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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. I just got back from seeing Toy Story 3. Hands down it was the best film (not just animated) I've seen this year. I highly recommend it.

    One of the most memorable characters in the film is Ken, Barbie's companion. I thought that he was hilarious. What's funny is that even though he isn't actually supposed to be a gay toy, he is portrayed as an over the top cliche gay character.

    One particular scene there involves him and high heels. The audience during that scene was roaring with laughter. It was funny on the one hand. On the other, I had 2 interpretations of it:

    1) The makers of the film were trying to send a message of "whatever floats his boat".

    2) How "gay" it's considered for a man to wear heels in society these days.

    I would like to hope that option 1 was the intent but I'm more inclined to believe that option 2 was it.

    Either way, enjoy the film. I loved it!

    I've not seen it although I enjoyed the first two.

    Frankly, if Option 2 was the Director's intention, then the 'Board Of Film Censors' should have banned the film for making discriminatory inferences...and sending out sexist messages. There is no Law in any Country that forbids the wearing of high heels by men, and so any inference that it is 'gay' (in the homophobic sense) is illegal.

    If this is so, then the film should be banned until this scene is fixed.

    However, if the Director is inferring that high heeled men are GAY...in the dictionary sense of 'fun' or 'happy'....then that's OK.

    On the other hand....we can just ignore it and let all our 3-7 year olds get brainwashed into homophobic thinking from an early age..............

    (That's my contentious contribution for the day done now..........:wave:)

  2. So we will see how they gonna match with black ones :wave: But... there's no reason not to buy white pumps :) Or any other matching. I have a few types. Could you help me?

    BW Zanottis platform sandals: http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260615578441

    White Zanottis platform pumps with red heel http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&Item=280519505809

    1969 white pointies: http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230484542273

    1969 white plat pumps http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230487340895

    Gio very light beige sandals http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280520868430

    Gio rosa pumps http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230487420914

    So any ideas? Probably second won't match at all but they are nice so decided to post them. And as well as 1969 white pointies they don't have platform which actually bored me a little. Time to pointies again :clap:

    1, 5 and 6! The Zanotti black and white platforms are amazing...and the beige sandals and the pink pumps are both gorgeous. Any...or ALL...of these would be fabulous with your purple jeans.

  3. Heidi is so cute that way!!! If I were there with her, she would be like my little sister all bundled up. I like her style though, as long as she is comfortable wearing what she wears because despite being "wrapped" up, she has a nice fashion sense.

    My goodness Pussinboots......you're bombarded with fetish lovers, lol. Haha. That's why I don't post up images of myself all over the place, especially of me with a high heel/foot fantasy. No way. Only my close friends can see me like that. If it was a classy image of me, I probably wouldn't mind but just the Internet can get crazy when someone sees your picture.

    Karen...all I model is high heels! I don't do anything 'smutty'...it's just photos of feet and legs. It's the minds of the folks who view them......:wave:

    ...and yes, I agree with you....Heidi has style!

  4. Pussyinboots:-)

    I know just what you mean as I many times also have gotten my heel tips caught in pavement cracks or caught in hot tar filled cracks through the years. I didn't need any assistance but it sure was embarrassing when you took a step and walked right out of your shoe before you could stop your forward motion. Dancing around on one foot and trying to retrieve your shoe and place it back on your foot wasn't that exciting for me.


    Dawn HH

    Dawn...Yes, it's SOO embarrassing isn't it? For some reason though, a lot of men find it very sexy to see a girl unwittingly stepping out of her strappy slingback......and leaving it behind in the goo.

    Also, lots of guys find it sexy to see a girl struggling with spinning tires when her car is stuck in the mud too.......:):wave:

  5. Yeah, exactly. I find myself extremely comfortable in 5" heels. In 6" heels, I can walk comfortably, so no problems with that. But for some reason, the 7" and on, including ballet heels are tough for me. I'll wobble more frequently, but I still able to walk with 7". Ballet heels, forget it. I tried my friend's ballet and don't know how she can walk in them. I'll just wear it to bed, heehee.

    Me too...there's an art to wearing Ballet's in bed without ripping the sheets with your heel tips!!:wave:

  6. first I should know what you understand with *long term* :wave:. The most seem to have absolutely unreal expectations. though it is no wonder considering a lot of sites telling things, especially concerning their *balletheel-trainings* which might sound good for a fetishist but simply aren´t true. You would not believe how many models and webmasters have written me in these years honestly asking me for some advice what to do to enable walking on balletheels for longer than 5 minutes - while reading the text on their sites I was sure they would go daily shopping on those boots!

    there are only some very few who can wear these for longer. And those who can, should be aware of the danger of the moving our feet and bones are not meant for. I know at least of two models which were really talented in my opinion but did it simply too often - it took appr. 1-2 years they cannot walk balletheels anymore.

    Generally: I did not see any correlation btw beeing able to stand at the first time and beeing able to walk for longer. For elegant walk, yes, but not for how long one can walk on those. There are some balletheel walkers which move like a duck (NOT in water :) ) - but they can do it nearby for hours. so who cares if they have their fun on balletheels :clap:.

    'Pata'....thank you for these words of wisdom! So often, I see posts and comments from people who claim that they can spend ALL DAY wearing and walking in 6" and 6.5" heels...and from those who say that they can walk easily in Ballet Heels too.

    It is very refreshing to hear an expert say the truth....that extreme heels are difficult to walk in, they require a lot of practice, and put an un-natural strain on the wearer's feet, ankles, legs and hips.

    I have a weakness in my left leg, a result of a lumbar disc injury which I have had for years. I can easily wear, and walk in, high heels up to 4" or 4.5", however, anything above this height and I am in need of a rest after about 1 hour.

    Ballet Heels are a particular challenge for me. Whilst I can happily wear them for 2 or 3 hours if I only have to sit or stand still in them, I find walking in them much more difficult.

    Do you have any suggestions as to how I can retain a good balance, with one leg that becomes tired more quickly than the other?

  7. What kind of tricky and possibly sexy situations you have seen girls with theirhigh heels? False steps :wave: ? Too high or thin heels - or wrong places for heels? Girls too drunk to walk on high heels or maybe too inexperienced walkers?

    Have they ever need help from outsiders to get over their heel-difficulties? And have you ever helped anybody?

    My own personal experiences include getting my heel tip caught in pavement cracks.....my heels sinking into soft tar in hot weather....slipping on ice in the Winter.....and getting my car stuck in the mud whilst driving in high heels. There was no way I could push it....or walk around the back to put something under my stuck tires to stop them skidding. That did require some outside help which was most gratefully received.

  8. If that is the case, I will have to work harder to prevent any smell at all from escaping from my boots, especially now, during the warmer months! Any tips?

    The IT staff are still doing their major rewiring of the office lab now that new drywall has been put up and the lab has had a facelift. I never know when the boys from IT might need to come back to my lab workstation while I am working there. Today I have worn a pair of wool socks up against my skin. Wool is great for absorbing any sweat. Then I have pantyhose over that before having my fur lined high heel boots wrap up my calf and feet. I am hoping no smell can escape, otherwise I would turn beet red with embarrassment!

    Goodness Me...you're wrapped up for Winter! Do you live and work in cold climate then Heidi??

    My 'tip' would be, don't wear boots in the warmer months...wear strappies.

  9. Hold on a second, you mean some guys like to smell girls shoes??? Is this a common thing???

    I am asking because as a girl who is not good at walking in very high heels but loves to wear heels, I usually wear a pair of knee high boots to work that has a 3 inch heel. To offset the very high heel, I found a pair of boots with a thick fur lining for padding. I also wear pantyhose and thick socks for even more padding. Some guys seem interested in trying to convince me to take my boots off but I thought they were just playing around ............

    Yes...it's a VERY common foot fetish. I have Galleries on 'Flickr', and I receive dozens of messages everyday from guys who want to 'smell' my feet and toes (and do other unspeakable things to them as well)....and these fetishes always involve the insides of my shoes that are worn regularly.

    Each to his own I say....................

  10. Things are pretty much the same where I live. Summer often means the girls in 'flip-flops'...mainly because they are comfortable and reasonably easy to walk in. Not to mention...cool on the foot too. Ladies who have full-time jobs still wear pumps or flats in Summer as their work demands, but you'll see the young Mum's, young girls still at school or perhaps just not working, going for a more relaxed style....usually 'flip-flops'.

    I do not like wearing them as everyday shoes. More than anything else, I think that they look sloppy, and also my feet get dirty very quickly.

    In Summer I will always wear heels. Up to 3.5" for everyday wear, normally a strappy sandal or a clog mule. Kitten heels are wonderful Summer heels. On occasions I will be brave and put on a pair of clear stripper mules...with a short skirt, a Summer skirt/dress or even when I wear jeans. They will be no more than 4" though.

    Boots are very rare for me in the Summer.

  11. It may pay you to wait until you can afford to go to the repairer.

    The difficulty you will have, is the nails/screws that are punched very firmly into the heel from the top of the heel inside the boot...they go down about 2 to 2.5" into the heel itself.

    A GOOD Shoe Repairer, will remove the inner sole inside the boot, and then use a special tool to heat the nails so that they pull out easily....then he will cut the heel where it is glued to the rest of the boot, and remove the entire heel as one unit. Leaving a heel-less boot.

  12. What other pair do you own? Could you post some actual pics of the one I ordered????

    Well...it's taken about 8 weeks or so, but finally, here are the photographs that I promised of the metal spike 6" sandals by 'Sharp-Heel' of China. They are branded as 'Nice-Lady' heels and are VERY high!

    As you can see, the person who kindly bought these for me got the size wrong....and bought me a 39 (UK 6) instead of a 38 (UK 5)...which is obvious at the back of my heel. However, they still look amazing.......





  13. Although 'Stripper' heels come in for a lot of criticsm, so too do 'Designer' heels.

    I watched Graham Norton last night, one of his guests being the British actress and presenter Amanda Holden. She was wearing a rather cheeky pair of designer lace-up platforms of equal height to a stripper heel. They were black and white and actually looked quite smart.

    She was asked by a member of the audience how much they were. Her answer was that they were hand made by a designer friend....and cost JUST £300.00.

    The audience erupted in derision and she was close to being booed off the show!

  14. Funny you should bring these up as I was just scouring the Net-a-Porter pages after being sent the regular mail update from them...

    And I saw these efforts from the McCartney woman. However, I'm not overly surprised to see something like that coming from her. I find her efforts quite passable on the whole. I think it's something to do with my resenting high end prices when she doesn't even use leather and design wise she's mediocre at best. I think anybody who can attempt to justify satin python print dungarees for an Autumn collection needs their head seeing to.

    Having a famous Daddy seems to have many benefits.

    So, in short, YUCK!


    What she has tried to do, is to 'be clever', and take the design of a standard girl's wooden soled 'flip flop' and add a heel. Like most 'clever' ideas that ignore the basics of design logic and aesthetic quality.....they fail. Spectacularly!

  15. The whole point of the originals....is that they were precisely that. Original....and designed to accompany a particular wardobe outfit, and worn in a very public place by a very public face.

    However, Greed then steps in...and everyone and his Uncle are copying the designs and ramming them down our throats as the next...'must have if you don't want to be a sad act or a loser' item.

    What does not change of course, is the simple fact that they are hideous!

    Just my opinion of course.

  16. ^^ I think that this is a fashion trend that is growing in momentum this year. EBay are publicising them on their Homepage as 'latest fashion':


    You can also buy them with stiletto heels.....'Paprika' and 'Anne Michelle' have been making them for a while. Here's some you can get right now:








    You can also get boots!


  17. I totally get the high heel fetish bit, but what I absolutely do not understand are the guys who want to smell your feet or heels. I don't know about the rest of you, but I HATE when any part of me smells and do my absolute best to maintain personal cleanliness so I don't smell, but of all things, why would you want to smell someone else's feet or shoes?

    Me too! I'm fanatical about my personal hygeine and I can't think of anything more horrid than smelly feet...especially in open shoes like strappy sandals...Eeww!

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