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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. I can only speak for myself, however if a man came up to me in broad dayliight with people around and complimented me on my high heels (and it has happened on more than one occasion), then I would politely thank him with a smile, and then go on my way.

    If the conversation went any further I would answer a couple of questions perhaps...and then simply make a courteous 'excuse me' and continue on with my business. A woman can usually tell if a man is 'normal' or someone to be avoided.

    There is no excuse for bad manners in this instance. A compliment is a compliment: i.e an expression of appreciation, and as such, deserves a polite response. A dinner invitation..in my case...would be greeted with an amused giggle, and then a twirl onto my heels accompanied by a polite and humourous decline.

    However, there's no accounting for people's moods or even their personal neurosis. Too many women these days have no self-esteem or self-confidence, and no idea of etiquette or good manners either.....so a simple courtesy is completely alien to them. So often, a genuine compliment is unfortunately (and wrongly) interpreted as an unwanted 'chat-up','hit' or intrusion into their personal space.

    Sadly (as has already been posted here), later in the day, some of those same women can be so 'tanked up' with alcohol, that they lose any self-control they might have, and behave like complete sluts, throwing themselves at anything in trousers.

    So what am I saying then? Complimenting one woman my result in a pleasant 'thank you kindly'.....with another, she may immediately go on the defensive....and possibly even be rude. The point is, if a woman has no understanding of good manners, and has no self worth (which may be why she is wearing noticably high heels in the first place), then she will interpret a man's compliment as a threat, and react in a rude or aggressive manner. A woman who is comfortable in her own skin, and well aware of her attributes, will probably respond with a beaming smile and a grateful 'thank you'.

    However, as my Aunt always used to say.."There's n'owt so queer as folk!"

  2. I voted no. I really hope you are not referring to something like these.

    If it's so, I've freaked out. I'm just out of my mind...


    I'm lost.

    -Pictures are from GML's official site-

    Aahh...now you're talking! Gianmarco Lorenzi make beautiful shoes...and the designs are usually fabulous too. Those are goorgeous!:P

  3. That article could not be more wrong. Low, 'kitten heels' have been, and still are, hugely popular with women...and you can buy them almost anywhere here in Europe and the UK. Just take a look on EBay UK and Germany and you will see dozens of pairs of low heel, stylish shoes (especially sandals) for sale. Admittedly they are a seasonal style, but you can buy them all year round these days.

    They are a great way of wearing heels during the day without killing your feet, ankles and calves...and under jeans they can look almost the same as a high heel would. They are pretty with skirts and dresses too.......

    ....that article may be a reflection of 'high society' style in the US, but it certainly does not have any relevance over here....kitten heels have always been popular with...'kittens'..(Or Pussy's!!:):P).

  4. ^^^ One of the problems is that a lot of EBay sellers use the 'drop shipping' method..i.e they advertise and sell the item...however, once a sale is made, they pass all the purchaser's details to the manufacturer who then handles the shipping. Thus no-one actually sees the product until it arrives at your address.
  5. Very classy! My wife and i used to get the Pabo catalouges (sp), they have some sexy stuff.

    Me too...very sexy.

    However, I gave up on Pabo when they sent me a complimentary pair of jeans as an apology for a mistake they made on an order....then 2 months later, they started sending Debt Collector's letters for the money!!

    (BTW...I got them to see sense and back down in the end).

  6. I don't like my GF to wear High Heels because it draws other mans attention which i dislike alot. Which is a main reason I dont like my GF to go clubbing. I like to keep our relationship private and a world with just the both of us. Another reason i dont like her wearing heels is because, it can be quiet troublesome when she gets pain here and there. But well occasionally she wears them and she does look fantastic in them specially last time we went to newcastle for Rihanna and pixie lott concert. That 2" boot was nice looking.

    I like my GF from the inside. and her appearence is never my piority. But I think girls with.....

    Very Long curly blond hair, nice figure, long legs, high heels (platform) would be the sexiest thing .. ever !


  7. My ones are not branded unfortunately, I cannot afford the branded ones. If I get a good job after my uni then I can get some nice designer ones but for now the height will do ! These are Size 8 in the photo

    Don't worry...the shoes look just Fab honey....and so do your legs.

  8. Well i belive that most girls start out by trying on their moms heels tbh:D

    Me too....my Mum gave me an old pair of 3" court shoes to totter around the house in when I was 10. In answer to the questions......

    1) I keep my heels in their boxes and always make sure that they are clean, polished....and brushed if they are suede. I love satin mules...and I like the feeling of clear PVC uppers against my skin (as long as the edges aren't sharp). Kid leather boots with silk linings are simply divine against my legs.

    2) I feel confident, powerful and sexy wearing high heels.

    3) I have absolutely no problems with a man wearing high heels. I try hard never to judge by sterotype or appearance....and we live in a free world, so each to their own.

    4) The VERY first time I wore heels was the court shoes I mentioned above, when I was a 10 year old girl. I tottered around the house and dragged my feet as they were so big.

    However, the first time I wore high heels out as a teenager was thrilling....they were black strappy sandals from 'Faith' with 4" heels - wildly high for a 15 year old, and I felt like a Film Star. It was to a School Christmas Party and I didn't stop dancing all night......I had the attention of all the boys. The fact that my skirt only just covered my bottom probably had something to do with it too!

  9. Well since we would have a big interest in common i would say yes. My only advice to guys that are dating is: Tell her at first date Or wear at first date. If she dumbs you there you are better off.

    Absolutely! Far better to get it out in the open early on. I have no problem with guys in heels, in fact, if it's a way of a man expressing himself then I would encourage it......just so long as his legs weren't better than mine!!:):P

  10. Finally I can contribute to this thread. I had to wait for my waxing appointment. Unfortunately, I don't have a full-length mirror, so this is the best i can do with my phone camera. Anyway, here it is...

    WOW! Amazing legs....really 'girly'! (Did I say the right thing...??).

  11. Great to see replies so far - proves that not all men are the same.

    Interesting to see not one reply on question to ladies so far - maybe they have all left


    Well, the question is "What do MEN like?"

    I can only answer for myself, and even then it depends on my mood. I know what I like and I know what my husband likes. I have an idea of what other men who see me in the street or at a party like, but that's as far as it goes.

    Some men like 'tarty' short skirts and high heels, some men like tight pencil skirts, seams and heels, some men like business suits, some like 'flouncy' dresses and flats and plenty like tight jeans.......but a huge amount of men simply have no interest in what their wives/partners/girlfriends - or just women in general - wear at all.

    I can't answer for all guys, only they can do that.

  12. Do we really need 'winners and losers' in this at all? I mean, everyone is a winner in their own way.

    If we HAVE to have winners....my vote goes to all the guys who have had the courage to post photos of their legs when they might otherwise not have done so.

    I applaud you all!

  13. I've been away for a while, distracted by the hum drum of life and all the nonsense it has to throw at a person. Yesterday, I was drawn back by noticing I had a private message from a guy who seemed polite enough, so I responded.

    However, in the very next message he made it fairly clear that all he was interested was meeting up with me for sex. Despite having no idea of what I'm like, only having an idea of my shoe collection.

    Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I am completely astounded and offended by this individual's presumption that just because a woman is confident in her sexuality and is a member of a forum that focuses on a facet of that, that she is the equivalent of a cheap, digital streetwalker.

    Fortunately, this has been a one off experience whilst I've been here and I've found nearly everybody I've come across to be completely respectful.

    My reason for posting this? I was wondering if anybody else has had this assumption made of them. Perhaps even in real life.

    Is it a common misconception that women into heels are "loose women" who will open their legs for any old stranger who comes along and asks for it, and I've just been sheltered from it?

    If somehow I've put forward the idea that I'm promiscuous and not fussy about who I allow to get a piece of me in my previous posts, I'd certainly like to know because that was certainly not the intention. And if that's the case, I have some serious reassessment of my communication skills to consider.

    Oh and if anybody on the off-chance has the number of a hooker with high heels, do pass it on to me so I can give it to this little twerp so he can make his "dream come true" without offending any other random women in stilettos he meets.


    Hi Cinammon,

    What a wonderful word 'twerp' is!!

    Before I start my post, let me just say that most ALL the guys here are polite and respectful towards women...and they also appreciate our comments and advice about heels/fashion etc. As with most things in life, it's the selfish and small minded few who can tarnish things for the rest of us.

    Now to my point.

    I've just seen your post and I feel for you...it's happened to me here (just twice) and elsewhere online. It also happens outside in the real world too.

    What's even worse, is that it's increasingly more common that it is young guys (like..late teens) that 'hit' on me IRL, and whilst it can be flattering on occasions, when I tell them I'm married, some of them just come on even stronger, making it very clear what they are after!!

    Where are MORALS and MANNERS and self control these days? I mean, I LOVE wearing high heels, and I do so as often as I can. I have the right to do so without harrassment. However, it still seems to be the case, that men look at girls in high heels as 'easy meat' (Oh how I loathe that expression....), especially the 'cocky' younger lads these days. Well, in this country they do anyway......

    Maybe it's my figure (I'm a curvy lady), maybe it's my long blonde hair, maybe it's my short skirts and very high heels.....maybe we are back to the 'old chestnut' of education vs. conditioning...

    Guys, you can look and not touch......especially if there's a large rock on my third finger, but I'm very happy with looks!

    Manners and politeness are going to get you much further in life, than brash 'cockiness' and 'attitude' - a generally accepted excuse for bad manners nowadays.

    Does this answer the question??

  14. I guess I'm one of the uber-nerds when it comes to Star Trek......

    I have seen all 11 movies in the theatre - first-run.

    I've watched all of the different series all the way through.

    I've actually met John DeLancie (Q) at a convention when he came to Montana.

    I have to say though, out of each series ending..........

    The Original Series: didn't really have one - it just ended.

    Next Generation: Good ending storyline - great way of wrapping it up!

    Deep Space Nine: LAME! Sisko just gets married, still has his son to look after, and says "bye.....I'm off to be a prophet". WTF???

    Voyager: Good ending story, but I would have thought they would have been a bit more excited

    Enterprise: OMG, the WORST ENDING EVER! The second to the last episode should have marked the end, and just left it there! That last one was such a piece of S**T! Even Jonathan Frakes & Marina Sirtis didn't think highly of it. WTF were they thinking????

    And yes.....I literally wept at the beauty of the new movie - it moved me that much. Gads, it was awesome.

    I've loved 'Star Trek' ever since I was a girl...I was considered seriously odd by many of the other girls...but it was a real cool way of talking to boys!:sad::)

    I adored the original series....and still do. I was also really into the 'Generations' series too (I love Patrick Stewart), and I too found 'DS9' hard to get into when it first aired...although the Theme music is great.

    After that though, I found 'Voyager' rather lighweight and 'Enterprise' was rubbish IMO. I have re-visited 'DS9' on Sky's repeats since it first aired, and I actually think it's one of the best versions now....much deeper and more thought provoking than I first realised.

    I didn't know that there were 11 movies! So, I must have seen 10, as I have not seen the one with the kids in it...and I have no intention of doing so either. They seem to have a knack of milking things dry....and spoiling the aura around them.....I would much prefer to imagine what Kirk and Spock were like as kids...there were enough historical references in the original series, so why spoil it just for money's sake?

    I guess I'm a die-hard fan...but not quite a 'Trekkie'...yet. (I DID collect the entire 'Star Trek Fact Files' though........I still don't really know why!:P).

    BTW - has anyone else seen 'Galaxy Quest'?? It's just wonderful!

  15. It shouldn't matter when you wear sandals. I mean obviously, if you live in a place that snows a lot during the winter season, you don't want to be wearing sandals. Me, I live in sunny California so I can wear sandals throughout the year. Sometime, I'll even wear them out in the rain, lol. Snow is just too cold for anyone's feet to handle.

    I agree...like I said I wear them any time I can get away with them...and I love driving in 'strappies'.

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