The Oldsmobile almost rides again! My son, though quite sensible for his age, was not really grounded in reality when he decided he had to have this land yacht. What initially began as simply needing a starter has ballooned into completely cleaning out the entire fuel system, including dropping the gas tank, to get rid of the skunkiest gasoline I have ever encountered in my life. I tried to light a paper towel soaked in this gasoline. It would not burn. I am somewhat impressed by him though. There are not very many 16 year old kids left in this world who can take a carburetor to pieces, put it back together, and still have it work. Next, with the 455 Rocket engine back in the game, we blew a hole in the side of the radiator. New radiator. Next, the brakes ceased to function. That's kind of where we're at right now, waiting on parts (which are surprisingly available and cheap).
He, in his teenage brain, did not see all of this coming, but I sure did. . . Oh, and we need to buy tires, which are not cheap. Good thing I'm employed again.