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Ok, I dont fall in heels, I had early training at age like 11..and worked my way up..I trip more in flats like snaeakers then i do in heels. My question is why do u think people fall in heels? this is like a heel blooper post,,U can share stories of funny fall u have seen with someone in heels? this should be interesting.

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My wife and I were shopping at a craft store last weekend and as I was walking down a separate isle than her looking for stencils, this man heard my heels, turned for a quick look and I put my foot down a little sideways and the heel slid and scuffed the floor but as the expert that I am, I gracefully saved my stride and kept on walking trying not to laugh to hard.LOL (Slippery floors). That is the only time in my 50 years of wearing heels I can remember slipping.

real men wear heels

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Only have had one "Ooops" situation what I recall. It happened in Paris and I was wearing 4½" boots with a kind of tapered heel, tip something like 3/4"x3/4". It had been raining and I hurried down a metro/subway station and when making a left turn i the hallways my left foot started to slide to the right, behind my right one. A receipy for a nasty fall but somehow I managed to stay upright and continue my walk. I have no idea if anyone noticed but it was a busy afternoon so I guess someone saw it.

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I used to have the habit of immediately wearing the shoes I buy in the mall. This is a recipe for disaster. New shoes with a leather sole can be very slippery, especially on marble floors. I once skidded with my arms flying in the air, but magically stayed upright (sort of)

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my boot heel caught the edge of a curb near work one day as i was stepping into the street. the attempt to recover caused the boot to catch the hem of my skirt, tossing my clumsy ass into the street on hands and knees (cel phone flying the rest of the way across the street) immediately in front of a lady in her 60's who kindly helped me up. my wife (who was on the phone with me) thought i'd been hit by a vehicle. only thing injured was my pride! r1g0r

society has decided that men will be confined to

certain items of clothing, and certain modes of


until we rebel PERSONALLY against this, we are diminished!

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Falling isn't funny - it's embarassing and deflating, and sometimes dangerous. Yes, I have done it on my one public outing (with a girl friend). After a long walk, nervous and tense, I turned an ankle and went down suddenly. I have done that in regular men's shoes too, but it's less likely to happen then due to the wider soles and heels. I don't get enough practice to be worry free. The Beautiful Wife caught a heel on a step and fell down a flight of concrete steps. She really liked high heels, but never wore them after that.

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Though I didn't fall, I was out shopping today and hit a wet spot on the hardwood floor of JCrew and skidded about six inches before regaining my balance. My heels were only 2 1/2 inches, so they weren't the problem nearly as much as the smooth soles (and the wet spot.) The worst part is there was a woman with fantastic legs and great shoes that I was trying to check out and be cool...just didn't work out the way I planned...

Style is built from the ground up!

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My wife and I were shopping at a craft store last weekend and as I was walking down a separate isle than her looking for stencils, this man heard my heels, turned for a quick look and I put my foot down a little sideways and the heel slid and scuffed the floor but as the expert that I am, I gracefully saved my stride and kept on walking trying not to laugh to hard.LOL

(Slippery floors).

That is the only time in my 50 years of wearing heels I can remember slipping.

Well, when it happens - it happens. After some 50 years of wearing heels, I don't have to pick myself up very often, but occasionaly I do find a foot sliding out from under me - usually on stairs - and then I have to grab something and try to recover as gracefully as possible.

But much to my annoyance, I find that the soles of some of my shoes seem to get much slicker with wear. These are usually made of some kind of neoprene or rubber and I don't recall ever having the problem with leather soled shoes. But I promise you that when I feel those rubber soled shoes start to slip, it's like stepping in oil. :smile: My only option is to clean 'em up or take 'em off.

Keep on stepping,

Guy N. Heels

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Well, when it happens - it happens. After some 50 years of wearing heels, I don't have to pick myself up very often, but occasionaly I do find a foot sliding out from under me - usually on stairs - and then I have to grab something and try to recover as gracefully as possible.

But much to my annoyance, I find that the soles of some of my shoes seem to get much slicker with wear. These are usually made of some kind of neoprene or rubber and I don't recall ever having the problem with leather soled shoes. But I promise you that when I feel those rubber soled shoes start to slip, it's like stepping in oil. :smile: My only option is to clean 'em up or take 'em off.

Wasn't because the soles were slick. I just stepped a little crooked. LOL

real men wear heels

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We have a day called casual day, where you buy a sticker and the proceeds go to Disabled persons. On these days you can dress up, down, freaky, funny or wacky. So this one year I dressed like a hippie in platforms to work. Needless to say the platforms was beige 5" heels with a 3/4" platform. The building I worked in had death traps for elevators so I usually took the stairs. This particular day it had been a little bit busy and going up the staris had to happen faster than normal. Halfway between floor 4 and 5 my one foot stopped in midair with the other about to leave the step. The platform threw me out just enough to et caught on the step and I did a swan dive down the stairs. With no damage apart from abruised ego, I started up the stairs at a more reasonable pace, atking into acount the heels of course....

Why tiptoe through life only to arive safely at death?

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Strangley I always embarass myself in lower heels. High heels greater than 3" I take a lot of care how I walk, but I've fallen in 2" and less on marble floors twice because the complacent feeling that I'm safe and that I'm still reying on the heel first when turning.

So what's all the fuss about?

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I haven’t fallen while wearing heels (5") but I have had a few miss steps. Several times I have had a heel kick out from under me while I was walking on a freshly waxed floor in a supermarket. Each time it happened it was a reminder that it was time to go to the cobbler and replace the heel tips. The other recurring incident is when I’m getting into my car. I manage to catch a heel on the bottom of the door opening when I’m putting my foot in. When this happens I manage to tumble into the drivers seat. Since I’m on the way down anyway (gravity being what it is), there isn’t a lot I can do about it except to try to crash gracefully.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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I haven't actually fallen in heels, but I have come close. One night I was out in Manchester with Krapsparov, who was playing a gig in Revolution. I was sitting with the band who were up on a mezzanine with a flight of steps up to it, and was wearing my avatar boots and a full-length black leather coat. With the mezzanine being bands-only that night a few people were looking as I came down the stairs, just as my heel got caught in the lining of my coat. I managed to avoid falling, but my air of cool was seriously dented! :smile: Chris

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