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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2023 in all areas

  1. ASOS boots. These are comfortable, I did however have to "fix" the heel height. I added a 1/4" or 6mm insert on the heel to balance the height other wise the heel was leaning tip foward towards the toes. This condition wouldn't have lasted very long while wearing as my weight would have been off center just standing much less walking. The insert brings the height to 4 & 7/8" or 121 mm. Easy walking almost lowish. Took them for a walk to Walmart for supplies this morning, no issues. Do love the metal (Allen screw) heel to cement floor sound. Hope all had a grood Christmas and all will have a great new year, Joe.
    1 point
  2. Hi All, Haven’t been on in a while. This topic was covered at some point but it’s always worth discussing anew. Whilst it is rare any one of us will actually see another man wearing obvious high heels, unless I happen to be in Iowa, it happens more often than you think. Some years ago I asked employees at a Steve Madden store in a Milwaukee mall this same question. Two employees, both women, said during the course of a shift they would see men wearing heels about 6-7 times. Granted this was in 2011-2012 when heels were higher but before the shift in opinion toward transgender men/women. This is only what they saw and far removed from places like NYC, LA, or other places where such a sight is more commonplace or expected. A follow-up question I’ve posed to various retailers was the number of heels being sold directly to men either in-store or online. What I gathered was of heels over 5” and in sizes 10 or larger some 15-20% in-store and 50% online were being purchased by men. This may explain the browsing interest by nonmembers. I have noticed things such as young men wearing nail polish or more obvious earrings or skinny jeans or even carrying handbags occurs all the time but many just don’t overtly react to it. The wedges mlroseplant saw me wearing have been in my closet since at least 2010 and other members here have seen me in them. I could walk past 100 or more people and most may not even notice. A small Iowa town has accepted mlroseplant and his heeled footwear as a normal part of the background. I think much of the world is also evolving. As for those timid souls waiting mass acceptance I would only offer this maxim: “be the change you want to see in the world”. Words of Gandhi HinH
    1 point
  3. Yes the day is not over yet. Now 11,876 steps. Nothing can be done with broken toe and trainers kill to walk in as my toes are more flat. Looks like im stuck in heels for 6 weeks all day and every day lol Well 12 hours done in heels total 15,809 now no shoes on. broken toe swollen got two more days here yet before going home to UK. These are the heels warn
    1 point
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