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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. Good Morning Everyone -

    I wish men were as socially excepted in heels, as women are.....

    You're welcome to post anywhere on the forum. The only issue we had was with men posting prolifically in the women's area and driving the women away.

    That's the only restriction, as we've never had an issue where prolific female posting in the guys section was driving male members away. I think the occasional post by females there is quite welcomed by the guys.

    Feel free to post wherever you like!

  2. NY drivers.. if you can survive them.. you can practically drive anywhere!


    Well, I drove from the Statue of Liberty, through the Lincoln tunnel, headed North along one of the more famous streets, and wound up in Boston (our destination).

    A little harrowing, but not that bad, really, having driven all over Norther Virginia, Washington DC, and Southern Maryland for three years.

    Even Seoul, Korea, wasn't that bad.

    Italy, however, was.

    What was far, far worse, however, was Africa. In some places the roads are littered with wrecks, and to get from one place to another, about half the time you're dodging potential incomming. It's a VERY defensive environment.

  3. In the end, each person has to make his (or her) determination as to what they consider a minimum or maximum height for heels.

    Thanks for the thanks, JeffB!

    Right you are.

    I was surprised to find that the results were bimodal, with nearly equal, very distinguished peaks at 3 inches and 4 inches.

    I'd expected a more of a broader, normal distribution centered around 3.5 inches.

    Personally, I can't explain it, as we've a lot more guys here than women, so it must be something else.

    Any guesses?

  4. Incidentally, does anyone know why this was moved to the TV / TS section?


    Yes. Only TV/TS people are known to inject silicone directly into their bodies in order to modify their topology.

    Again, this is an extremely risky procedure which has resulted in many deaths. Please see the links provided earlier.

    It's handy for sealing round your bath though! :rocker:


    Or facia along the roofline of one's house, kitchen sinks, etc.

    In the body? No.

    People would be safer injecting horse manure.

  5. Strange - I never had any problems with the rice, toast, and water. I'm sure cleanup was a mess, but they usually had a full theater, and at around $5 a pop, that hires a lot of cleanup. Probably took them all night, which is perhaps why they show it last, and only once to a few times a year. I'm certain the cleanup fees are nothing more than a sizeable fraction of the net income from each showing.

  6. As I’m reading this I’m thinking YOU DID WHAT!! I guess the madness comes and goes. I really am captivated by the image stefani boots persents.

    She has committed to transition, from what I can fathom. That's a rather serious step. If that's what you want, go for it. I caution you to take at least (as an absolute minimum) of a year before you commit, as it's a rather final action. Local laws might require additional constraints.

    I can only suggest being careful and cautious and doing your best not to go overboard. I can imagine that what I suggest can be difficult, but I'm sure you can find it in you to regain control before you lose yourself. We've both looked into that particular abyss and the view isn't pretty.

    Wise words, JeffB! A personal choice of fashion is one thing. When it becomes the focus of our entire waking lives (or even any significant portion), it's no longer a choice, but has become a compulsion.

  7. Three situations: Supportive wife, no worries about what the child might tell his friends: Just be yourself. Supportive wife, but worried about what the child might tell his friends: Be cautious in your heel wear, consider more conservative styles, etc. Non-supportive wife: Regardless of whether you're concerned about what the child might tell his friends, if your wife is unsupportive, it seriously enforces whatever damage could be done with respect to what your child might tell his friends, teachers, neighbors, etc., and could cause an unsupportive wife to decide enough is enough, and leave, often with enough ammunition to obtain sole custody. If you wife knows of your heeling, let her know your concerns and ask her opinion. Compare that to your own and take the more conservative route.

  8. Like Dr1819 says,"Anywhere". Until my recent heart attack, I wore them many different places and had a ball doing so. I have had a few looks, but no personal comments yet. I intend to get back into my heels in the very near future again and do some more streetheeling. The Holidays are coming up quickly and Mickey and I do want to check out the Malls and the decorations for this year.


    Dawn HH

    Yeah! You're back!

    Welcome back, Dawn HH.

    Even lower heels are still heels! Shhh..., don't tell anyone, but one of my favorite out and about heels are a pair of 2-1/2" block-heeled boots that no one ever recognizes as heels, even when my pant leg lifts when I sit down on the train... And with leather uppers and a rubber sole and heel, I've walked in them for miles, including several 20k volksmarches.

  9. I'm gonna have to agree with Dr. Shoe. Motorcyclists have to go through graduated licence tests so why not car drivers? Any one can drive a bus on a car licence so long as it's taxed as PLG in the UK. But that would be a scary thought that someone could pass their test in a car and jump into a 33 foot double decker bus! Driver improvement lessons are pointless unless you make them compulsory.

    In the US, anything larger than say, a 15-pax van, requires special licenses, after one takes special training.

    That's not what I was talking about. What I was referring to were normal vehicles that most people drive.

    That didn't stop me from pulling an 8,500# trailer with a load-balancing hitch towed behind my GMC Yukon half way across the US. Then again, I cut my eye teeth pulling a boat trailer, so I wasn't exactly new to it...

    But what about a motorhome? About the only additional issue is that if you turn too sharp you might roll it. However, their center of gravity is remarkably low, and they're less prone to rolling than some SUVs.

  10. HA! That was funny! And true too!

    As for the subject of the thread, I definitely think that I do look good in heels, I wouldn't wear them if I thought otherwise. Put together with the right outfit (leather jacket, turtleneck and flared jeans for example), heels can not only be fashionable but daring and adventurous as well since it breaks the longstanding taboo regarding what men can and can't wear. And I like that feeling of being bold and daring when I'm out and about in heels.

    Dude, you're tempting me to try this while out on the town one night. Perhaps at the next world heel meet, but I'd have to wear my wedding ring and let them know my female wife's name before anyone would even begin to believe I was straight.

    Rather, if I can make it (work schedules are always iffy), I'll go in my usual relaxed jeans and rugby shirt, or possibly, my charcoal shirt.

  11. This is largely true; however, in some neighborhoods in Chicago (Uptown being a good example) the Paylesses only carry up to 12 and in some cases, 11. I've pretty much only found 13s in the one store in Edgewater (just north of Uptown, also closest to me), downtown, then on the south side.

    I was surprised to find that when I visited Chicago last summer (actually a 6-hour layover) that none of the shoe stores downtown carried larger sizes.

    Oh, well. It appears Chicago women are all 5'9" or less!

  12. This is one of the reasons that I am so secretive. For me wearing skirts and heels is 100% fun, its not about making a fashion statement or getting a new look, its just great fun!

    I could not enjoy the experience if I was mingling with the general public, I would feel too self-conscious, which is why I only wear my stuff out at night, at remote, deserted locations. I also do not wish to be known as a CD, which is why I keep it separate from my everyday life. Keeping my crossdressing in a separate box so to speak is my way of keeping my sanity and avoid getting into the state that several members have got into recently.

    I once felt as you, although I never really considered myself a cross-dresser.

    I think two things clenched it, though. The first was when I wore my rugby shirt with an ankle-length jeans skirt and black block-heeled boots to a sports bar in Vegas, and while I did get half a dozen second glances, I never saw a third, and when I began cheering for my team in the game, it was the same as everyone else. From the waste up I was no different than anyone else there that night. I was included in the conversation, the comraderie, and the buying of rounds.

    The second was when I first went to my favorite pub overseas in a black ankle-length skirt, black-heeled boots, and a charcoal shirt.

    The ladies who work the bar knew me well, and we'd even gone out together a couple of times as a group. This night was no exception, and even though they notice my attire, they drug me off to some all-night nightclub the same as they had when I was wearing jeans and hiking boots.

    They didn't care.

    I think most people just don't care. I think most people are used to seeing such extreme variations in fashion, on the street, in the news, in Hollywood, that a guy in heels or a skirt is not longer a shocker.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that guys no longer have to pass as a member of the opposite sex in order to wear whatever clothing they like. When I first began wearing skirts and heels, I felt compelled to do so, but I slowly realized somewhere along the way that like some women prefer clogs to sneakers, I prefer heeled boots to hiking boots. While some men prefer pants to sarongs, I prefer ankle skirts to pants.

    I even get the ones where the fly opens to the right so that if someone asks, I can say, "no it's not - it's a man's skirt. See? The fly opens to the right. Go look at her skirt - the fly opens to the left."

    Most girl's skirts do, as do most girl's shirts.

    It usually keeps them busy walking through the bar examining girls' skirts long enough for me to order another beer.


  13. Most of the women that I've attracted are:

    1. Educated--in my experience, I mean in the formal sense (BA, JD, MBA, PHD)

    2. Successful--they carry their own weight financially

    3. Professional--career driven and ambitious

    4. Past child bearing age--Occassionally I've found the easiest women to attract are the ones past their child bearing years. Then they are no longer driven by the need to fulfill their child bearing duties through the stereotypically masculine individual. Just a theory.

    I agree with on all but the last. Most of the women who've approached me with positive commetns are between 5 and 15 years younger than me.

    Most of the one's who're the same age aren't as approving, while most of those who're much older aren't very approving at all, but nearly all hold their tongue as they've learned that societal norms are simply varied.

    One of the most positive comments I received recently came from a 26-year old (17 years my junior), who said, "Well hell - I think if Lenny Kravitz is secure enough in his masculinity to wear heels, you've got nothing to worry about!"

  14. In my case wearing high heels is about 75% sexual 25% about self expresion. Maybe if it was a true fashion statement I might feel different. Once while visiting Tarpon springs Fla. A man walked out of a video store wearing what appeared to be 4" stilettos. EVERYONE NOTICED. I know. I was there. He got whistled at, passer byes were honking horns and a lot of guys said things like hey baby watcha doin later.

    One thing you have to understand is that Florida has a special case of redneck. Having lived there a decade in my youth, I'm qualified to say this. It's the stupid, loud-mouthed redneck.

    Not all Floridian rednecks belong to this particular sub-specius of homo sapiens, only those who truly qualify as homo-phobic sap-headians. They're generally recognized by crude, uneducated comments yelled in slurred commentary while drinking beer at 10am in the morning. Other clear signs include the distinct lack of intelligent females anywhere within 5,000 feet, and either the lack of any upper body clothing, or the presence of upper-body clothing that would not qualify as such at most McDonald's restaurants.

    This sub-species widely believes the term "Chad" refers to a guy they knew in school. They're unaware that it's a country, or that it refers to a tiny piece of paper created by voting punch machines, primarily because they failed geography and most have never registered to vote, much less actually voted. To them, voting day is simply an excuse to get off work early and head to the river where they do really stupid things with boats which cost more money than their houses.

    Some of these people are actually rather athletically inclined, but most loose life or limb because their mental faculties are not sufficient to either recognize or protect them from the overachievements of what academic abilities they do have. Others succumb to the "get check" syndrome, whereby each evening as they pass out due to their massive consumption of beer, they check their gut one last time while reclining in their favorite easy chair. Naturally, as their guts continue to grow, it takes a huge toll on their athletic skills, until most headed this way depart the Earth well ahead of their appointed time.

    Some, amazingly enough, are partially reformed, usually as a result of receiving the news from a doctor that they have adult onset diabetes as a result of their massive alcohol consumptions over the years. Scared of dying, they remain both ignorant and stupid, yet are able to adopt the few key behaviors, including watching their diet (most of the time) and giving themselves insulation shots, both measures helping them to remain alive for an appreciable fraction of their genetic lifespans. Most, however, never learn to exercise, as it's just to much effort, and besides, the welfare check is just enough to cover the cost of hiring a 9-year-old to mow one's lawn (I think I made more that summer than some of them. Got in shape, too!).

    All in all, a rare breed, but one that apparently is highly concentrated in certain areas of Florida, and to a lesser extent through the Southeast United States.

  15. By problem is my calves are just to dang big for a women's boot or the new pencil legged womens/girls jeans. I do prefer the tighter fit and lower rise of women's jeans - but I need that (unfortunately) going out of fashion boot cut.


    Fitzwell (Zappos) has a number of boots with very wide calves in sizes to 13 and a few in 14.

  16. I agree with you here, Dr. Shoe, and wanted to throw in my ten bucks!

    I don't have any problem pointing people in the right direction.

    I take issue with those who refuse to follow the answer and instead plop themselves down in the poppy fields and continue to ask the same questions.

    There's a solution: GOOGLE

    The problem is, some people aren't into solutions - they're only into their own problems. They're happier being the center of attention with a problem and lots of people coming to their aid rather than simply standing up and opening the door that's right in front of them.

    They're misery lovers, pure and simple, and they wallow in misery!

  17. IMO this is how it should be. You pass a basic driving test and then drive with probation plates on for the first year. You are not allowed on motorways without an instructor, you cannot drive a 4X4 or a minibus without an instructor and if you get caught for speeding or any other motoring offence you have to do another test and another year as a probationer.

    Er... I'd have to disagree with you Dr. Shoe.

    I started driving when I was 15. In the last 500,000 miles I've driven over the last 28 years, and in 9 countries, I've had precisely ONE accident, despite the fact that I began with a "boat" from the 1960s, have owned one SUV, and two sports cars.

    The accident I did have was my skimming the side-rail on a bridge to avoid a much more slowly moving car that swerved into my lane at the last second (I was going the speed limit - he was going about 40 below the limit).

    I actually managed to avoid the other car, and stopped without injury to anyone - just a banged up automobile and a bent bridge rail.

    So, no, I don't think tons of graduated licensing requirements is the answer. I think a good driving program in high school is the answer, combined with removing driving privalages until people have passed remedial training for those who cause accidents.

    Sound driving skills can be learned.

    I'm also a firm believer of reduced insurance for those willing to take periodic driver improvement programs, such as defensive driving courses. They do make people better drivers, better at recognizing accidents about to happen, and better at avoiding them before it's too late.

    My father has easily driven more than 1,000,000 miles, also in a few countries.

    He's had only one accident as well, when a guy ran a red light as he was going through a green. Even then, he managed to turn a broadside against the passenger door into a right-front quarter impact.

    My point is that not everyone (not even most) needs to jump through super-expensive hoops to obtain driving privalages - some are just self-taught.

  18. For the days when it was a style thing, and not a chapter in the psych's book of nonsense...

    Ain't that the truth!

    I've done a good bit of lay counseling over the years, and having worked with several good friends who're either psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, or marriage and family therapists, we've all come to the conclusion that those who wrote the DSM-IV havent' the slightest clue as to how fashion has varied throughout the ages, or even throughout the world's present.

    They should rip their noses out of the fashion world and stick to hard science, such as schizophrenia and other real disorders.

    Some people skydive. Some people edit encyclopedias. I guarantee you both occur in far lesser proportions than men who wear skirts of heels, so, statistically speaking, skydivers and encyclopedia editors are more absnormal than crossdressers, and deserve their own special chapter in the DSM-IV!

    Ernest Borgnine collected stamps - probably the only actor in the history of Hollywood who did. Does that mean he should be committed?

    Seriously, I strongly suspect the folks that wrote the DSM-IV were being strongly pressured from certain mentally obsessive-compulsive conformists who want a perfect, uniform world - their uniform, and I also strongly suspect about half the folks who wrote the DSM-IV were themselves possessing of these obsessive-compulsive disorders.

    As for the clinicians who refer to the DSM-IV like it's a holy bible of psychology, phooey! Their idiots, unable to think for themselves and realize 9 Billion people will never fit into a two-inch-think book.

  19. Yeah, I know, but that's not the cause. It won't stream/download, and Firefox locks up.

    Try this (from this forum, after searching on RealPlayer):

    OK, I just recently did a clean install of Edgy Eft 6.10 on my laptop, so at the prompting of your post, I decided to re-install RealPlayer as well. I don't often have a need for it, but sometimes it is handy. Here is what I did:

    1) Go to http://www.real.com and in the upper right is RealPlayer for Linux.

    2) Download the file RealPlayer10GOLD.bin to a folder of your choice. I chose ~/bin.

    3) From a command line Terminal: Code:

    $ cd ~/bin

    $ chmod +x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

    $ ./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin

    4) Follow the prompts. I chose to install RealPlayer in the default location (current directory) ~/bin/RealPlayer

    5) Open Firefox. Check about:plugins and you should have: Quote:

    Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible

    File name: /home/youraccountname/bin/RealPlayer/mozilla/nphelix.so

    Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible version built with gcc 3.2.0 on Jul 18 2006

    MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled

    audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer Plugin Metafile rpm Yes

    6) The first time you click on a Real Media type file while browsing, Firefox will prompt you to "Open with" or "Save to disk". In the "Open with" dropdown box, click Other and browse to ~/bin/RealPlayer/realplay. You can check the box for "Do this from now on" if you wish.

    So it appears that your plugin is installed correctly, and it may just be step 6 that has gone haywire. In that case, go to Edit > Preferences > Content > File Types > Manage... and remove the download action for any RealMedia document types you see there. That should cause Firefox to re-prompt you with the "Open with" or "Save to disk" dialog box whenever you next click on a RealMedia file. Then you can just repeat step 6.

  20. They look like magic shoes.

    I can understand you not wanting to take them off, even tho they are not very high. gorgeous.

    It's interesting you mentioned that. But which ones are you talking about? The Vanelli thin-heeled boots, or the thicker-heeled Franco Sarto loafers?

    I'm not personally into magic, but I've really been enjoying the Harry Potter films lately. The boots are precisely 3-1/2" in my size. The heel is taller in the larger sizes, as it was advertised as a 3" heel.

    As for "gorgeous," the black leather strap is hidden beneath my long jeans, as is the heel. I know - a hideous choice among you truebloods, but it suits my conservatism.

    The last thing I did while wearing them last night was to unbend the sign that directs traffic onto my street, as more than half the people have missed the bent sign, turning directly into the oncoming lane of traffic or missing the exit altogether and illegally backtracking down a one-way street.

    A passerby stepped in to help, as signs appear to be made of some pretty touch metal, and I couldn't unbend it myself! I don't think he ever noticed my heels, hidden as they were beneath my long jeans.

    No, this wasn't in broad daylight, but that interesection is well-lit and well-travelled, and with the sign in it's previous condition, it was an accident waiting to happen.

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