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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2023 in all areas

  1. I get that. My problem is I'm addicted to high heels like many are to drugs. Can't get enough and variety is king in my play book.
    1 point
  2. Totally agree! I too like a variety of styles but am also very fussy. I dislike far more varieties of heels/boots than I like. I am increasingly glad that I spent more on my boots, and bought fewer of them. Those I have fit beautifully, wear well and will last for years. A couple of pair are already nearly ten years old and have many years left in them
    1 point
  3. Well, I will not blame it on the boots... I was so upset when a heel gave out on my favorite pair of Sam Edelman black knee high stiletto boots. I feel these are quality boots, the issue is that perhaps I need to lose a few pounds or stop abusing them on rough city streets. My suspicions were confirmed when one of the heels broke on my favorite Nine west stiletto ankle boots as well. I was crushed when the cobbler said they could not be repaired. I guess the lesson I have learned is that when I find a pair I really like, buy two pairs! I love many different styles of boots, but am extremely fussy at the same time..... Just because boots are expensive, does not guarantee quality, or a good fit, or comfort for actual walking any distances. On the other hand, it is so frustrating to see a great pair of boots (visually anyway) only to discover they are cheaply manufactured...
    1 point
  4. A common theme there .. By their very nature heels, especially stilettos, are going to be somewhat precarious and therefore not great candidates for the cheap disposable fashion that is nearly universal these days. We live in an era where firm triumphs over function. As long as it looks the part, no need for structural integrity.
    1 point
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