Rob Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Hi again, On Sunday we went to a party and, as usual, the conversation tuned to my ladies shoes, which often leads to her showing the other women (as well as many interested men) pictures of her other shoes on her phone. One of the other ladies - a very attractive single girl in her 30's who was wearing 3" high boots - pulled out her phone to show a picture of her in her highest heels. It was a full length picture of her wearing a nice dress and dark 4" stilletto court shoes (pumps to the Americans here). She said that the picture had lead to her attracting a weirdo when she put the picture on her profile on a dating site. When we asked "weird, in what way?" she said that he was obsessive about the shoes. (Me and my lady looked at each other in a knowing way!) The group conversation moved on and we didn't get a chance to ask more about it, but it make me think about the way us heel lovers approach women: I don't hide the fact that I like women in heels, but don't make a big thing of it - certainly not at first. I just enjoy that a lady has on heels, and I may not even mention them unless it come up in conversation. - Then I try not to go on about how much I might like them! I assume the guy in question made a big thing about her heels and put her off him. I guess some of us guys here could easily come across like that. Anyone want to put their hand up? Have any of the heel wearing ladies here attacted what they would consider a high heel werido?
Firefox Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 I think you may mean "weirdo". The other spelling could have other connotations.
shrimper Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 There have been instances when I have been direct with women about my feelings for heels (theirs). The reactions range from horror to amusement to "concern about my condition" to knowing appreciation. There have been others who are aware of their effect on men in general and me in particular which has sometimes led to teasing sessions in sometimes inappropriate settings. I had one coworker who I had never mentioned my preferences to. One day we were in a long, boring meeting. She was sitting next to me and as I started to nod off I felt a soft kick and a lingering contact. Believe me I woke up! I thought it might have been accidental contact so I decided to test the assumption by pretending to doze a few minutes later. The same thing happened again. When I looked at her she was non-reactive except with her body language. As we were leaving the meeting I said thanks to her and she nodded very slightly with a slight grin and nothing else was ever said about it.
hoverfly Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Oh yes yes yes don't focus so much on her shoes!! Focus on her for crying out loud!! High heels are really an intimate subject to discuss right off the bat, if at all for many women. Woman to woman no problems, but Woman to man might jack up the creepy meter. Hello, my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee! 👠1998 to 2022!
hoverfly Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 shrimper said: There have been instances when I have been direct with women about my feelings for heels (theirs). The reactions range from horror to amusement to "concern about my condition" to knowing appreciation. There have been others who are aware of their effect on men in general and me in particular which has sometimes led to teasing sessions in sometimes inappropriate settings. I had one coworker who I had never mentioned my preferences to. One day we were in a long, boring meeting. She was sitting next to me and as I started to nod off I felt a soft kick and a lingering contact. Believe me I woke up! I thought it might have been accidental contact so I decided to test the assumption by pretending to doze a few minutes later. The same thing happened again. When I looked at her she was non-reactive except with her body language. As we were leaving the meeting I said thanks to her and she nodded very slightly with a slight grin and nothing else was ever said about it. Wow!!! Sounds better than a good cup of coffee, I would be sitting net to her more often for that needed jolt some times. I tell you I need that kind of genital persuasion in some really boring meetings that I been to. To bad T-shirts, jeans, steel toe boots, and clean room suits are the norm in the dept I work in. Hello, my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee! 👠1998 to 2022!
Rob Posted February 6, 2008 Author Posted February 6, 2008 Firefox said: I think you may mean "weirdo". The other spelling could have other connotations. Thanks Firefox. I've corrected the spelling in the post, but don't seem to be able to amend the title. Can one of the moderators do that for me? Cheers.
Firefox Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 The thing is, if you actually wear heels openly yourself, women switch off their creepy meter and will discuss them with you, the same as they do with other women, like where did you buy those, are they comfortable etc. It becomes a fashion subject. By wearing heels yourself, you automatically prove you are part of the club and it's no big deal.
sendra45 Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Hi, yep, there are some strange folk out there, just try selling some heels in the local free ads paper and watch the 'funny phonecalls' come flooding in. it was only when I tried to sell a pair of size 10 heels I realised that there are a lot of strange folk out there. very scary. BTW, if you can put up with it, there are some good profits to be made from it, guys not wanting to go in a shop or buy off the net with their card will pay a premium this way. my secret is out. whoops. The angels have the phonebox.
hoverfly Posted February 7, 2008 Posted February 7, 2008 Firefox said: The thing is, if you actually wear heels openly yourself, women switch off their creepy meter and will discuss them with you, the same as they do with other women, like where did you buy those, are they comfortable etc. It becomes a fashion subject. By wearing heels yourself, you automatically prove you are part of the club and it's no big deal. .... Hello, my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee! 👠1998 to 2022!
Thighboots2 Posted February 7, 2008 Posted February 7, 2008 Firefox, I have to agree with you. Because I wear heels at work, aint I the lucky one the 3 girls all love to talk fashion with me. I just sends the right message to them that your interested in your look/style, just like they are. You so rightly say, you become part of the club. Its why Kneehighs and others who have reported that by just wearing heeled footwear with their normal guy clothing, women talk to them far more readily than if they were in normal guy footwear. There is a thread started by Johnnieheel - feminine/masculine with a poll asking how we wish to be. Of the 200ish respondents, 68.2% want to be just a guy in heels, so what those who won't wear them waiting for? It seems to me to be the best chic magnet on the planet. TB2 Are you confusing me with someone who gives a damn?
Amanda Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 I would think any guy being more interested in my shoes than me a little wierd
Firefox Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 What about a girl being more interested in your shoes than you. Would that be OK, or would she be "weird"
Tech Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Firefox said: What about a girl being more interested in your shoes than you. Would that be OK, or would she be "weird" Of course, she would be "obsessive weird". Its one thing to "take an interest" in anothers appearance or belongings, but when that interest is more meaningful than the person itself then its "weird" in a "obsessive" way. Its no similar to having friends who only want to be your friend to use your gym/car/boat/house/anythingelse Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!
Amanda Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Firefox said: What about a girl being more interested in your shoes than you. Would that be OK, or would she be "weird" Both, either
Trolldeg Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Amanda Snake said: I would think any guy being more interested in my shoes than me a little wierd Does that mean you have a low tolerance of wierdness, or that you find it hard to believe that anyone could be more interested in your shoes than you are?
Amanda Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Trolldeg said: Does that mean you have a low tolerance of wierdness, or that you find it hard to believe that anyone could be more interested in your shoes than you? I happen to believe that I'm more interesting than my shoes that's all
Firefox Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 I get your drift now! I thought you originally meant more interested in your shoes, than you were interested in your shoes - it could be read either way.
Trolldeg Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Ah, I realise now that I interpreted your wording in the initial post a bit different than you prehaps intended them to be interpreted. "I would think any guy being more interested in my shoes than me a little wierd" My assumtion was that you were commenting how interesting _you_ find your shoes versus how interesting a guy finds your shoes, not how a guy finds your shoes more interesting than you. Edit: And while I was typing my reply I notice that Firefox made the same assumption.
hoverfly Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Tisk it's all ways about me, me, me, me,............ Like I said focus on the 5 inch, strapy,open toe micro stiletto heels..ooops I mean her. Hello, my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee! 👠1998 to 2022!
Amanda Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 Thanky you for clarifying your position Hoverfly
Britana Posted February 8, 2008 Posted February 8, 2008 It is much more about the person than the shoes for me. I like heels, but they, frankly, get a little boring without someone wearing them ;P I'm also at a point in my life where I'm much more intrigued by the person than the fashion. Don't get me wrong, seeing a nice pair of heels drives me crazy, but it moves toward wanting to know the person in them, not spend time with the shoes!
Guest Posted February 9, 2008 Posted February 9, 2008 well I am in fact gay myself, so its simply the style of boots that I love, not the gender herself.
Rob Posted February 9, 2008 Author Posted February 9, 2008 Britana said: It is much more about the person than the shoes for me. I like heels, but they, frankly, get a little boring without someone wearing them ;P I'm also at a point in my life where I'm much more intrigued by the person than the fashion. Don't get me wrong, seeing a nice pair of heels drives me crazy, but it moves toward wanting to know the person in them, not spend time with the shoes!I agree. I love seeing women in heels. The shoes on their own are nice, but someone wearing them brings them to life. And, for me, even more important is the way they enhance the wearer; the bend of her ankle, the shap of her legs, her posture, the way she moves, etc.. But heels are just the iceing on the cake. - The woman wearing them is always more important than the shoes.
Magickman Posted February 9, 2008 Posted February 9, 2008 As Firefox mentioned, there are women who take strong interest in a man wearing high heels. It must be dozens of times, that women have stopped me in public, to compliment my high heeled boots. I always smile and say, "Thank you."
Ninanoora Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Yes I have met few these weirdos, one recently happened was in night club, I was sitting on couch with my friends. This guy comes and sits next to me, very close if I might add, says nothing and starts touching my boots and then when I pushed his hand off. He says those are sexiest boots i've ever seen. I just looked him like and so what? Is this the worst try ever?, I started laughing at him, and he just left embarassed Then there is people on flickr who send me messages, would you walk on me with wearing those in picture [insert link]? "Even when I'm a mess, I put on a vest... with an S on my chest, oh yes.. I'm a Superwoman.. "
fastfreddy2 Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Ninanoora said: Yes I have met few these weirdos, one recently happened was in night club, I was sitting on couch with my friends. This guy comes and sits next to me, very close if I might add, says nothing and starts touching my boots and then when I pushed his hand off. He says those are sexiest boots i've ever seen. I just looked him like and so what? Is this the worst try ever?, I started laughing at him, and he just left embarassed I can think of worse chat-up lines ..... ["Grab your coat darlin', you've pulled."] Men tend to have 'fetishes', women not so. [Women tend to be seen as slightly enthusiastic collectors. I have in mind shoes and handbags when I mention this BTW. I've also know models of frogs, pigs and Barbie Dolls be included in these themes.] Men with uncontrollable or hard to control urges, are a pest, or worse, a threat. This has nothing to do with boots or shoes, but a personality disorder that makes one aspect of someones life more important than it should be. Many here have a rather (forgive me,) self indulgent urge, that effects very few others directly. I would propose anyone who has found this place, is unlikely to be a pest, and even less likely to be a threat. I don't know what possible benefit this thread might have, here at If I wanted to ridicule high heeled men [men interested in high heels), it's not unlike the type of 'poisoned chalice' I'd offer. ...
Ninanoora Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Sorry if i missed the point?? was discussion about shoe collecting wierdos or just wierdos in general? ^.^ . You can count me one of those shoe collecting wierdos. "Even when I'm a mess, I put on a vest... with an S on my chest, oh yes.. I'm a Superwoman.. "
fastfreddy2 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Ninanoora said: Sorry if i missed the point?? was discussion about shoe collecting wierdos or just wierdos in general? ^.^ . You can count me one of those shoe collecting wierdos. I'd say you were right in thinking it was a question about "what might be a 'shoe weirdo'?" But to discuss someone with what seems like an 'unhealthy' interest in heels here, is rather like discussing the quality of the wine from a vineyard at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Of the 56,000,000+ people that live in this country, I'd hazard a guess that perhaps (optimistically), 10,000 people might see men wearing high heels as 'normal'. As a percentage of the population, that isn't even on the map. If someone wanted to start a thread on fellas 'unhealthy' interest on any particular aspect of womens attire, I'd sooner it was about something like cleavage. It's a much bigger problem ( ) and a lot more common. For example: I took the missus car in for a service in December. It was cold (and wet) here, so most people were wearing quite warm clothes. Not the receptionist at the garage. Her clothes were typical 'office attire', with one significant difference. Her blouse was open to below the lower line of her breasts, and she was wearing a bra that allowed a line of flesh to be seen from her throat to the point where the blouse was buttoned. There was so much cleavage shown, I was embarressed to look at her. It was impossible to talk to her without her chest taking over the conversation (in mind leastways). Her dress was completely inappropriate. But she could rightly say to her work colleagues, "Men keep staring at my breasts while they're talking to me." And be telling the truth. Many men going into the garage that day will have been 'labelled'. As a member here, I'm obviously disappointed you would laugh at someone who passed a compliment on your boots. If you had been at the Heel Meet last week, I dare say everyone there would have said the same thing. Where does that place us on the "weirdo" scale? Perhaps it explains my 'poisoned chalice' remark just a little better? ..
Ninanoora Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 fastfreddy2 said: As a member here, I'm obviously disappointed you would laugh at someone who passed a compliment on your boots. If you had been at the Heel Meet last week, I dare say everyone there would have said the same thing. Where does that place us on the "weirdo" scale? Perhaps it explains my 'poisoned chalice' remark just a little better? .. I wasnt laughing at his "compliment", I'm not even sure was it compliment after all. I laughed at his lame attempt to hit me. Maybe i toned down the compliment just little too much, hmm its hard to translate it. but it was more closely to saying "those are most sinfully sexiest boots I've ever seen." So the "compliment" was already questionable being appropriate or not, and then how he showed his interest towards me at first place. thats all. "Even when I'm a mess, I put on a vest... with an S on my chest, oh yes.. I'm a Superwoman.. "
fastfreddy2 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Ninanoora said: Maybe i toned down the compliment just little too much, hmm its hard to translate it. but it was more closely to saying "those are most sinfully sexiest boots I've ever seen." So the "compliment" was already questionable being appropriate or not, and then how he showed his interest towards me at first place. thats all. Fair comment. I wasn't trying to be critical of your remarks either. It can be a fine line between risqué and poor taste, and usually you have to be there to tell the difference. ...
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