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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2025 in all areas

  1. That is great to hear. My co-worker just bought an old car to drive around and restore as well. I don't know what it is, but I know it has a 455 CID engine in it! My daughters are all into Theater which I have always supported. There is so much too it, from breaking out of their shells, to public speaking, to the creativity of making the costumes and scenery, as well as engineering for some of the sets, and obviously not getting into trouble after school because they are so engaged in theater. So there is a lot to it than just what meets the eye and so we support them. So much so that we went to a Broadway show just to keep encouraging them. Great to hear your son is also stepping up while you're at work so much. Sounds like you are doing well as a parent!!
    2 points
  2. That’s such a great project and one that will bear nice fruit in the future. Wonderful for bringing you closer together and giving him some valuable skills and treasured memories.
    1 point
  3. I did not expect to be writing this so soon, but the Oldsmobile rides again! She starts, runs, moves forward and backward, turns, and most importantly, stops. I drove it about 5 miles last night. It's all right. Pretty much what I remember from when I was a kid. Whitewall tires are ordered (almost impossible to find now), and the beast actually has insurance on it now. Once the tires get here, we'll have to take it out on the highway and see how she behaves. Ain't no way I'd go over about 40 mph with the tires that are on it right now. To bring it back in, no, I did not wear heels on my first time behind the wheel. But I did wear my favorite nude patent flat sandals! I don't know if my son really wants me wearing heels in that car anyway. It would be a shame to poke a hole in pretty much pristine 52 year old carpet.
    1 point
  4. Working on an old car can be a great bonding experience as well. My buddy managed to connect my old Camaro with a telephone poll so many years ago, just after I had ordered and received a new long block for it. We spent most nights in his garage pulling the front of that car off so the subframe could be straightened, and we could find used body parts to put it back together. Became best buds sharing this project together for sure. It's great to hear about young guys doing something other than the usual phone stuff these days, especially sharing a project like the Olds with a friend. "Free time" is surely not a friend to most youngsters, they usually find "unproductive" ways to fill it. I know I sure did! So, having a project like this is a great learning experience, and will make owning and driving the Olds even more special. Plus, the guys are hanging out at home, so less worries about what trouble they might find while "out and about". I know they will have many great memories taking road trips in that great old beast of a car.
    1 point
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