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Expanding the comfort zone...


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It won't be too long and I'll start feeling a lot more like wearing the heels most the time when I'm out. Today I had to take care of some business at the DMV - as I was in a minor wreck in my "go to airport" 1988 toyota truck. I had to cancel my registration on the car, no big deal, but it was lunch and I have some new pleaser seduce 420's in brown that I'm fairly comfortable with in long jeans - usually I heel in public places at night and in crowded places and this was night time in broad daylight - but I thought WTF - no one will know me and no one will know each other - just a bureaucratic line. Parking was 100 meters away, in sort of a minimall "L" shaped row of stores with a large covered sidewalk. It was a bit of a walk and I just took my time. I passed a 30'ish tall black woman in 4 inch heels that looked up as we passed - I'm 6'8 in the heels. I think there was a bit of a double take on her part after she passed by - as I heard her stride pause for a moment - perhaps she heard my heel clicks in harmony with her's - I didn't look back. You really can't see much of the heels with the jeans, but you sure can here them, especially on the tile floor of the DMV office - The cue was about 10 people in front and a homely short woman in her 40's cued in behind me. I think she notice quite quickly - she kept an unnatural meter or so back all the time we were in line. Standing still in heels is something I haven't done that much - and at first I kinda just planted my feet until I had to advance in line, to avoid click clicking. As my calves tightened up I realized its much better to stand and shift weight back and forth naturally. My service caused me to walk across the open area to the furthest attendant. No problems - it felt good to walk - though I had to remind myself to take short steps, It would not serve me well to stumble crossing the tile floor. After business was completed, I turned, replaced my sunglasses, and walked passed the cue. I guess that 3 - 4 people - the cue was at least 14 - were looking at me or toward my feel. Of course, no comments, and my confidence explodes as I leave. Just a few notes, these pumps are size 15 - a little loose even with good pads at the ball of my feet. I usually were a tight fitting 14, but as I'm flying to europe this weekend, I thought I'd try a less tight shoe. The problem is that the the heel cup of the shoe slips off every now and then. Is there a pad or something I can put in the heel to add friction and take up a little space, and that can easily be removed? The slipping heel makes me not as near as confident a walker. This is not a problem with me usual lace-up oxfords. I do like the brown leather of the pumps, and it is easy to coordinate a belt - and my travel "purse" that contains various currencies, credit cards, passport, and a place for my ipod and headphones. Also, I know it is my already tall height that draws the attention of others to my heels. I don't know if there is a "height threshold" where this effect occurs. I remember the same was true 30 years ago when I was wearing 3 inch platform heels that were somewhat in style at the time.

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as far as the fit goes. i was wondering the same thing. i have a pair of black pumps in size 13 that fit just as you described. i tried the same shoe in a 12 but it was too small. then i have a pair of pleaser boots that were too small in 13 so i had to get 14. it is great for your confidence when u go out and nothing happens. it shows you that you don't ahve to be so self concious about it. i had my first outing in heels in a real public place the other day at the grocery store.

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6'8" --- my goodness. I'm 6'5" in 5" stilettos and I'm a little conscious of how tall I am when in a line at the grocery, but 6’8” ... I can see where that might attract a bit of attention.:o My congratulations on your outting.;)

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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tallguyinheels - that reminds me of the couple of times I really pushed the fashion boundaries at the last call centre I worked at, and actually was ballsy enough to wear my 8" sandals:

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and I'm 6'2" flat-footed! Thankfully, no concussions from door-frames.

Sorry for the threadjack - now back to our regularly-scheduled topic..........

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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So a followup from Copenhagen - on the way to the airport I decided to wear the new brown pumps - which I added some new slightly thicker pads hoping to solve the slipping heel problem. At ATL airport, I take a park-n-ride shuttle from a remote lot to the airport. Usually, I don't change into heels until I get to the airport, but as my confidence it growing, I decided to go with the heels. So I gather my briefcase, and luggage, concentrating on not forgetting anything, following my usually routine. Several other passengers boarded the shuttle bus as I was getting on board, so I knew the heels would be noticed. These shuttle busses have just two large steps - and negotiating these in heels was challenging - but I had fresh legs and the sturdy pleasers had no difficulty supporting the almost 300lb of my body, overcoat and hoisted travel bags on their 5 inch shanks. I took the first seat after depositing the luggage on the storage shelf of the bus - and focussed on the path ahead. At the terminal, I waited for the other passengers to leave and the one woman on board gave me pleasant, perhaps empathetic (though she was not wearing heels) smile. Certainly not judgmental. Now going down those steps is not something I could breeze through even without the added weight, so I took my time going one step at a time - Step down with the right, bring the left to the same step - repeat as necesarry. The driver adds a "you be careful, now" as I make the last step - as she joins the people noticing my high altitude footwear... more to come

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Continued... so the Delta terminal has just been remodels and the flooring is new and very slick. It's my first time in pumps, not my confident oxfords, on a slick surface. "slow down - enjoy the experience, relax and watch others..." I tell myself and it works, everybody is rushing past my short confident steps, as I head toward the crowded check in kiosks. At least there are no lines to stand in. With my sunglasses now off - I'm free to make eye contact with people, Lot's of people are noticing, a couple security, a attendant at the kiosks - but perhaps I've been taking TB guy's voyages as a challenge - I really don't care and nobody says anything. Actually, slowing down, taking some relaxing breaths is great confident builder, I stand and await my turn to deposit my checked luggage, gather my boarding pass an prepare to deal next with security. Again, the challenge is the slick walking surface and the pumps. I really like the open feel of the pumps, and they certainly look better and will be a snap to remove and return on my feet as pass through the xray station. But ether the pad have slipped or my foot has slide forward stretching the new shoes a bit. So I head for the men's restroom, park and remove the shoes, readjust the pads, add a couple cotton balls to the toes (I read somewhere that this is a good technique to keep your foot from slipping forward), mount the shoes again and head for security, I guy is behing and the flooring is a worn a bit and more secure so I stride out a little - I'm thinking to myself that somebody watching would comment at how well that man walks in heels! No big lines and I move to a cue of 25 or so people waiting to join the xray station. I notice a tall young girl wearing tall 5-6 inch heeled boots on a short 1/2 inch platform already at the end of one of the xray lines - looking very good and wishing i had spent just a minute or two less in the restroom so I might have been able to strike up a conversation as we met in cue. The heels come off first and go into the tub, my overcoat over the top. The businessman behind me makes no comment, while surely noticing. Through security I take a glance back at the xray sceen - where the solid steel shank of the heels is a clearly visible black rod. A lot of waling and standing to do still. Down the escalator, board the crowded train to the international concourse - last stop. Standing, not walking really tightens the calves and coupled with the less support of the pumps and the half-mile or more of walking at made its toll as I hit the again slippery flloor of the redone international concourse. I'm getting a little wobble as a pair of teenage girls turn around and giggle after passing me by. Who cares, as I take my seat at the gate, and relax my tired dogs.

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Yes, Pumps, arrived today - how was the concert - CPH sure get lots of great acts through here... I'm usually on business full time when visiting so I don't get out much.

One of my best concerts ever. She still got it.

I can't wait to hear about Copenhagen.

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so do you live in atl? i noticed last time i picked somebody up form the airport that they had changed the flooring. i'll have to make sure to be careful if i wear heels there.

Yes, slick as can be... Force me to take steps not much longer that 18" b/c I had to plant my toes at the same time as the heel ...

I'll work in it when I return to ATL.

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  • 2 years later...

Just reading some old threads as I am new here....this is a great confidence booster for us tall guys!! I'm 6'3 w/o heels, I want to build up the confidence and go out in my stilettos! thanks got a great post OP and any other outings? Any pics too?

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Excellent outings - both at the DMV and the airport. Though I am only 6'2" is bare feet and usually stay wear 4" and less heels, I have some comprehension of being tall and combining it with heels. In some ways being tall has helped with my confidence - I know people I am going to stand out to some degree anyway, sh what does it matter if I throw on three or four more inches. However, what struck me as amazing is where you chose to expand your comfort zone. The DMV is a great place. First of all there are always a lot of people, but what would have made me apprehensive more than that is that I would have had to given the clerk my name to to business. It took me years before I had the guts to heel at the bank for that reason. This telles me that you have a pretty wide comfort zone. Airport security is a whole other matter. I am not sure if I would ever have the guts to do that. I applaud you for doing it! Your thread is a very good resource for novice heelers (and also good for some of us who get out quite a bit as well.) Even if you are an experienced heeler, there will always be new challenges and new opportunities. I often find myself in a rut, doing the same old same old in heels. Personally, I am getting closer to just weairng them wherever and however I want, but I am not quite there yet. It is always important to just get out and do it.

Style is built from the ground up!

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Impressive outings, tallguyinheels! Going to the DMV would never have occurred to me. Bravo to you for thinking outside the box! Makes me want to think up new places to go as well. I feel that it is indeed important to expand your horizons, lest things become stale from going to the same places over and over, and you attacked that problem in a bold and confident manner. 6' 8" in heels, eh? Wow! Doubly impressed!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Tallguyinheels:-) I am also impressed as you expand your heeling opportunities to new venues. Your stories are of excellant reading and show interesting challenges that you easily overcome as if they were not even there. Wearing heels everywhere is second nature to you as it should be. Congrats to you and continue to do just what you are doing now. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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