailed, or what.

    To continue my ranting...........

    Why do people drive around with their fog lights on when it's not foggy or snowy?

    ...........and those middle lane 'hoggers' on the motorway!

    I'm not a middle lane hogger, but my foglights cast a considerable amount of light to the right and left of the road - perfect for spotting and avoiding deer while driving the backroads at night.

    I always turn them off for oncoming traffic, though.

  11. Statistics is a strange science, but it's by no means guesswork. There are very clear mathmatical rules for determining the appropriate sample size based upon the type of data being sought and the variability of that data. Since I'm not quite sure what the "researchers" were after, here are some ballpark figures for a 95% confidence interval: Total subjects: 120, broken down into 4 equal categories of both and women who have and have not worn heels. A former girlfriend once told me I walk more gracefully in heels than most women and more gracefully than when I'm wearing any sort of flat shoe. Sometimes, of course, I catch myself stomping in heels, like most guys tend to walk in heels. When I do that, I simply hold my head high, pull my chest back a touch, my hips moving forward, arching the small of my back slightly and the grace returns. I'm not effeminate by any means, but a lot of how one appears in heels has to do with how they carry themselves, male or female.

  12. after the post from a fellow member regarding the amount of men purchasing payless shoes in large women's sizes, this isn't a huge surprise. unfortunately, they keep themselves at home with them.

    i know for myself, i will not wear some of my more risque footwear outside anytime soon; pointy toed, high heeled stillettos for example...

    a couple of years back, i overheard someone talking about designers making more thing for men's fashion, because a lot of guys are tired of wearing the same old things... maybe footwear will be an eventual evolution...

    At least one, possibly two designers are doing it now. I can't recall the names of the designers, except Rui (first name only), but I'm sure kneehighs can.

    Personally, I think Payless carries the larger sizes even though they realize half the customers of their larger sizes are men. It's business! They're not snooty - they just want to sell shoes!

    What I wish is that the manufacturers would get some clues and begin designing more masculine designs. Almost all of the 4" heels in size 13 are very feminine. Many men would be happier wearing something like Harley Davidson's line of high heeled boots, such as their Nina model:

    Posted Image

    Sadly, Harley Davidson has yet to get the clue and increase their sizes beyond 11.

    Oh - and it would be nice if they changed the name from Nina to something more fitting, such as "Lean", "Dare", or "Cliff."

  13. I dont have afraid to go out with my heels, i feel ashamed cause everybody looks to me. I feel a bit afraid when some men see me walking. I usually wear my heels with a friend who like that and we go in places where i cant find anyone known...

    Instead of going with some ultra-feminine look, you might want to tone things down to simply wearing a pair of nondescript, but nevertheless high-heeled shoes.

    It's what I do on a regular basis, and as a result, I get along well with my co-workers, my subordinates, and those I hang out with after hours.

    Just think how a woman would have faired shopping on the local economy wearing Madonna's cone-shaped bra during her mid-80's version of Vogue.

    Of course it wouldn't have flown - that woman would have been looked upon like she was an idiot or violating local ordinances.

    Gradualism is the key to acceptance. Slow and easy does it. I've got lots of shoes and boots with 3" to 4" heels that escape notice because they're non-descript. If I were to show up in a 2-1/2" spagetti-strap sandel, however, I would certainly attract notice.

    The only alternative I can offer you is that you stop caring about what others think about you and wear whatever you want to wear. If you have more than several friends who'll support you through this, then you're good to go. If you don't, I'd recommend you reconsider both your support base and your plan of action, as both are very important to a successful transition from one modus operandi to another.

  14. Having seen this throughout several posts, I think we're on the verge of moving beyond a forum of obsession with heels to a forum that supports fashion freedom without obsession overtones. That's the good news, as the rest of society is keen on detecting and rejecting obsessive tendancies. If we can, en masse, move beyond this phas (some are far more ahead than others, but I think nearly all of us on this board have made progress along these lines over the years), I believe our calm steady presence will win the case for heels on men throughout society. Indeed, when I stride into a pub downtown wearing my new pair of Vanelli 3-1/2" boots as I did earlier today, take a stool, which affords all onlookers a glance at my heels, and order a beer while receiving nothing more than a smile from the staff (who know I wear heels, but who also know me as just another one of the normal Americans), then I'd like to think I've arrived. That's what happened earlier this afternoon, and one of them even asked, "new shoes?" to which I replied, "yes, I got them in the mail today." Her comment was, "those are nice - I like them." When that same staff asks you to accompany them to another pub, or a nightclub after they get off work (around 1am) knowing that they're very sober and you're wearing heels, it really underscores the fact that one's personal underlying character with respect to how they view themselves carries more weight than what they're wearing. I think that's why Prince sold so many albums despite the fact that everyone knew he was wearing heels, and Boy George did so well despite the fact that he wore makeup and appeared effiminate. It's not just because they were celebrities. Long before Ru Paul because a celebrity, he was doing much the same thing. It's because of the way he carried himself that he because a celebrity - not because of the fact that he dressed like a girl. Thousands, if not millions, have done that. But Ru Paul carried himself in a way that sold. Whether it's in the entertainment industry (Vin Diesel, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Daniel Craig, or Cameron Diaz), how a person carries themselves speaks far more about who they are, underneath, than their choice of clothing. People, Vogue, and Cosmo might not want you to believe this, but do not forget that most of their income comes from the fashion merchandisers - they have a vested interest in ensuring that you swallow their tripe and start following the fashion tips that just all too coincidentally happen to jibe with what's being offered by their major contributors. Duh. Have we become so stupid we can't see through this fallacious tripe? One of the things that most people aren't aware of is precisely how little influence the fashion designers have on the fashions adopted by the public. Less than 7% of the designs presented on the runways actually find their way into maintream retailing, and that's because the mainstream retailers aren't fooled by glamour shots of runway models wearing the whims of their designers. They know what will sell and what won't. Strangely enough, that's also one of the reasons why more stores than ever, including Nordstroms, Zappos, and many others are offering heeled shoes in sizes from 12 to 15 - because they know men are buying them, and they really don't care about who buys their products. All they're interested in is how many shoes they sell.

  15. Well, at least you're one of the members here who can use Zappos!

    Here's another outstanding resource: http://www.tallwoman.org. Check out their Shoes USA link on the left - about 30 resources are available.

    For those who're outside the US, the Shoes link on the left points to your own resources throughout the UK, Australia, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, and many other countries.

    It's an unbelievable resource!

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