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Hi - I was wonderng if anyone who lives in the South East was interested in having a meeting, I would prefer it if it was some where private (someones house etc) as I not sure I am confident enough to wear my heels out in a bust public area yet (although I am getting there..........) I cant make the Feb heel meet as my otherhalf is off and I wont be able to get away for the day, would be good to meet some other heel lovers! I would offer my place, but as my otherhalf does not know about my thigh boots its probably not a good idea! Just a thought really - would be an opportunity for a group of like minded people to get together, compare heels! Let me know! :santa_hat:


Bit of a trek for me (from Bucks). I wouldn't mind another trip to Bluewater sometime though, or maybe to Lakeside instead, if there are any other takers for that sort of Meet.

Always High-Heel Responsibly


Hi - I was wonderng if anyone who lives in the South East was interested in having a meeting, I would prefer it if it was some where private (someones house etc) as I not sure I am confident enough to wear my heels out in a bust public area yet (although I am getting there..........)

I would offer my place, but as my otherhalf does not know about my thigh boots its probably not a good idea!

Firstly, wearing heels is not a prerequisite for attending a heel meet. Plenty of people have gone to heel meets sans heels. I did at last years London meet (I wore more modest 1 inch cubans - ironically louder than a pair stilletos I own - because I was working that evening).

Secondly, wearing heels out for the first time with a bunch of likeminded people is a great position to be in. Just think of the support you'll get and when you see other guys in heels and no one actually taking any notice with nothing bad happening, you'll wonder why you left your heels at home!

I would certainly be up for meeting on a weekday or something. Herts, Bucks and Berks I can do - along with Lakeside and Bluewater - considering I'm only 5 minutes from the M25 now.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

  • 3 weeks later...

Any chance this idea could be progressed? I know of at least 3 of us in the Herts area. At least one other in Milton Keynes, one or two more in Bucks (or was it Berks? :cool1:) I'm sure there's a couple of members in North London too. Watford seems central ... But I'm up for a 30-40 mile journey in any direction. I had in mind an inexpensive restaurant, with fairly easy access, in a discreet location. I'm happy to source and propose a suitable venue, or would support another location if suggested. Not sure I'm ready for walking around Lakeside or Bluewater wearing 4" heels though. Apart from anything else, friends shop at both places and I'm not ready to "share" my tastes in preferred footwear yet. [Nor do I ever expect to be.] That said, I'm hoping I've got the cahonas to walk into the 02 Dome tomorrow for a tour around the Tutenkhamun Exhibition wearing 4" wedges. [With her good self, no less.] These are rubber soled ankle boots by Nine West called O-Lamis. Bought in the sales for half price at £42. [so comfortable/useful I bought 3 pairs.......] Almost unnoticeable under jeans. I hope. ;)



I would be up for that if free. I know it's been done before but London is best communications wise. To be honest you're unlikley to meet anyone you know in the crowds of Camden or Oxford Street or even Lakeside. If you are worried, just wear a pair of dark sunglasses.


I'm good for Camden and Oxford Street, but at Lakeside or Bluewater it might take a bit more than sunglasses to disguise my hairline. :cool1: I know it's unlikely I'd meet anyone I knew there, but I've bumped into work colleagues on the streets of Tenerife...... It's for that reason I've never taken up gambling. I only ever bet on a 'sure thing', and still lose. ;) Still, I'm easily led ........ :wave:

Guest Loveshiheels

Now that i been to my first heel meet I be up for more heel meets if fairly near.


I was one of the berks from Bucks! :cool1:

Yep, Lakeside or Bluewater would be good for me.

Watford or Camden would be good also - easier/quicker for me to get to them than the others actually.

Some other places were also mooted - Stevenage? Uxbridge?

I'd be game for those, although I know little about them. Do they have large shopping precincts & decent outdoor areas?

If no one else has proposed a date/venue by end of this month, I'll 'stick a marker down'.

A day in April seemed to be popular. It would probably have to be sometime in the first 2 weeks of April for me if it's a weekend meet.

Any chance this idea could be progressed?

I know of at least 3 of us in the Herts area. At least one other in Milton Keynes, one or two more in Bucks (or was it Berks? ;))

I'm sure there's a couple of members in North London too. Watford seems central ... But I'm up for a 30-40 mile journey in any direction.

Always High-Heel Responsibly


I'd agree, Stevenage is not an attractive place to go.

I suppose the choice of venue will be slightly dependant on what else is on the agenda. Meaning; if a walk around the shoe shops is on the cards, then there are some places like shopping malls that'll be more suitable during the day...... If it's a get together over a beer (or diet coke in my case) and maybe some food, with some walking thrown in, then other places might be more suitable. I was expecting (hoping) some people to attend who had never met 'men in heels' and walking in heels around very public shopping areas may keep potential attendees away.

My big 'no-no' at the moment is wearing heels around any group of 16-24 year old chaps, especially if they've had access to alcohol. A 'friendly' bar/restaurant seemed like the sort of place people could move into and out of without the world watching, but allow almost any choice of footwear. Is it one of the reasons there are not more mini-meetings? Trying to tick too many boxes in one go (trying to please everyone)?

Would those who haven't yet met anyone else off the forum care to comment on what's kept them away?

At the moment, I am planning a heeled shopping trip to Oxford Street on Saturday 1st March with the girlfriend I took with me last Thursday. She has suggested I go with my quiet wedges, I want to go with my noisy stilettoes. [Jury is still out on this one.] But I'll be there one way or the other .....


I'd agree, Stevenage is not an attractive place to go.

Would those who haven't yet met anyone else off the forum care to comment on what's kept them away?

Agreed, Stevenage is not a great place to go for a meet up.

As for what's keeping me away, it's me. I'd like to meet some of you guys, and would like to participate in heels too, but I guess I'm just not ready to take that step yet.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly


As for what's keeping me away, it's me. I'd like to meet some of you guys, and would like to participate in heels too, but I guess I'm just not ready to take that step yet.


I may well be your nearest (non-lurking) HHP neighbour & I'd be happy to assist you in an introduction to the HeelMeeting crowd.

Drop me a Private Message sometime if you want to get together for an extra-mini-meet somewhere low-key where we're both anonymous and can get lost in the crowds (like, er... Bletchley?).

Failing that, keep a lookout for me in MK Shopping Centre - i'll probably be that shifty looking bloke skulking about in the New Look shoe dept. ;)

Always High-Heel Responsibly


Agreed, Stevenage is not a great place to go for a meet up.

As for what's keeping me away, it's me. I'd like to meet some of you guys, and would like to participate in heels too, but I guess I'm just not ready to take that step yet.

I'm sure it is. Why not meet a couple of us, without heels? Just meet, chat.

Maybe see how discreet wearing heels can be as a spectator if you can cope with that, again away from the general public and maybe daylight? Or meet with no heels around at all? [Although my experience tells me you'll probably wish you had some with you ... :wink1: ]

Failing that, keep a lookout for me in MK Shopping Centre - i'll probably be that shifty looking bloke skulking about in the New Look shoe dept. ;)

Hmmmm. New Look do seem to have nice footwear (for the money). My most rugged pair were great value for money.


I'm up for Watford maybe. It's only a short drive from where I live in North London - I'm right on the border with Hertfordshire almost.

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005


I am some way west of the M25, but please keep me up to date of any meetings as I do travel across London for business so if the date matched a business trip I would like to join the party. ;) If invited of course.


I'm in Brighton, I'd be up for this but I don't have transport so I'll suggest brighton for a heel meet. Besides, it's pretty "liberated" here.


I'd be willing to do Brighton sometine, probably in the summer. But, there's a good train service to London. Get a cheap day return and you can be at Oxford street in 90 mins


I'm in Brighton, I'd be up for this but I don't have transport so I'll suggest brighton for a heel meet. Besides, it's pretty "liberated" here.

I can see Brighton being a good place for a Friday or Saturday night stopover. A better venue for when the breeze temperature is in double figures. :cool1: All that pavement along the beach to walk up and down too!

London. and all points around the M25 seem to be popular. Venues like Bluewater/Lakeside seem useful because there are things to do. As with Oxford Street.

Seems there are a few interested in meeting but what sort of compromise will have to be made?

Some want day, some evening perhaps?

One at least wants weekday, others outside of normal working hours?

Then there is location. Who will have to travel the furthest?

I'm really keen, and I can see this idea unfortunately slipping away with trying - possibly too hard - to get all interested parties together. [Trying to please everyone, and actually pleasing no-one?]

I've very little experience of trying to help organise such a widely spread group. How has it been done before? A poll with a matrix of choices, with the highest count being the one used for time and location?

I said in my intro I'd try not to gush. Not doing very well here though. ;)



I'm really keen, and I can see this idea unfortunately slipping away with trying - possibly too hard - to get all interested parties together. [Trying to please everyone, and actually pleasing no-one?]

I've very little experience of trying to help organise such a widely spread group. How has it been done before? A poll with a matrix of choices, with the highest count being the one used for time and location?


I'm also keen as mustard for some mini-meets to happen this year.

We had a couple last year that I 'sort of' organised.

(Reading & Bluewater: The threads are probably still accessible if you want to see who did what & when)

As I recall, all I did was make a suggestion (of venue + month). The actual date was then decided on the basis of whether enough people were interested & could make it.

I prefer to meet up on a weekday myself, as weekends are usually booked up with family stuff. A weekend meet is probably workable as well though if there's enough notice.

If no one else had kicked off with a suggestion/invitation by end of this week, I was going to post one myself at the weekend. I'm happy for someone else to start the ball rolling this time though.

Just stick your head out of the minaret and start chanting! ;)

Always High-Heel Responsibly


The actual date was then decided on the basis of whether enough people were interested & could make it.

And is why I expected a weekend to be more popular?

I prefer to meet up on a weekday myself, as weekends are usually booked up with family stuff. A weekend meet is probably workable as well though if there's enough notice.

If no one else had kicked off with a suggestion/invitation by end of this week, I was going to post one myself at the weekend. I'm happy for someone else to start the ball rolling this time though.

Just stick your head out of the minaret and start chanting! ;)

I can do weekdays or weekends, or (even better,) evenings. Darkness is a great disguise. :cool1:

  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone around for a meeting a Bluewater during the day tomorrow??? (Tue 18th March)


Can't make it, sorry. Too much work to clear before Easter weekend.

Would be happy to take a jaunt there in a few weeks though - maybe e/o May/ early June.

Always High-Heel Responsibly

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