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  1. Today
  2. Australia is considerably different than the US - perhaps not if you are only visiting, there may seem to be superficial similarities, but as a place to live, work, raise children, the differences are huge. we live in troubled times, sure., but for overall standard of living and quality of life there are many worthy alternatives to the US. I’ve never been a fan of the idea that any country is “the greatest in the world”
  3. International living is a crapshoot. Unrest is everywhere. Australia is more like the USA than any where else that I’ve ever been. Europe is imploding. Final result? We’re either reverting to conditions like the 1600’s or we’re going to look like Mars. like it says in the Bible says: “The meek will inherit the earth .“ But, in all reality. the wealthy will distroy it.
  4. That’s what I did after more than 40 years of living outside the US and with Australian citizenship and no intention whatever of ever living in the US (I’ve not even set foot in the place in 15 years and only rarely before that)
  5. Just out of curiosity, I perused the shoe collection to see how many pairs I had left from the early years, say before 2015, and it's three. Not counting my first two pairs of heels that I keep for sentimental reasons. So out of a hundred-some pairs, I have rotated clean through to where the majority of my shoes are less than five years old. The same cannot be said of my clothes. Most of my good dress clothes are probably in the neighborhood of 10 years old. Especially all of my suits. There's nothing wrong with the suits, and I still like them. What I don't like about them are the pants. They are all quite full-legged traditional suit pants. I used to have them hemmed long to accommodate my heels. I had a couple of suits for wearing flat men's shoes, and the rest required me to wear heels or the hem would be way too long. I'm not a huge fan of that look anymore. Even though that's sort of starting to come back, it's a different cut, and I'm still not a fan. I have a number of slimmer cut pants that match a few of my suits well enough to substitute for the pants that actually came with the suit. I usually wear those. Life has gotten much more casual, and these days, wearing a shirt and tie with no jacket puts me in the top five percent of dressiest clothing at church, and that includes the women. When I say my clothing is old, I basically mean my dress shirts and ties. My pants and my shorts are actually on the newer side.
  6. hahaha! Currently I'm in Georgia. No crypto tax on personal capital gains here (for now). In the US, I'm a tax resident of Florida, so no capital gains. So only the IRS mafia. I have a 2d passport and am seriously considering giving up my US passport as part of my retirement plan too. Time will tell.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Like my old dad used to tell me If you live long enough you going to get old. I guess that applies to most everything else, also.
  9. It was after midnight. Jane closed down the kitchen and walked up stairs and into the bedroom where she found James standing in front of the mirror considering the way he looked. Noticing her reflection in the mirror behind him, he remarked “I never imagined myself dressed this way or looking this good. I am dumbstruck at my transformation.” Jane busied herself clearing her purchases off of the bed. She put his new lingerie in a drawer in a closet cabinet, hung his blue dress on the rack next to hers and put his black pumps on the floor, remarking when looking at him “Now we have to undo all of this. Jane, in an instructional tone of voice, said “There are several stages a woman must go through, besides brushing her teeth, before she climbs into bed. A man has it easy, all he has to do undress, put on his pajamasi, wash his face, brush his teeth and hop into bed. Now I am going to take you through the process that a awoman has to go through before she can climb between the sheets.” “The first step “ Jane began, “is getting undressed. Take off your shoes and put them in the closet.” James walked into the closet, removed his high heels and placed them on the floor beside his black pumps. “The next step” according to Jane, “is to remove any jewelry she is wearing. A necklace and dangling earrings, for example. Also bracelets and large rings and anything else that might catch on the cloth of her dress. Removeing your wig and taking off your dress is next.” He reached up and took off his wig and put it back into the box that it came in and Jane, standing behind him, unzipped his dress and helped him pull it over his head. She hung it on the rack beside his blue dress. ”Underwear comes next” as she helped him take off his slip and pantyhose. As James stood in front of her wearing only his bra and panties,Jane reached into a drawer and took out a frilly nightgown and tossed it to him, saying “take off your bra and put this on. You can sleep in it tonight and put your robe on because we aren’t finished yet.” Then she picked up a pair of her silver high heel slippers and handed them to him, saying “You might as well wea these. With that, Jane led him back into the bathroom,stood him in front of the mirror and said “we have to remove the makeup and clean your face before washing it.” She picked up a bottle of exfoliate and poured some on a cotton swab. Then she began lightly scrubbing his face, easily cleaning off all of the makeup she had applied earlier. Next, using her hands she applied a generous portion of moisturizer on his face, lightly wiping it off using a soft cloth. After washing his face with a little soap and water she patted it dry with a soft towel. She told him that she was finished and he was ready for bed. James looked at his face in the mirror as he brushed his teeth. while his manly looks had returned, his hazel eyes sparkled and his face reflected a feminine glow With that, Jamie Donavan, taking off her robe and spike heel slippers and wearing her frilly nightgown slid between the sheets and into bed. On Tuesday morning, James got up early and began dressing in his women’s clothes. He was dressed to a point where he was about to pull on his high heels when Jane got up and saw him dressing in the same outfit he had on yesterday. She realized now that she should have bought some casual clothes for him. But, how was she to know quickly he would take to wearing dresses and heels. Had she any idea that he would have taken to dressing in women’s clothes so quickly, she would have brought some casual clothes for him. She kissed him as he picked up his robe, spike heel slippers and frilly nightgown, as he was putting them back where Jane kept them. She asked him why he was putting on his girls’ clothes? He replied that he only had three days to adjust to his new lifestyle so he had to take advantage of every minute to learn how to be a convincing girl. He had to practice. Besides, he said “ I really like wearing high heels.” They gave mea feeling of confidence while I am wearing them.” He has already decided that he was going to wear heels when ever it was possible, from now on. “So”, he said “if you have any problem seeing me wearing heels or dressing as a woman, it’s your fault.” WOW There was moment last night when Jane finished getting him ready for bed that she knew that he had gotten her point. She could tell that he had grasped how much effort was involved by a woman when getting dressed for a party or formal event. However, she wasn’t prepared for how quickly he had accepted dressing as a woman or his enjoying wearing high heels. Talk about altering a lifestyle! Jane could not think of another situation that could have a more profound affect upon any person’s or families’ life. Granted, as a man, James was the most handsome, best looking male Jane had ever seen. She was so proud that he had chosen her to be his wife. She knew deep in her heart that his love for her was real, deep and genuine. After yesterday’s experience, and the way he looked dressed completely as a woman, she was convinced he was also one of the most beautiful females she had ever seen. And, as a professional female fashion expert and widely sought after fashion model, with world wide recognition and reputation, and after working with the most beautiful women on earth, she should know. Where do we go from here? How do we handle this? Weil, Jane already knew how to deal with his male personality because she’s been with him every step of the way since they were married, so that part can go on as is. No change is needed at this time. Jane knew that she had to develop some sort of strategy for dealing with the female aspect of his newly uncovered personality. But what and how ?Jane instinctively knew they had to finish what they had started. They had to go out to dinner as planned on Thursdays night. What other way was there for James to experience what awaited him whenever he chose to appear in public dressed as a woman. Later that afternoon, after carefully thinking it over, Jane decided that if James was going to wear women’s clothes every day, he was going to need a larger wardrobe. The clothes she had brought for him to wear to dinner were too dressy for casual, everyday wear. She thought jeans and tennis shoes were too casual. Besides he already had a good supply of that stuff and unless he was planning on wearing a tennis skirt. There wasn’t much difference between men’s and women’s. athletic clothing (except in jeans and shoes. She sat down at her desk and began to make a shopping list. He would have to start from scratch. So begin at the beginning, she thought. Dress him from inside out and from top to bottom. Starting with lingerie. Brassieres: she already bought 2. Buy 2 more. Panties (she wondered if he would ever wear a pair of boxers or briefs again? He had already told her how much he loved the feeling of soft cotton panties.) She had already bought 4 pairs. 4 more pairs should be enough for the time being. Pantyhose. She bought 3 pair. He mentioned that he would like to try a pair of stockings, so she added 3 pairs of stockings and a garter belt, that way they could find out for sure what he preferred. Two more slips, A couple of sweaters, 3 skirts and 3blouses. 3 outfits. Mix an match so he has 3 or 4 different outfits. That leaves shoes He already has 2 pairs of high heel pumps. What he needs are three pair of office style Penny Loafers with 3 or 4 inch heels and a couple of pairs of flats and sandals with stiletto or wedge heels. Jane, taking her list, drove into town and spent the next three hours shopping. When she got home, James helped her unload the packages. They unpacked everything and put it away. Jane was sitting on the bed thinking about supper when Jame walked out of the bathroom. He stood there waiting for her to tell him what was next on their “to do” list. She looked up and saw him standing in front of her dressed in his woman’s clothes and wearing his high heels. She stood up, put her arms around him and and told him how much she loved him and not because he was the most beautiful man in girls clothing in the world.it was way more than that. James spent the rest of Tuesday afternoon wearing one of the new casual dresses that Jane just bought. On Wednesday, he was having a hard time deciding which outfit was more comfortable, the skirt and blouse he was wearing or the dress he wore yesterday. Not that it would make much difference because he loved wearing both outfits. He was also wearing his black pumps with the 5 1/2 heels. He thought he should break them in, in the event that Jane decided that he should wear his blue gown to dinner tomorrow night. He guessed that the weather would have a lot to do with which gown she would choose. The red gown was better suited for cooler temperatures while the blue gown was made of lighter material better suited for warmer weather. He did manage to walk to the mailbox at the end of their driveway wearing these pumps. It was a half mile walk to the mail box and back to the house. Surprisingly these very high heels were comfortable and he loved the way they felt walking in them. He changed clothes and drove to his office thinking “How am I ever I going to keep my two lives separate Wednesday passed quickly. Both James and Jane spent most of the day working at their day jobs. Jane, completing an article on a new designer that chose to work out of Chicago and James setting up a quick international flight to Italy where his company was having trouble getting parts from a contractor. They did have time for a quick session on teaching James how to apply eyelashes, outline his eyes and shape his eyebrows. Shortly after supper, armed with fresh cups of coffee,they went into the den and spent an hour practicing his feminine mannerisms and female voice inflections at which he was making good progress. It rained early Thursday morning. The sky had cleared by 7:45 AM. Jane looked at the clock and jumped out of bed, put on her robe and slippers. She looked over at James peacefully sleeping, one leg poking out from under the covers. She decided to let him sleep. Today was going to be a busy day. She mentally reviewed her schedule as she charged down to the kitchen, flipping on the lights and staring the coffee pot. She knew that she had two online interviews and an article due to her publishers. Besides, she had to make reservations for dinner tonight. She didn’t have any idea what James’ schedule was like. She knew he had some aircraft maintenance things that he had to deal with, but other than that, she didn’t have a clue. in retrospect, Jane was regretting creating this whole charade. If James hadn’t reacted the way he had when she told him she didn’t like to wear really high heel shoes every time they dressed to go out, she never would’ve insisted that he take her to dinner while dressed as a woman. What neither of them expected was James’ reaction to dressing in women’s clothes. The day turned out to be busier than either Jane or James expected. Jane’s, online interviews turned out OK. James’ maintenance issues were more serious than expected. Jane had remembered to call the restaurant for reservations for dinner at 8. Going through her wardrobe looked over a large selection of outfits. Jane thought she should wear something tasteful that would not overshadow her husband’s red outfit. She chose a elegant black and white outfit by a famous Austrian designer that she had recently modeled. It was from his latest winter collection and a picture of her wearing it appeared in Vogue magazine a couple of months ago. The outfit consisted of a black and white houndstooth jacket, a beautiful black skirt with white seam accents, a natural color Chinese Silk blouse with very thin black stripes running through it. With a Japanese pearl necklace of mixed black and white pearls and matching earrings for accent. For shoes Jane chose a pair of black and white spectator pumps with 6 inch heels, worn with sheer almost black hose. Talk about traffic stopping , WOW. She began to get James’ things together. First, she unwrapped an extra feminine pair of lacy white silk panties. Next she took his white brassiere and inserted the breast forms into the cups and laid it on the bed beside his panties. She then opened a package containing a pair of almost nude colored pantyhose that she placed along side of the other things. A beautiful full length white silk lace slip was the last item of underwear she on the bed. Finally, she removed his dress from the hanger and put it beside the underwear and put his red pumps on the floor beside by the bed. Jane stood back and appraised the collection and thought that if wearing these things didn’t make him feel feminine, she didn’t know what would. James walked into the house at 4:30, about an hour later getting home than he thought he would. He explained to Jane that several members of his company’s executive staff were stuck in Chicago and he had to go and get them. He flew to Chicago and back to Charleston. A quick,uneventful trip. They spent the next hour together talking about their day. Jane, looking at the clock, “said it’s about time for us to start getting ready. And, now that we are two women trying to get dressed at the same time, we should give ourselves a few extra minutes” With that, she got up and taking James’ hand, led him up stairs to begin the “get ready “ routine. Walking into the bedroom she told James to undress and get into the bathtub. Then turning on the water, she took a bottle of lavender bath salts and poured a cap full into the filling tub. Handing him a razor, she told him to do the shaving thing. His face, arm pits and legs. While he was doing this, Jane did her own bathing in the guest bathroom. They finished bathing at about the same time. James saw his things laid out on the bed and began putting them on. Panties, brassiere (he had learned the trick of first putting it around himself backwards, fasting the strap together, turning it to the front, putting his arms through the straps and pulling it up, into places.) pantyhose and slip. About that time, Jane, already wearing her underwear, walked in and quickly inspected James. A little straightening here and a little smoothing there, she was satisfied with the way he looked. selecting a bottle of red finger nail polish she sat James on the bed she did his fingers. She did her own while waiting for his to dry. Going to her dressing table she sat him down and, taking out her makeup case, she expertly did his face. Eyebrows, lashes, a little blush on his cheeks and a light layer of lipstick and she was done. She helped him put on his dress and zip up the back. After helping him with his hair and fastening an authentic green Japanese jade necklace around his neck and clipping on a pair of matching earrings, he put on his red high heels. She took him over into a stronger light and critically looked him over. Standing with her hands on her hips looking at him, she exclaimed “you are absolutely gorgeous.” Jane, lightly kissing him, told him to go and sit in the den while she finished getting ready. Quickly applying her makeup and doing her eyes, she dressed in the outfit that she had selected earlier. After stepping into her black and white pumps, she stood in the strong light looking at her reflection in the mirror. She was satisfied with the way she looked. She thought while she was tastefully dressed, her appearance would not over shadow her husband. James, looking up from the magazine he was reading as she walked into the den.” It has to be magic” he said as he looked at the way she was dressed. She looked at him quizzically, “what?” She uttered, thinking she must have misunderstood him. He held up the magazine showing a picture of her wearing the same outfit saying “what other man on this earth that, white looking at the picture of the most beautiful girl in the world in a magazine, when looked up,see her standing in front of him in the flesh? Jane, laughing replied”What other group of people would be so fortunate to see two of the most beautiful girls in this community walk into a restaurant on a night like tonight? “. Then she said Common. We had better get going if we’re “gonna keep our reservation. He asked “Are we driving ourselves or did you call for a limo?” She said laughing as she handed him the keys for her car, “get into the car Charlie”.
  10. It's funny how we don't keep track of some of these dates. I just know I started my switch to women's shoes in October of 2011 and high heels mid-February 2015, but that's the closest I can guessimate. I had a 22-year out T-shirt on this week. How time flys.
  11. Hell NO! I’ve spent my entire life trying to avoid them All I know is there is an agency like the IRS in every country. They all have the same goal: SQUEEZE as much our of you as they can. Especially EXPATs.
  12. Here is my church outfit of the week, which was kind of a sad one for me because my choir director of seven years has taken another position at another church. This was the last Sunday that my son and I got to make music with him. I think we finished pretty strong, even though once again, we had no rehearsal. This week's choice was totally based around my new Stuart Weitzman shoes, the details of which are cataloged elsewhere. I actually have a pair of pants that matches their dark olive green color more closely, but they're getting a little bit ratty looking lately, so I chose a lighter colored, but newer, pair of pants. My shirt and tie were chosen mainly to not offend the rest of the outfit. I missed celebrating my 12th anniversary of "coming out" in heels. Perhaps "going out" would be better phraseology for shoes. It's funny, I don't remember the exact date for sure, but I remember what day of the week it was, so I'm calling it Wednesday, May 16th, 2012, as the first day I ever stepped foot in front of anybody wearing heels as my own serious footwear. Oddly enough, the location was at my church at a choir rehearsal. Perhaps this is why I think of it now. The point of this last paragraph is not so much to celebrate my own accomplishments, but rather to note that enough time has gone by that the clothes I bought to match my new persona are starting to physically wear out. I have bought quite a bit of clothing over the years, but I have gotten rid of precious little, unlike my shoe collection. Some of that clothing, like most probably the tie I wore three days ago, predates my heeling days, and a lot of it needs to be retired for one reason or another. Perhaps this is a subject for another rumination in the future.
  13. Last week
  14. This outfit is a home run for sure
  15. I wasn't looking for a new pair of shoes, but I have always wanted a pair of high heeled penny loafers. I thought I had found such a pair a year ago when I bought some New Religion shoes of that description, but they had a fatal flaw: No matter how many fitment devices I used, I walked out of them every other step. So I got rid of them. Then, a few weeks ago, these Stuart Weitzman Mocup loafers in olive green suede appeared in my Poshmark feed. Not my first pick of colors, but a unique addition to my collection. The seller kept dropping the price over a period of time, and by the time the price got down to $27, I couldn't resist. And this for Stuart Weitzman! What I did not realize is that these shoes have evidently never been worn. Not a mark on them anywhere, top or bottom, even though they did not come in a box. They are rather more attractive in person than I thought they would be from the photos. Their appearance is super narrow, even though they don't necessarily fit that way. They have a 5 inch heel with a 1 inch platform, which at one time was a staple of my collection. The heel is 3/4" wide, and is simulated stacked leather. I wore them outside right away, which is something I used to shy away from doing until I vetted them properly. I can kind of tell fairly quickly nowadays. I wore them for several hours with nothing negative to report.
  16. Alice Jane Davis Kelly, stifling a big yawn, walked into the kitchen still struggling into her robe. She flipped the switch turning on the kitchen lights, pressed the “start button on the coffee maker, thus beginning another day in the lives of the Kelly family of Montclair, South Carolina, USA. Alice Jane Davis married James Donavan Kelly almost fifteen years ago. In her mind the last fourteen years are a huge blur. Graduating from college, finding a job she loved, marrying James Kelly, birthing three children and living on a farm, almost off the “grid” in the middle of nowhere, which in her wildest dreams, were never anywhere in her future. The day she walked across the Universe’s stage to collect her diploma bestowing a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism upon her, Alice Jane Davis’ (called Jane by her family and friends because her mother’s name was also Alice) mind was filled with dreams of becoming a successful fashion writer employed by one of the three most successful and influential fashion magazines being sold on news stands across America. Instead, she had fallen in love with the most handsome man on the face of this content. First Lieutenant James D. Kelly, USA. 1/Lt Kelly was a helicopter pilot just returning to the United States after a tour in Vietnam . He was a friend of her brother and they were currently assigned to the same Army unit. When her brother told him that he was going to Jane’s graduation ceremony, James told him that he had graduated from the same University with degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Aviation Administration, her brother invited James to come with him. He introduced James and Jane to each other. Jane, was a smashingly beautiful young woman ( cornflower blue eyes, long natural blonde hair, red lips, and a curvaceously formed body with long, shapely legs). And James, described in the male context, as stunningly handsome ( otherwise described as “the most beautiful male specimen envisioned by the entire artistic community of America). Jane and James were married on Jane’s 23rd birthday, shortly after James completed his military obligations and was released from active duty (James was 25). From the very first day of this extraordinary union, this couple never experienced the usual “start of life” difficulties newly wed couples almost always experience — employment opportunities, financial adjustments, and housing arrangements— were unknown. Jane landed a well paying position as a writer for a popular and influential fashion magazine (one of the three). And after a personal visit with the editors at the magazine’s headquarters In New York City, the editors, captivated by her stunningly beautiful appearance, began using her as a feature model whose pictures frequently appeared in the magazine along with her articles. James, on the other hand, completed transitioning to fixed wing aircraft, became a fully qualified commercial pilot and landed a job as a corporate pilot, supervising the aviation and travel section of a Fortune 500 Corporation. James loved the way Jane looked when she was formally dressed, especially when wearing shoes with super high heels. And Jane, on the other hand was more comfortable informally dressed and since most of her work, her writing and research, was done from home, she lived mostly in T-shirts, shorts and flats. James insistence that she dress formally wearing super high heels at all of his corporate functions, as well as for almost all of their other out of the house activities, became a sore spot in their relationship to a point it had become extremely bothersome. She decided that she had to make him quit insisting that she wear high heels to every event they attend. While the subject was still on her mind, James walked in to her office and announced that they had received an invitation from one of their community leaders to a dance at the local county club next Friday night. And since they both were going to be at home, he thought they should go. Jane agreed and said that she was willing to go provide she could wear a pair of comfortable dress shoes suitable for dancing. James, taken aback, began registering his disagreement, telling her how he thought that her wearing her highest heels was absolutely necessary. Jane, at this point, became totally pissed and told him that if he thought it was necessary, then he should wear them. In fact, she was so angry, she went even further by saying that if he expected her to go anywhere with him ever again, next Thursday night he was going to take her out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants in town completely dressed as a woman, wearing everything including underwear, makeup and high heels. She said she was tired of his demands and thought it was about time he learned first hand how annoying it was for a woman to dress up to go out. James was astounded! After catching his breath, overcoming his surprise, he shouted how absurd her suggestion was. He told her that in his 27 year life not only had he never worn a piece of women’s clothing, he never even had a desire too. He shouted that he’d be damned if he was going to start now. Their discussion became heated. Jane didn’t give an inch and James was equally determined not to agree to crossdressing and appearing in public at her insistence. Finely, after heated rounds of abusive hollering at each other, Jane issued the big “U” (ultimatum): “Either you agree to do this or the first thing in the morning I am leaving you.. Dumbfounded at hearing Jane’s words, he walked out of her office heartbroken that she would take a firm stand on such a trivial issue and place their here-to-before perfect relationship in dire jeopardy. James retreated to his den. Devastated, he sat down and began analyzing their relationship from its beginning. The first meeting, their courtship, the first year and a half of their married life, their financial and employment situation, their most satisfying intimate sex life. He could find no evidence of difficulties or disappointment anywhere. Everything between them appeared to be perfect. Finally, he determined it must be something he was doing that was causing all of the tension. The difficulty, he surmised, centered on his insistence that she wear super high heels whenever she dresses up. To him, Jane was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her classic, natural beauty, sparkling, feminine personality along with her appearance when she was dressed for a party or when her picture appeared in a magazine, in his mind she never was properly attired unless she was wearing high heels. she let him know early in their marriage that she preferred shoes with low heels rather than the super high heel heels he insisted she wear. She found them to be uncomfortable and only wore them to please him. He recalled how often she complained when he told her to change into shoes with higher heels. This might just be a flaw in his personality responsible for her reaction. As a young boy in his preteen years, he secretly admired women wearing high heels. While he often wondered how they could walk in them, he had no desire to wear heels himself. And he remembered how much pleasure he felt whenever he glimpsed a well dressed woman wearing pretty high heels at church or one of the various formal events he attended with his parents. James returned to Jane’s office a couple of hours later determined to talk the situation through. He would apologize and find a solution to this dilemma. Jane, while she had cooled off from their argument, was still determined that he was going to take her to dinner dressed as a woman. After Adamantly voicing his objections to dressing as a woman, James realized that he was not getting anywhere because Jane’s mind was set in concrete. His choices: do as she demanded or risk losing her. So, when he asked how she planned to do this, Jane, realizing that she was accomplishing her purpose, quickly outlined a simple plan: Tomorrow- Monday, she would go shopping and get everything he would need: Dresses, underwear, stockings, shoes and a wig. That would give them most of the day tomorrow, all day Tuesday, Wednesday. And most of the day on Thursday to learn and practice his female voice, mannerisms and walking in his high heels, before going out. Jane, reflecting on the task ahead realized that she had “a long way to go and a short time to get there.” But being a woman and a fashion expert, she was confident that she would succeed. Jane drove into town the next morning to her favorite Dress Shop. She had a good idea how James should look and what she needed. Getting the right size wasn’t a problem because she already knew his male sizes and converting them to women’s sizes would’t be hard for her Jane quickly selected his lingerie: two slips, two braziers, four pairs of panties and several pairs of pantyhose. Next she went to the dress rack. Sorting through the gowns, she chose two semi-formal items. One was a modest, slightly off shoulder with with a knee length hem. The other, an attractive rayon dress, light blue in color with a hem an inch or two shorter. Satisfied with her choices, she walked over to the shoe section and selected two pairs of classic pumps with 5 1/2 inche heels. One was a pair in red patent and the other in black patent leather. She found both pairs in his size. After paying for her purchases, Jane walked next door to a hair salon where she selected a auburn color wig with shoulder length hair that she was positive would accent his hazel green eyes. James, hearing her car come up the driveway, went to meet her and helped carry her stuff upstairs to the bedroom. Looking at the pile of packages on the bed, he began to get worried. Jane, eager to get started, took him by the hand and led him into the bathroom where she handed him her razor and told him to take a bath and shave his legs and under his arms. Fortunately, he had a beard like a twelve year old, thin, soft and light in color, almost unnoticeable. The hair on the rest of his body was sparse, thin and neutral in color. After a quick soak in water scented with Lavender bath oil, he shaved like he was told and as he was drying off, Jane came in and handed one of her robes to him and told him to put it on. James, handing it back, said that it was hers. Jane replied “ not any longer, I just gave it to you. It’s yours from now on.” He put it on and went back into the bedroom where Jane was unwrapping some of the lingerie. She handed him a pair of panties telling him to put them on. Then she handed him one of the brassieres telling him that “you know how this goes. You’ve watched me get dressed often enough.” He took the bra, slid his arm through the straps, turned around so she could fasten it. Next, Jane opened a package of pantyhose, handed them to James remarking that he had watched her climb into pantyhose often enough that “ he knew the drill.” James went and sat down on the bed, and just like he watched her, put the hose on, stood up pulled the top up around his hips. James stood up, turned around and saw his reflection in the full length mirror that was fastened on the back of the closet door— the mirror Jane used to check how she looked whenever she got dressed to go out. He just stood there looking at himself, gawking with his mouth wide open. Staring in disbelief at his reflection, dressed wearing nothing but a brassiere, a pair of panties and pantyhose. How on earth and why had he ever left his beloved wife talk him into doing this,he would never understand. Jane walked back into the bedroom. She had gone to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. She saw James standing there looking at himself. She smile and thought to herself “were just getting started, there’s a lot more to come.” She went to the bed and took out one of the new slips out of the package, handed it to James telling him to put it on. He slipped it over his head and she helped him pull it into place guiding it down over his hips. She took a long loving look at him and thought “end of phrase I. Jane broke his spell by taking his hand and sitting him down at her dressing table, telling him that she wanted to see how he looked wearing makeup. Before he could say anything, she got out her makeup kit and began applying a layer of foundation cream. James just sat there absorbing the punishment realizing the transition he was undergoing along with the futility of complaining. The entire situation was totally out of his control. As a professional model and author of many articles on female fashion and dress, Jane was a recognized expert in her profession. While she could recall and recite all of her life mates extraordinarily handsome looks, feature by feature, this was the very first time she had looked at him from her professional perspective of highlighting all of his best features and accenting his female characteristics in order to enhance his womanly attractiveness. In other words,how to make him a better looking woman. Jane was stumped. She had tried three different techniques. None of them giving her the look she was trying to achieve. She was about to give up but decided to try one more time. The old Less is the Best technique. Taking advantage of his natural “peaches and cream “complexion applying just enough makeup on his cheeks, eyebrows and eyelashes to enhance his natural beauty, she got what she was looking for. He looked gorgeous. Even James was Impressed. After all, since he had to endure all of this, the least he deserved was to emerge looking pretty. Jane thought to herself end of phase lI. James stood up. Jane stood looking at his beautiful face with just a hint of makeup to complete enhancing his natural beauty. In her wildest thoughts she could never have imagined a more beautiful face. Now, let’s finish what we started. Jane took James by the hand and stood him off to one side of the bedroom. Out of view of the mirror She quickly took the new red dress off of the hanger and held it up in front of him to gauge the fit. It appeared that it would fit him just fine. She handed it to James. He put his arms into the sleeves and slid the dress over his head and with Jane’s help, pulled it down over his hips and into place and zipped up the back. It fit him perfectly. Next, Jane picked up the new pair of red pumps, handed them to James and told him to put them on. Sitting on the bed James slid his feet into thenew pumps. Jane stood beside him as he took hold of her arm and stood up. He took a couple of steps testing his balance. Jane was surprised that he wasn’t having any problem wearing his high heels for the very first time. She went and got his wig Ann helped him put it Now he was completely dressed in women’s clothes., wearing high heels and a beautifully styled wig. Jane took his arm and they stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection. He looked gorgeous. As they stood there admiring James’ new appearance, Jane became frightened. It never occurred to her that his makeover would be so successful. That he would be able, in her opinion, to pass as a woman anywhere, anytime, under any circumstances. She was frightened at the prospects of what was about to happen. The only missing piece in this scenario was a name. What are we going to call this stunningly beautiful creature? They discussed various names. Jane suggested they call her June. She always liked that name and thought thought that she would call her daughter Mary June, if she ever had one. James liked Jamie, with a last name of Donavan,his middle name. Hummmm! Miss. Jamie Donavan, his cousin from Davenport, Iowa. It sounded wholesome. it was way past super time. James suggested that he grill hamburgers and they could create a bio for Jamie while they ate. And James suggested since he was already dressed as he was, he should stay that way until they got ready for bed. Jane just smiled. More to Come
  17. great outfit, beautiful booties
  18. CAT

    Mr. X's travels

    Still awesome!!!!!!!!
  19. They didn't show right in the picture @CAT But they are actually burgundy.
  20. CAT

    Mr. X's travels

    love the red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Another one from my travels today.
  22. March 20, 2012 Beating the drum for Social Media, including Instagram, broadening public acceptance of men in heels. And here we are. One thing I don't see much of nowadays are memes supporting men who wear heels. We're by no means new to the meme revolution, but it is a defacto cultural communication standard among GenZ and Millennials now.
  23. I wonder if you wore a "celebrity sneaker" would they then be excited?
  24. Very interesting. I've had the same experiences internationally, for what it's worth. From life in Moscow to Budapest to Tbilisi (where I'm at right now). Regarding your experience in the US, a recent Public Religion Research Institute study found that 28% of GenZ identfy as LGBTQ. I think social media really started this. And because a simple VPN allows users to bypass social media restrictions, the wave of acceptance is international--even in cities in the East aligned with Russia/China. Mostly, this started with Instagram, which promoted visual repetition of men in heels broadly and repeatedly--an idea I received push back for back in 2016. Back then it was only 400 Million monthly active users on Instagram. Now it's 2 Billion. And updated in 2022 The difference is now in the Western countries "wokeism" has generally advanced political idealogies that support men wearing heels. Such ideology is not necessary imho for public assimilation, but it's there. Regardless, it's cool to celebrate men in heels as "unique". Congratulations on the experience.
  25. I noticed that but too late to change. Besides, I am not a writer. So take the bruises or click the OFF button. I just find that I have a lot more time to play since I’m older and retired.
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