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Posts posted by dr1819

  1. In my opinion, 'sexiness' of a pair of heels isn't only about how-high the heel is, but also about over-all shape, namely, how steep the arch is (which is probably related to heel-height, but not-always ):

    case-in-point -

    Shown-above are what I consider to be BERNADETTE's 2 sexiest pair of heels:

    at-Left are Bright Pink 5.5"-heels from LESLIE'S (#7114 ), and at Right are Hot Pink 6"-heels from ELLIE (#8260 ).

    Although the shoes at Left are shorter heel-height, they are also 'shorter', from heel-tip to toe-tip, too, causing the arch to take-on an extreme angle between the heel and ball of the foot, much-steeper than the sole of the 6" pump:

    I believe this probably causes more 'arch-cleavage', too, which is a whole-'nother subject!

    While she can wear neither heel for walking due to her very small/short feet, they are sexy-as-Hell.

    I think the curves on the vamp only add to the effect!

  2. Sorry guys & galls....For my 2 peneth...I much prefurr the old style PHP forum layout..theres way too much going on within this forum layout,its just too 'busy',prime example,you can only post 4 images per message "why"??? Its also a lot harder to find you way arround this forum and a lot of the new icons (new posts / popular threads etc) are so misleading you dont know whats going on...

    Please bring back the old style PHP forum...its sadly missed!


    PS:Although this is classed as a whinge...I am glad this forum is here,just HATE the current format!

    Well, I'm happy you're glad it's here, as it was dying on the other web host.

    The good news is that the new admin is also a dedicated heeler and member, and as an additional bonus, runs other sites on this web hosting company, and also works at the company which is hosting this website.

    In summary, we couldn't have a better "inside man" if we tried!

    Plus the price (free) is right.

    Another website on which I'm a moderator migrated from php to vBulliten, and it was confusing at first. Then one day, about 100 posts later, I went "oh - this isn't so bad at all," as I'd learned my way around the new format.

    Over time, if you post often enough, this site will quickly seem that way to you, as well.

    As for the four picture limit, it was needed to curb the "voluminous posting" which had some people posting 30 pictures in one post. That's a bit excessing, and contrary to the main purpose of the board as a discussion forum about high heels, not necessarily a personal venue for self-exposition.

    I do hope you understand! :evil:

  3. I was just over there, I could read but not post.

    Considering that the people on that site are use to being told what they are suppose to like. The number of narrow minded posts should not be a surprise.

    I did not see any threads on my other favorite fashion topic men in skirts. That should really spin'em up and then combine men in skirts with heels should send'em over the edge.

    -- Brandy

    Well, I wear skirts!

  4. I had the same reply from my parents. I said: "I didn't ask whether you loved me or whether I was welcome in your home, I asked what you thought of what I do." "Well, in the bible ...", my mother started. I changed the subject at this point.

    Yes, I'm quite familiar with the Bible, as I've read it through several times, and certain passages many times.

    It really isn't as horrible as one might think, and I find it very interesting that Jesus hung out with the prostitutes, tax collectors, and "street people," not the religious leaders of the day, who were, in fact, his largest target as they held a lot of condemnation in their hearts, with little, if any, love for their fellow humans. They were more interesting in following the rules to a T than they were in loving others, meeting them where they needed it most.

    I also find it interesting about the frequency of passages as they relate to certain words or concepts:

    Crossdressing: 1 (Deut 22:5)

    Love: 697

    Hate: 128

    God: 3,930

    Jesus: 1,277

    Israel: 2,378

    Forgive: 116

    Thus, when one looks at things from a frequency perspective, it appears God's primary emphasis was on himself, with a secondary emphasis on his chosen people, with a tertiary emphasis on their Saviour, and a quaternary emphasis on the message of love. Crossdressing is perhaps last on his list, and there's some serious doubt as to whether the occasional or partial wear of clothing "primarily" intended for the opposite sex constitutes crossdressing anyway, if it is/was worn by the same sex in other places and times.

  5. Unfortunately, they still seem to hide in the closets due to the perceived fear of ridicule... Men, GET OUT and taste some fresh air! :D

    Yes, definately!

    And if you're worried about being seen, put on a pair of long jeans and make it some night air!

    Here is part of a follow up email sent to me by this beauty. On the night I met her, I was wearing this outfit, with a few minor modifications.

    In the last sentence, she makes a joke about me being a waiter because her friend who had absolutely ZERO fashion sense, thought I was an employee of ONE. :evil:

    You know, I booked this as my favorite post. Not just because I get to see a friend getting his picture taken next to a cute girl, but because I get to stare at one of the most naturally gorgeous babes I've seen in ages!

  6. Having not studied statistical math, I find it a little difficult to follow your argument. But my "gut feeling" is that yer 10% estimate may in fact be low - especially in light of the fact that very few store personnel even give a guy a second glance when they shop for heels these days.

    That and the fact that women shop more than men, you may very well be right, Guy N. Heels!

    Actually, I expect you are. I should have put "as a minimum,..."

  7. this feeling of "liberation" will grow more insistent in its demand the more often we wear heels in public...of, course, there may be occasional unpleasant experiences but, based on my own ongoing adventures the admiration and encouragement of others will underpin, strengthen and expand the anticipation of what each next day will reveal...we really are travelling through "an undiscovered country" ...



    When more masculine heels are made that don't look like stubby-toed boots worn by 8th-graders, and they're marketed to men using a slow 2 to 5 year "rising heels" approach, I think you're going to see a lot more men wearing heels.

    It would help to have more serious, believable, "normal" icons wearing heels. Prince, Michael Jackson, and Dennis Rodman, all heel-wearers from time to time, haven't exactly furthered the cause because of their other eccentricities. Now if Ashton Kucher should start wearing low, but noticeable heels, say, 2-1/2 to 3 inches, along with a few others of his genre...


    The trend would be off and running.

  8. I took the opportunity to wander the streets last night wearing my black ankle skirt, hh boots, and my hair a little spiked. I also wore a pair of earrings and just some basic makeup, fake boobs, and that's it. Lots of kids running through the neighborhoods with their parents. I didn't get a single second look! I headed downtown and there were a few costumed characters in the local establishments, including several guys wearing heels. I felt sorry for them - probably the only day of the year they feel they can do that in public! I had a beer then walked home. Again, not a single stare or double-take. There were two girls who sat down beside me and started a conversation, though. When I answered, and it was obvious I was male from a lower voice, their eyes did go wide and they said "nice costume!" One reached out and pinched my "tittie" and said, "wow - are those real?" It was half of a squishy toy my son used to own, and I pinched it and said, "sure feels that way, doesn't it?" I think they were a little freaked out, for they began to look like they couldn't decide whether I was a man or a woman, so I pointed to one of the guys trying to walk up the stairs in heels (he was having a little trouble), and said, "will you look at him? He's all dressed up like a girl!" and laughed a bit. This really confused them and one asked, "What's your name? I'm Carol." I gave her a "Hi, Carol. I'm Denise." At this point they actually appeared to relax. Yeah, they concluded that I was a husky-voiced girl. So, to allay any further mind-benders, I cleared my through a bit and went up two-thirds of an octive and they were even more relaxes. I didn't try any feminine gestures, as many women don't have any feminine gestures anyway, and unless you're really feminine, comes across as fake anyway. Well, back to the threa topic, yes I saw guys in heels last night!

  9. Ok I feel a little bad creating a new post for my tiny argument but sometimes I feel a little cheated by the high heels on the red carpet.

    I think high heels are fantastic and the higher the heel the better to me.


    Although this is difficult to explain I will try, below is a link to a close up shot of Jennifer Lopez's feet in a remarkable pair of 4.5 to 5 inch pumps in a strange fishnet/paisley pattern as shown

    The heel is the problem, I like the look of it but it seems to run straight down almost vertically from the back of the shoe thus creating a much higher heel.

    The heel in the nex pic

    Shows the type of heel I (and many other I presume) know and love, which curves slightly toward the arch before sloping downward.

    Heels with the 'vertical' heel look so much taller but not as 'sexy' to me and I was wondering what other peoples views were, maybe there is a name for this type of heel and I just don't know it.

    Am I right or just too observant?

    I think the more rearward heels do look taller, but J-Lo's heels really are angled more than the black example.

    I think the black example is sexier due to the curves. It's certainly better for your ankles, ergonomically, as there's less forward torque on your ankle each step you take.

    Here's a pair I'm wearing right now. Notice how forward the heel is. Even though they've a full 4 inches, they're much easier to walk in than other pair of 4 inch heels I own.

    Posted Image

    The heel doesn't look very high, but it really is, and the shoe is very sturdy. I've walked more than two miles in this shoe with no issues.

  10. Yup, you've got it! Yule Brenner wearing a beautiful skirt as Pharoah, Richard Burton wearing a battle skirt as Marc Anthony, and Charlton Heston as Ben Hur but men in skirts today? Almost everyone starts hollering "gay" and stuff like that.:D Stop the world, I want off.:evil:

    And when one watches those movies, I'll bet not one person thinks, "Oh - he's wearing a skirt."

    Then again, these men were more masculine than most in both looks and behavior, so that offset the skirt quite a bit, I'm sure.

    And now we have new movies, cartoons, by Disney no less, depicting boys and men wearing MUGs.

    Perhaps it will catch on to the point where we start seeing skirts and heels in the men's section.

    Something like this would be nice:

    Posted Image

    Especially when paired with this:

    Posted Image

  11. Interesting. When things between my wife and I became untenable about five years ago, I had my ears pierced. Then again, she was emasculating. About a year later, I let the holes close and while sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get them re-pierced, I've not done so for now. Still wear skirts and heels, though - I'm wearing them now, which is great of the numerous costumed characters who keep ringing my doorbell...

  12. Down to brass tacks, I enjoyed wearing my mom's 3" heeled Italian boots as a kid. That's pretty much it, no trauma, nothing else going on. Nothing homosexual, wanting to be/look like a woman. She had 'em where I could ware 'em and that's pretty much it. I liked it. I discovered much later, through a professional counselor, that this is quite normal for men, although not statistically "normal," that it's quite common. My wife didn't buy it and divorced me anyway. Ugh! I HATE stupid people.

  13. DR1819

    Excellent posts. Basically the members of this board just need to get out there and do it. Mind you, I gather from all your posts that you do not go for the overly femenine styling and IMHO, this is how we should proceed.

    Take a leaf out of the ladies book, wear the appropriate shoes for the outfit and time of day. No woman would wear heels, stiletto or otherwise, to go walking in the countryside! Yet if we wish to wear stilettos, but have yet to come out in such style as Kneehighs, that is where we go. Here in the UK, it is rare to see women doing their normal daily routine, shopping - school run - and so on, wearing thinner heels. If they wear a heel at all, then it will be a block type. Thin (and high) heels seem to be reserved for partying when they come out in force. Even women working in offices wear conservative heels in the 2-3" range and with a femenine style, but not too thin or too high. They do not like the label of "Tarty" that can be easily assigned to them by their colleagues.

    Sure you can wear stilettos if you desire and can carry it off, but get yourself a pair of 3" block heel ankle boots and wear them under your pants (and they don't have to drag in the floor either, and you will get used to a higher heel whilst avoiding the inevitable wobble from the less than perfect surfaces.

    Through the various contributions to this board I took the descision about this time last year to wear my shoes and boots all the time. I wear from 3" to 3.5" thick heels shoes and boots to work every day and enjoy the lift but relish the stability that comes with the wider heel. I have enjoyed every minute of it and has taken the edge of the desire so that I wear what is appropriate, either mans or womans footwear.

    It is about time more of us stopped just talking about it, and just got on with wearing. This is how change comes about, talking about it just wont change attitudes, seeing it done well does as has been proved by several of the board. Join in and come out of the closet, it is less stuffy outside.


    Dude. Thighboots2. Wow, awesome. This is exactly what I've been talking about over the last several years.

    A pronounced, yet subtle approach that says "men wear heels" but "not in your face."


    And Thank You! A tribute to more of us who should just "do it."

    I've eagerly read and enjoyed your outings, dr1819, thanks for sharing them here. Judging from how you've been approached and conversed with strangers says to me that you not only maintain confidence, but have an easy to know type of personality. Traits that will only favor you as you continue wearing heels wherever you care to. As you stated earlier on, one man you saw in heels appeared befuddled and gave off a kind of vibe that did not invite conversation, too bad for him, he's missing out. To me, like most here, wearing heels out of the house is fun but far more enjoyable when there's some interraction with others. BTW, I have yet to see another man in heels or skirt in public.

    I'm grateful for the information passed by talking with the salesman at Payless as well. They consistently come out with new styles in at least a size 12 and some in 13. Hopefully, their market analysts will conclude they have a market to tap with larger sizes.

    Please keep this thread going with your reports. I'm glad kneehighs talked you into relating some of your adventures.

    Thanks for the comments. I'd like to think that those who're condescending are the ones more prone to wear heels if they had half a chance and the one's who're more supporting are those who already do!

    Air Fare - What to Wear for Halloween?

    Halloween came late for me, last night, to be specific. Sure, I had the parties last weekend, which were a lot of fun. But the real test, the real Halloween came when I wasn't trying to disguise myself but rather, to simply be myself.

    However, I'm male, so "myself" isn't female. Nevertheless, it's Halloween, so I crossed the line, just a bit, hoping to have some fun without it getting flipped back into my face.

    Just for tonight, I re-pierced my ears (ouch, but oh, well, as I'd soon be drinking), and stuck in a pair of dangles. Next, the hair - a little gell and uplift and it looked like that of half the progressive girls in town. A good shave (yeck), some very light makeup (I've a small nose and large lips - the most work I need is with my eyebrows which are decidedly non-feminine, but are very light and not necessarily masculine, either). Eyeliner, shadow, and some of the rest of the gucky stuff that guys are very smart for not having given into using to any significant extent outside of theater and stage!

    Next came the shirt - a simple black long-sleeved polo-collared shirt. Covering a bra, of course, with two small "boobs" created from my son's squishy toy, cut in half (he won't miss it). Waist nipper, courtesy of some company I'd ordered from long ago, my black denim and belted ankle-length skirt, one of my wife's more girly interlooped belts (which now fit me thanks to my weight reduction). My nails were still done since last week ("barely" past the tips of my fingers - can't even tell they're done without polish), so I re-applied Revlon Pure Peal 020, another of my wife's leftoevers, and walla - I had nails again.

    I "topped" it off with my black leather boots with 4" heels. Kind of worn, these days, but still fit well, and a known entity, so I went with them. I borrowed a small purse from a girlfriend (she's a good friend, a girl, so she's a girlfriend, just not a "girlfriend," if you know what I mean (although, to be really confusing, for a short time she really was my girlfriend)), loaded it with an ID card, credit card, cash, taxi card, and headed downtown.

    Right through neighborhoods of parents excorting their kids for Halloween.

    Nary an eye turned my way, as they probably thought I'm just some woman escorting her kids through the neighborhood or walking point A to point B. Plus, it's Halloween, so more variations from normal would certainly be allowed...

    Then I arrive at my favorite bar, down which I have to descend two flights of stairs into what looks like an old underground bunker but which the owner assures me was built prior to WWI simply as a cold storage of wine and beer fermenting casks.

    Quite the most cool place

    These days it holds about fifty people max, tons of conversation, a pool table, three semi-private rooms for less rocked (stereo) conversation, a pair of bathrooms, the proverbial bar, and the stairs which get you into and out of this crypt.

    Tonight - totally packed, which means I'm rubbing everything with everyone, guy and girl, just to get to a squizzle between two people seated at the bar.

    I ordered a beer, and about three minutes later, it was delivered, and the two guys on either sides were replaced with girls. Very lovely girls. As I mentioned in another thread, they didn't know whether to make me as a guy or girl, at first, so I tended towards the girl (I have some feminine features, including a short, turned-up nose and wider than average hips). They were iffy at first, but I joined in the conversation fully when I raised my voice about two-thirds of an octave, and their acceptance passed the passable line. Woe is me!

    I conversed about all the things girls normally talk with girls about for about 35 minutes before I'd had enough (I'm not a gyrl), so I ordered a second beer and started talking with one of the guys who was dressed as a "hoagland" (whatever the heck that was - looked like a walking breadloaf). When he began hitting on me I called it a day and sailed out of there, finishing my second beer and walking home. Not my idea of fun, as I'm not of that persuasion.

    I stopped by my recent girlfriend's, as she knows of my penchants and wanted to give her a show. She was non-plussed, a bit distant, and after about five minutes, called it a night. At least the hug was there.

    Disappointing. But realistic.

    There are others out there...

  14. Such treasured pics will always be in my photobucket account.

    As soon as time permits, I'll be uploading many of these pics to The Gallery section here as well. In effect, creating two databases of information, in case one ever "breaks down."

    Now, I'm off to the Heel Meet. Thank God its stopped raining (for the moment).

    Perfect! Please let me know if you need any help.

    Enjoy the heel meet!

    God, if this weren't the week for inspections, I'd BE THERE!!!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!

    Taking my medication.....

    Just kidding and having a glass of wine...

  15. Kneehighs – What’s the big deal? Doesn’t everyone walk into DSW wearing black leather thighboots with 5” stiletto heels and try on other boots (with a video crew tagging along)? :evil:

    Apparently not...

    I wish I had a foot small enough to try on stuff but it has to be at least a 12 before I’ll even try.

    Me too!

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