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  1. Yesterday
  2. Having spent more than half of my life in the construction industry, now would be the appropriate time for me to make some smart aleck comment, but I shall refrain from doing so, as I don't know you very well, and these things don't generally translate well into print. Some people have mastered the art of good-natured banter, and some people have not. I'm glad it turned out well without the need to go to war.
  3. Love it! Great reply to the jovial guy!
  4. Last week
  5. Update (Reprise)! So, for this past week, Frick told me that she has been involuntarily transferred to another building and Frack has been on vacation - it has been absolute bliss! After considering the words of others members in response to this post, I decided to move my work station away from Frack so that I no longer have to listen to her comments regarding my appearance - I have no plan to let her know I have done so. It has been such a delight to know that I can just be myself without having to hear/endure Frack's envious comments about my appearance or the like. I agree with Mlroseplant that it is hard enough for us to be ourselves and Frack's needling only made it that much more difficult for me to do just that - be myself. I find it to be interesting that of all the people who made their way into my office this past week, not a single person made any comment regarding my outfit or appearance. And if Frack is bothered by my decisions, well, too bad!
  6. I had the same thing happen. My heels shredded the floor mat in my truck a few years back.
  7. After having received virtually no notice or comments about my boots, I received two comments in the past week - and both times with the same pair of low-heeled knee boots that I wear routinely around the locks and towpaths. I got into conversation with a couple of dog walkers at a towpath cafe who remarked on them, in broadly complimentary fashion, asked me if they were riding boots (they're not) with the wife adding in a kind of leading way - "you know, a woman could wear those ..." to which I responded "Anybody can!" The other was a rather jovial guy, in a fairly well lubricated social situation, who asked if I was off to a Freddie Mercury tribute show, to which I responded by saying, "No, I usually wear heels to those .." Odd that it should be these that caused comment as I am very often in skinny jeans with chunky heeled ankle boots with 3.5" heels - very visible - and nary a word.
  8. I don't know, if kryptonite slows down superman what will it do to us common folk in high heels?
  9. I think that is one of those things that doesn't translate directly or literally. Accelerator, perhaps? For the record, I don't think I've ever damaged anything with my heels, at least not that I'm aware of.
  10. I hear Kryptonite works great. It's kind of hard to find, though.
  11. My stilettos have worn a hole in the rubber car mat in front of the gas (petrol) peddel.
  12. About 20 years ago, after selling our farm, we purchased a pre-civil war antebellum house on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, just South of Hilton Head island. The floors of the house, which were the original wooden floors, were made from what they call around here “Heart Wood” pine, which are boards cut from the very center of a large pine tree log. The wood is very soft. My wife, as part of the restoration, insisted on refinishing all of the floors in the entire house, which cost a fortune. At the time I had several pairs of shoes with metal heel tips. I was forbidden to wear them in the house at the threat of severe physical punishment if I did. I never wore them and these shoes found a new home shortly after we moved in.
  13. What other heel material do you have. Hardened rubber, plastic (worst) and steel tips are all I'm aware of.
  14. I installed bamboo floors, DIY, in my home. Solved all dent problems, metal tips or not.
  15. Hi Most of my boots are metal heels and quite thin heels. Over the years, I have left dents on many kinds of floors, mostly lino and wood. These floors are not designed to take the power of metal heels. The difference between the same diameters heels plastic or metal is quite huge in how much more dents they leave on floors.
  16. Very Cool heel tips. Love them! I also walk mostly in metal-tipped heels. for several reasons!
  17. Not all heels are the same. I have found that heels with a hard surface, i can do like 5-6 miles while a rubber heel, not so far.
  18. I did talk about this subject with my only remaining friend from university, the fashionista lady. She works in a retail clothing shop (Loft), and is required to wear at least some of the things that the store sells. She is also very honest with me. I asked her if I am too old to be wearing Daisy Dukes. She said without hesitation, "You can get away with it." Meaning me personally. So I guess I won't worry about it. Having said that, I really can't think of any women my age who wear short shorts. I can think of one, but she's a youngster at 49, and her appearance is much younger than that. I do know one woman who wears skinny jeans at age 60, and she doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, but again, you would never really guess that she's 60.
  19. And cycling at the gym is probably a big part of why you still can rock skinny jeans and boots!
  20. Yup that’s my reason for wearing skinny jeans - I like knee and OTK boots and how else to wear them? Shorts I just don’t do unless I’m cycling or at the gym
  21. Nothing like turning a table cloth into a suit.
  22. At 69 I still wear my skinny jeans and short shorts. How else can you wear you boots on the outside. However, I have recently obtained a few non-skinny pants. Now if only I can find some decent looking sandals.
  23. I was 56 once …. But I wear skinny jeans and chunky heeled ankle boots / indeed that is what I am wearing right now - and I will continue to wear them !
  24. You have taken good care of yourself, and look great in skinny jeans and shorts...
  25. I can dig the shoes. Some times you want to wear girls shoes but don’t want to look like you’re wearing girls shoes.But the suit? If I wore that, authorities would have me committed.
  26. OK, I think I understand what you were getting at...I thought you meant Harry was wearing some sort of outrageous heels like you see on runways, but it would seem you mean the exact opposite! Kind of like Harry is just dipping one little toe into the heel pond instead of dipping his whole foot in it. Harry's outfit in this pic surely looks like some idiot picked it out for him, hideous! The heels look dumb also...
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