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Wow what an outing


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I haven't posted here for a while, but I just gotta tell you about my new pumps and the fun I've had with them.

I got these:

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When I got them, I didn't think it was such a good look, as the shoes area too small compare to foot, giving it a high conrast when I wore them barefooted. Then I tried to wear a pair of black stockings and it worked. I think they look great with my black leather jacket.

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With this look I couldn't wait to get out there. I took my car over to the big local shoppingmall. It was just before closing so the place wasn't as crowded as it can be, but still plenty of people around. I felt confident and went looking at clothes a bit, before going on to buy some candy. Plenty of people in the big candy store, but I couldn't care less. I just mixed my candy as I would normally do and it felt great. Driving home I was so exited. Going back in I didn't have the ususal worry about the neightboughs spotting me. I didn't care who saw me. I knew I wanted to do it again.

So this was at evening time and in my car. It's always a little safe when you have the car, but what about taking the bus downtown in broad daylight ? Would I dare ? I got the idea to visit the local art gallery, which I had never visited before. Taking to bus gives my the possibillity to take a just a small drink to calm my nerves.

Well I was hessitant just before leavig to house, but I did it. I just marched on to the bus stop. Only one other guy was waiting. He payed no attention to me. I couple of people came just as I was getting in the bus. I sat in the back at a place where my pumps could be seen by everybody. Nobody stared. It was pretty much business as usual. I got of the bus. There where not many people in the city early on a sunday, but I crossed the square to the museum and went in. It was pretty deserted apart from the staff which was all female. They did look a bit weird at me, but was very freindly. I walked around the museum and felt great about doing it. Suddenly one of the girls came up to me and said that she loved my shoes, but would just like to tell me that I should remove the labels underneath, because they shoved when I walked. I thanked her for that tip. I should have talked to her more, but I was pretty amazed. No woman have just come up to me and complimented my clothes before. Absolutely amazing.

I went home not caring what people thought and I'm still high from the experience. What a day.

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Brilliant! A great looking pair of shoes, and you matched them up with your outfit perfectly! Couldn't done better myself, and I should know since I've worn similar outfits. As for your outing, it sounds like you had a great time too. Excellent! Reminds me of my first outings in pumps, the initial nervousness, followed by the elation that came from wearing them, not caring who saw them or anything like that. And you were complimented too? Terrific! I'm sure you'll remember this outing for a very long time. More power to you!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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great story! especially the part about the bus! i remember doing that as well, getting up the courage to take the public transit wearing high heels in broad daylight, in plain view for all to see! that really ought to boost your courage for future outings. looking forward to reading more of your future adventures.

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That was a great outing and the pumps look good to. The dark hose do let them blend in better. I have found that museums are a great place to go heeling. I wear thigh boots to every museum I tour. The first time the staff always looked a little surprised (who wouldn't) but they have always treated me very nicely and often have supportive comments.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Great day! If a woman came up to you and told you to remove the stickers from the soles, I would think that she was noticing you and maby even a little interested, not to mention very open minded. I'd go back!

real men wear heels

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Great day! If a woman came up to you and told you to remove the stickers from the soles, I would think that she was noticing you and maby even a little interested, not to mention very open minded. I'd go back!

Great minds think alike! That just occured to me as well. Very few people would notice stickers on the soles unless they were looking for them, which meant that lady was definitely observing pumps and the shoes he wore. No doubt about that in my mind.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Just went shopping in my heels. Not much to tell, because nothing special happened. Just me in my new heels, not caring what people think. No hessitation at the frontdoor. I tell you. People who keeps their heeling indoors are missing out. :wink:

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I just can't belive my confidence at the moment. This evening I went to the mall again. I saw a jacket that I wanted to buy last time. I had hoped to get a salesperson who would help me a bit and then maybe comment on the whole look or something. Well that didn't happen. Instead there where a young girl who was obviusly bothered by my outfit and did anything to avoid me. I tried the jacket, but it was too small. I asked her if they had it bigger, but she just replied that it was the only one. Then it kinda dawned on me that even though I'm a very shy person when I'm out, the roles were now reversed and SHE was the shy and uncomfortable one, while I was the confident one who didn't give a damn. Maybe heeling is a cure for shyness ? I went into a couple of other stores and didn't even feel like going home, but the mall was closing, so I did. Coming back to my building my neighbourgh came out, so that's out. Strangely I don't care. I on a high with my confidence.

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Hey Pumps You are really making some progress. My hat's off for you. I actually planned to go to IKEA and "your" mall (don't think there are too many big malls in your neighbourhood?) last Sunday but being home sick the whole Saturday made me a bit dozed on Sunday so I never went. And then I read that you were there on, what I believe was, the same Sunday. Would have been interesting if we ran into each other, wouldn't it? I read your stories with great interest and it would be nice to see you some day, maybe in London 10:th of March? Keep on heeling, and keep on posting.

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Hey Pumps

You are really making some progress. My hat's off for you. I actually planned to go to IKEA and "your" mall (don't think there are too many big malls in your neighbourhood?) last Sunday but being home sick the whole Saturday made me a bit dozed on Sunday so I never went. And then I read that you were there on, what I believe was, the same Sunday. Would have been interesting if we ran into each other, wouldn't it?

I read your stories with great interest and it would be nice to see you some day, maybe in London 10:th of March?

Keep on heeling, and keep on posting.

Actually it was friday at the mall and sunday at the museum, but I guess it would be cool if we ran into eachother:fine:

I'll see you in London.

Was out shopping again today. Got a few smiles but otherwise not much happened.

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