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Posts posted by pussyinboots

  1. become available for only short spans and then they leave the scene for a fashion generation to come again briefly, usually with some derivations to the original preference.

    Sounds like ugly is hard to sell and beauty doesn't stay on the shelves, so ugly has to be pushed harder to possibly break even. Then seeing that the ugly trend is the only selection available, it gets bought as the popular look of the season for the fashion sheep. Then with the data of ugly being bought, manufacturers make more ugly.

    If I sound a bit negative about the heel and toe styles we have to choose from, I guess ugly has permeated much of what is advertised and what we have to choose from on a daily basis. What has happened to the concepts of beauty? Can't some reseach by high heel manufacturers be done to restore the real beauty lost to the past, instead of following the present ideas of ugly?

    OK! I got to go shopping to see if there might be any heels available that could soothe this yearning for a preferred style. Chances are though, I'll have to settle for something else, if I'm to get any satisfaction. Such is reality. Thanks for wading through this.

    I couldn't agree more...and what a wonderful way to describe those heels...the 'beloved' short point toes and champagne glass heels......

    The reason, most likely...is that these styles require more time and effort to design and manufacture, thus immediately making them more expensive, as the shapes cannot easily be produced on mass manufacturing machines. They are also produced in smaller numbers which is always more expensive. It doesn't take an idiot to produce an almost angular chunky heel....just a robot. Therefore it is much cheaper to make, and produce in vast quantities.

    The fact is, that most high street fashion heels are produced by about 4 or 5 factories in China...to a pre-determined design set. Sad, but true. So, many designers are asked to produce 'original' shoe designs that are hamstrung by manufacturing restrictions in the first place.

    If we don't already....in another 50 years time we are all going to look exactly the same. I'm so glad I was born with a defective gene called 'individualism'!

    (It's all a load of old cobblers really....well, actually....it's more old fashioned cobblers that we need!!).

  2. Gina is one of our long-time favorites, here. Her looks and shoes make for delicious pictures.....and the shoes that her company offers for sale are of highest quality. well made and expensive....LOL

    Agreed....they are VERY well made heels. I have 3 pairs from 'Elite-Heels'...and I will be buying more.

  3. I like the introduction to the summary:

    "Inspired by one of the great passions of the modern age, Shoes explores the gamut of footwear, from the highs of the Louboutin to the lows of the Croc."

    Whilst I wholeheartedly agree with the 'croc' comment....I'm afraid that I cannot do the same with 'Louboutin's'.....but that's just personal preference.

    It should be interesting though. I wonder how many broken limbs will arise out of dancing in extreme stiletto heels?

  4. I have never been a fan of extra long pointy toes on high heels. Unfortunately, an awful lot of boots these days are designed this way to accommodate the fashion for big flares on girl's jeans and trousers, so I have little choice with boots. It's the same for some shoes too.

    Not only do they look horrid, they are also difficult to drive in, and hard to keep looking nice, as they catch on things and become worn and scratched very quickly.

    I think that this style on shoes looks ungainly and ugly....especially those low heels and slingbacks with ridiculous long toes....Ugh!

    Just my opinion.

  5. I can't imagine ballets ever becoming truly mainstream, just because the majority of people won't put the effort into learning to walk into them. I mean, ok, a lot of girls wear heels,

    It's fine with me though- I'm looking forward to being the centre of asttention when I'm comfortable enough in mine to wear them out!!

    I agree. Of course, the other element to this is the fact that they always have been, and probably always will be, associated with 'fetish'...and in many un-informed people's minds, fetish means sexual deviance. Wrong of course.

    However, there's no getting away from the fact that a Ballet Heel is an extreme high heeled shoe (or boot of course), based around the original concept of a flat shoe designed for highly skilled and artistic dancing. The attraction is probably because of the extreme opposite nature of the style.

    Of course, the other thing that will restrict their universal appeal, is the fact that they are so b****y high and difficult to walk in!:)

  6. there ARE people who have so much money that buying a 1000-euro shoe doesn´t mean for them more than a 50-euro heel for us normal people.

    Also for the most living in western europe /USA/ Canada a quality shoe under 200 Euro is still affordable. But there are much more people all around the world who never will be able to spend neither 50 nor 200 and not even 10 euro for such a *unnecessary luxury object* like a high heel is because they need that money more urgent to pay for their daily living- if they even earn that much...

    So it is of course about ones possibilities and prices are not really comparable and how much your shoes cost does not tell nothing about how much you love high heels... also it is everybody´s own decision what is worth more for them (heels or teeth lol). I do not think we should have bad conscience if we can afford more but enjoy and appreciate it then and may be also be aware we just do have more luck here than some others do...

    ^ I agree 'Pata'....and the words 'appreciate it' are most important I would say.

  7. Hi danielp6406.

    Well, I guess those shoes comes from www.milanoo.com

    I dont think they look like the pleasers scream..

    I dont now about the quality of them, but they do look very nice;)


    You are quite correct....and I am happy to admit my error.

    'Milanoo.com' sell many Fetish heels from different Brands, including 'Pleaser', 'Ellie', The Highest Heel, 'Jimmy Choo'.......and 'Sharp-Heel' of China.

    These heels from the original post, are actually made by 'Sharp-Heel' of China and are Branded as 'Nice Lady' ('Milanoo.com' simply sell them at wholesale prices).

    Here is the 'Sharp-Heel' page:


    ..and here is the 'Milanoo' page:


    They are exactly the same shoe...'Nice Lady' 188W by 'Sharp-Heel'....(and they are 18cm - 7.2"....not 7.1"as stated on Milanoo.com).

  8. 'Pata'...I have a similar pair of sandals to those, also from 'Fuss-Schuhe'....but in pink:



    Do you find that the heels on yours are a little 'bendy'??

    The heels on mine are 6.25", and they are so 'flexible' that it is difficult to put my full weight on the heels when I am walking in them. Have you found this as well??

  9. I absolutely refuse to pay huge amounts of money for high heels.....after all, they're just shoes. It seems that modern society has lost all sight of what is truly valuable and what is not.

    Plenty of people happily pay $800 for a pair of high heels....and yet many of them would scream at being asked to pay $300 for Dental treatment.

  10. Let's say a man went in for an interview for an office position. At the interview he was wearing a suit, tie, and wing-tip oxfords. His qualifications are the best and he is hired. His first official day on the job he walks into the office wearing a brightly colored feminine blouse, skirt, nylons, and high heels. He tells everyone in the office, including the man that hired him, that he is more comfortable wearing outfits like this and he sees nothing in the company dress code against this attire on a man. He might have to put up with some "hassle," but there is no way they can terminate him for the way he is dressed.


    However, they COULD try to dismiss him on the grounds that he witheld vital information pertinent to his position, at the time of the interview. Most prospective employers are obliged ask the candidate these questions:

    "Is there anything else that you feel we should know with regard to considering you for this job?"

    "Is there anything we should be made aware of, that may affect your abilty to carry out this job?"

    In the case of the second question, the reactions of other staff members, and the reactions of company clients, MAY affect his ability to perfom the job properly.

    However, the Company SHOULD have a non-discrimination policy in any case!

  11. I have boots with zips, boots with laces...and boots with both. I much prefer laces as an aesthetic choice, however zips are so much more convenient. On the boots with both, the zip is incredibly useful, as I can tie the laces to the tension I want...(and the look in the case of lace-ups with slits)....and then just use the zip instead of un-lacing, and then lacing up all over again.

    However laces tend to be more common on Fetish boots, so the opportunity of wearing them in public is more limited.

  12. Just recently I went to get a haircut at a salon just outside of town. I have been there several times before and the same woman cuts my hair. I was wearing a pair of black slacks, black hose, charcoal gray t-shirt, and sport coat with a pair of black leather pumps with 5" stiletto high heels. I always wear high heels in there when I get my hair cut. She cut my hair as usual and conversed as usual and four women walked into the salon for haircuts. As my stylist was finishing up with me, two of the women were now in chairs with their stylists and the other two were sitting and waiting for their turn. As I got up out of the chair, my stylist said in a loud voice, "...look at those high heels! Those are pretty high heels and those heels are really high! Wow!" By now, all of the women in the salon were looking at me and all were smiling at me. I was in the chair farthest from the door and cash register so I walked across the room in front of all of the women in my high heels. There were no snickers or laughter, just stares and smiles. As I was paying, my sylist asked me where I got "those shoes" and what high heels would I be wearing next time I came in. Again, her voice was louder that natural conversation so all of the women heard her. I winked at her and told her I would surprise her. She just laughed as I waved to her and all of the women in the salon and walked away. She has always made a comment about the high heels I wear in there, but she never carried on like that.

    If this had happened in many of the UK's hairdressers these days, you would have been the subject of ridicule or even verbal abuse sad to say.....and that would just be the girls....

    Good for you though...sounds like you made someone's day!:)

  13. '...as I personally regard toe-cleavage as 'tacky''; PiB this is the only thing I've found that we differ on, but then again maybe we don't. It's been established that I have no class so my preference for bare feet in pumps is consistent. 8<)) At least you go bare in your sandals so all is not lost.

    (In my best Wendy Williams voice) How YOU doin'?

    I'm doin' fine honey:rose:...just dropped in here on my way over to the old 'homestead' (if you get my drift..:P).

    Whilst I don't wear low vamps on pumps as a matter of choice, fashion often dictates otherwise. So, low cut pumps have been known to appear in the PiB wardobe at times.:)

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