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  1. Yesterday
  2. Gige

    Wedding Shoes

    Generally, no, I wouldn't buy them. Most times, but not always, wedding shoes tend to be a bit too much 'over the top for me.' I agree with Cali, buy and resell.
  3. Probably a poor choice. I was just kidding. Even though you lost everything, I am sincerely glad you got out and relieved that you are đź‘Ť
  4. I like the white sandals but would pass on the ripped jeans. Not my cup of tea. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  5. If they are white pumps or sandals I would wear them. I always wear white heels in the summer. I have many pairs of white heels, including pumps, sandals, wedge heel sandals and the list goes on. Happy Heeling, bluejay
  6. What do you mean "refugee" trick? My point was Kyiv was my "rocky shoal" that literally left me "high and dry". Yet, I recovered just fine. Never used my experience to extract compassion or refugee status from anyone anywhere.
  7. Yup! Or the Melbourne Cup
  8. Ascot. My mother always said that it wasn’t about the race, it was all about being seen. Just like our Kentucky Derby.
  9. Ah, the old “refugee “ trick? You got away, is there anything more important?
  10. Never too old. Sounds like a rather nautical look! Should be nice in summer
  11. Passing through London today - along with a host of people (not me) going to Ascot. While heels may be slipping from favour in day to day circumstances they are clearly de rigueur when going to the races. Virtually ever racetrack bound woman was in heels, usually stilettos in heights ranging from kitten heels to about 4.5” - and more at the higher end than at the lower. Men and women were dressed immaculately- in bright colours and jaunty hats. A bright spot in the day
  12. I lived in Kyiv when it was invaded. Heard and felt the bombs. Stayed in bomb shelters on my way out. Left behind a ton of my belongings. It literally can't get much worse than this.
  13. Careful, you are getting politic— that’s called “the American way!”🤗
  14. Cali

    Wedding Shoes

    Buy and resale on Ebay. Make a profit
  15. I missed the boat on Apple @ $10 and NetFlix @ $15. And to add to the pain, I live (bought) in one of the most expensive locations in the United States. And it has never stopped to increase in value. And I can live cheap here. @Shyheels, I was at Oddingley Church in 2019 and looked down on the boats in the canals. Some of my relative take barge vacations.
  16. I would not either. Unless, of course, I did not have any other heels and wanted to try a pair to wear in private and I could buy them without arousing any suspicion that they were for me.
  17. From what you’ve said above I would surmise that you have enough of the three primary needs. If you’re happy with that, what else do you need? Back in one of those decades past, I don’t remember exactly which one, there was a saying “What ever floats your boat.” It looks like you’re floating in deep water. Just be cautious because there are many rocky shoals out there so if you encounter one of them, it can leave you high and dry.
  18. Last week
  19. No I wouldn’t - although the fact that the previous owner wore them only once, to get married, would not influence me. A combination of practicality and the fact that I am just not that dressy a guy would be the deal breaker. I like my boots and jeans - either casual or smart-casual, not dressy corporate heels, or wedding heels, or glitzy evening heels, but the kind of thing a high aficionado with taste might wear to a weekend lunch at a smart cafe. As to the colour white, id love a pair of white go-go boots if I could ever find some nice leather ones, but not shoes.
  20. Here is some food for thought. I was searching my local buy and sells. I came across a pair of heels in my size. They are white and lace and were purchased from a bridal shop. I can only asssume they were worn only once, and that the seller got married in them. Shoes like that have very limited uses. They are not something you could wear out and about, day to day. So my question is this. Would you buy a pair of second hand wedding shoes? And would you buy them knowing for certain that they were only worn once, and that the seller got married in them?
  21. I have very little money but great mobility- off grid and nearly untraceable (if I want to be) on a 2000-mile canal network
  22. I'm happy. I think material items symbolized wealth for the Pre-Covid Old Guard Mobility symbolizes wealth for the New Guard In this New Guard Era [EuraAsia (Russia/China) vs The West], mobility has a much higher premium than before Covid. 2-3 passports, banking outside of CRS/FATCA, knowing how to self custody crypto for cross border money transmission travel...
  23. Jackets are good but they don’t help cold feet 🦶;-)
  24. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who might wear a jacket with sandals. Nice looking ensemble!
  25. Here is a new one from my travels today. The weather is getting a little bit nicer here, so I decided to wear a pair of white sandals I purchased recently. With the thicker heel on these, they are very comfortable to wear, and quite easy to walk in for longer periods of time. I was wearing these for a good 4 to 5 hours today with no trouble at all. I like how well they paired with the lighter color of the jeans. It was a little cooler in the morning so the jacket paired nicely. By the afternoon, it was nice enough that I could remove the coat. I could see these heels being a part of many of my summer outfits.
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