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Talking About Heels!


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If someone had told me say, ten years ago that I'd stumble onto a website where men, yes, men spent considerable amounts of time gleefully talking about anything and everything revolving around women's shoes, I would've laughed and told said person that he was stone cold crazy.

And yet, here I am, and here we are at High Heel Place, happily discussing our beloved passion that has united so many people from literally the four corners of the earth. Sometimes, I can't help but chuckle how men find so much to discuss regarding women's shoes, our favorite styles, heel heights, colors, places to shop for same, the fashions we sport with our heels, our outings in heels, the pictures we boldly post online for not just us, but the whole wide world to see. And who says the only things men can talk about are sports, cars, action movies and other so-called "macho" pursuits? Not me!

After having been away from this most unique community for the better part of a year, it made me appreciate just how special a place this board is, and how special the people here are. I consider all of you freinds, and chatting with you about heels on a daily basis makes for plenty of fun. So, as we celebrate the arrival of the new year, let's continue to make this board an enjoyable place for everyone to come to be accepted without prejudice, and share in their passion for high heels!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I find it amazing too that so many guys have such a passion for footwear which is very similar to the way that females discuss shoes! We see a boot and we all say what an awesome style it is and most women (who are into shoes) would probably be just as enthusiastic!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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I was in the pub last night seeing the new year in with friends and had fun discussing cars with the guys and shoes with the girls! It's great to be able to do both. I agree with Jeff's post, I've joined several boards on various subjects and this is the only one that I visit pretty much every day. Chris

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I was in the pub last night seeing the new year in with friends and had fun discussing cars with the guys and shoes with the girls! It's great to be able to do both.

When I discussed shoes with female co-workers, they were openly amazed about my knowledge in that area. In fact, a couple of years ago, a co-worker asked me to come with her to a department store and help her pick out a nice pair of evening shoes for a party she was going to, saying she trusted my judgment when it came to shoes more than the women at the office. And, yes, I picked out a killer pair of shoes she loved. Women appreciate it when you talk about things that appeal to them, and when you exhibit a breadth of knowledge about a given subject, like shoes for example and can discuss it intelligently, they appreciate it even more. Just my two cents worth.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I think you're right Jeff. I had quite a good conversation last night with one of the girls about makeup and leg waxing. She's a goth, and her makeup is often quite elaborate and always looks stunning. Not that I know anything about makeup, but she seemed to like the fact that I was genuinely interested. I really enjoy female company, and talking about things other than the usual guy topics is one of the things I like. Chris

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Jeff: I can't agree more about discussing shoes with females. Whenever my wife and I are with a group, I always end up talking with the gals about all kinds of stuff and really enjoy it. We talk about all subjects and I love to talk about their shoes. They love it too and love to display them when we talk. Bernheels

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If someone had told me say, ten years ago that I'd stumble onto a website where men, yes, men spent considerable amounts of time gleefully talking about anything and everything revolving around women's shoes, I would've laughed and told said person that he was stone cold crazy. . . .

Ain't that the truth! And the other day, on another thread we guys were giving a young lady advice on how to wear and walk in high heels! I took part in that thread and could not help but think "This could only happen on the Internet!"

. . . So, as we celebrate the arrival of the new year, let's continue to make this board an enjoyable place for everyone to come to be accepted without prejudice, and share in their passion for high heels!

Absolutely! Let's make it a high-heeled New Year!

Have a happy time!

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I find it amazing too that so many guys have such a passion for footwear which is very similar to the way that females discuss shoes! We see a boot and we all say what an awesome style it is and most women (who are into shoes) would probably be just as enthusiastic!

Despite of my motto I like the actual girls boot style. Whoever should wear high heels over narrow jeans on the street if not courageous girls or crazy guys :wink:

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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...stopped in a Stein Mart Store this afternoon to exchange a pair of earrings for Donna..as I was looking in the case one of the salesladies came up to me gushing over the way I was just moving around with no problem in these babies...

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...she started in explaining to me how she always wanted to wear heels but they always hurt her feet to try..I ended up explaining to her that all she should do is start with a small heel with just a 2 or 3 inch heel and then just start increasing the heel as she felt like she was ready for it...she was so excited she wants me to come back in a week or so and see her in her "starter-heels" at the store...

..this is no kid..this is about a 30 year old or more who "just made her day" when she saw me...



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What an entertaining little tale, JSpikeheels! It's not every day you have a woman gushing over a man in heels, willing to talk to you about her desire to wear such shoes, and then you gave her advice on how to pull it off too! I'm sure that must've given you a warm feeling inside! Bravo!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I think you're right Jeff. I had quite a good conversation last night with one of the girls about makeup and leg waxing. She's a goth, and her makeup is often quite elaborate and always looks stunning. Not that I know anything about makeup, but she seemed to like the fact that I was genuinely interested.

I really enjoy female company, and talking about things other than the usual guy topics is one of the things I like.


The best conversations I have with others are with females about non-guy topics. Most are surprised that I'm both able to do so and remain heterosexual. I just remind them that not all guys are created equal...

When I discussed shoes with female co-workers, they were openly amazed about my knowledge in that area. In fact, a couple of years ago, a co-worker asked me to come with her to a department store and help her pick out a nice pair of evening shoes for a party she was going to, saying she trusted my judgment when it came to shoes more than the women at the office. And, yes, I picked out a killer pair of shoes she loved. Women appreciate it when you talk about things that appeal to them, and when you exhibit a breadth of knowledge about a given subject, like shoes for example and can discuss it intelligently, they appreciate it even more. Just my two cents worth.

Cool! I've had a few women friends who trust my judgement with respect to clothing. Never had one who'd go shopping for heels with me, though. One of these days...

I did participate in a discussion at Dillards the other day. Although I could find nothing in my size, I overheard a trio of mid to late thirties women discussing their shoe-shopping experiences. I was about four feet away when I heard one woman state, "I don't know what's wrong - in this size my toes are pinched, but in the next size it feels too loose."

I let her know I've worked in woman's shoes (a truthful comment, but in a sly way...) and asked if she'd allow me to help her. She said "Sure!" and I examined her foot. Key problem - she had short toes, a wide foot across her toes, and a weak arch. Thus, with the smaller shoe, her wide foot was pinching her toes, but with the larger shoe, she had no support/restraint across the instep. I asked if she'd allow me to measure her foot, and I discovered she was an 8-1/2 C. I found a boot with a round toe and it fit like a glove.

Perhaps I missed my calling?

Despite of my motto I like the actual girls boot style. Whoever should wear high heels over narrow jeans on the street if not courageous girls or crazy guys :wink:

Lot's of girls these days are wearing heels over jeans. The airports in Denver, Atlanta, and Paris were full of 'em.

yea only at a website like this can we talk about guys in heels.

I hope this was tongue in cheek, as I've talked with lots of people in many venues about guys in heels (bars, airplanes, work, other websites, etc.)

...stopped in a Stein Mart Store this afternoon to exchange a pair of earrings for Donna..as I was looking in the case one of the salesladies came up to me gushing over the way I was just moving around with no problem in these babies...

Great pics!

...she started in explaining to me how she always wanted to wear heels but they always hurt her feet to try..I ended up explaining to her that all she should do is start with a small heel with just a 2 or 3 inch heel and then just start increasing the heel as she felt like she was ready for it...she was so excited she wants me to come back in a week or so and see her in her "starter-heels" at the store...

..this is no kid..this is about a 30 year old or more who "just made her day" when she saw me...



Awesome. I've encountered other women who've had a difficult time wearing any heels at all because they had one or two bad experiences with too high a heel or one that was not right for their foot, so they gave up heels altogether.

Lots of heels will work well with any guy or girl, but some heels should be avoided based upon one's foot/bone structure and weight.

Above all, it takes time and patience.

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This group is great!! I'm so glad that I found you all, it looks as if I'll have fun here talking to you all.

Have a Happy New Year


I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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This certainly is a fun forum. I always enjoy the very rare occasion when I meet and get to talk with a woman who is interested in and knowlegeable about the typically male things that interest me, such as working on cars etc. It is refreshing and different, therfore intriguing. I wonder if women find men who understand and can talk about shoes or fashion interesting in the same way that men find a woman who, for example, is into fixing up cars interesting.

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This group is great!! I'm so glad that I found you all, it looks as if I'll have fun here talking to you all.

Have a Happy New Year


Glad to hear that! I hope you'll enjoy the experience here.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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I hope I'm not making problems for my self with the rules but Look at what I have found. What do we wear with our heels???

Men's pantyhose may jump-start a dying product

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By Lenore Skenazy


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They say age ain't nothing but a number. But it's more than that.

It's how you relate to pantyhose.

If you think of pantyhose as a normal part of life for women, you are middle-aged. If you think of them as ancient togs with all the sex appeal of bunion cushions, you are Gen X. But if you think of them as something to wear with defiant pride, you are truly something else. A brave new breed. A customer on the cusp.

You are, in short, a man.

Yes, while women's pantyhose sales have been in a freefall for about a decade, pantyhose sales to men are heading sky-high. Or thigh-high, anyway. And on a guy, that's pretty high.

''Our customers are primarily heterosexual, happily married men that you would never suspect of wearing anything unusual under their trousers,'' says Steven Katz, managing partner of Ohio-based Comfilon (as in comfort + nylon), the nation's largest purveyor of male pantyhose.

Katz comes from a long line of leg men - his great-grandfather started a stocking company in the 1920s. But Katz himself dreamed up his male hose (that doesn't sound right) only eight years ago, after perusing rival hosiery companies' Web sites and seeing the same reader comments over and over: ''Why are there no pantyhose for men?''

Ah, where would we be without the insights of the Web?

Men were longing for the comfort and coziness of pantyhose - attributes I'll admit I missed back in my own more pantyhose-intensive days. (If men said they longed to see their money disappear down the drain with a single snag, or enjoyed the challenge of trying to walk around in an undergarment that was, upon mid-day reflection, made for someone much, much shorter, that I'd understand. Maybe. But they really thought of pantyhose as the perfect garment: warmer than socks, less bulky than long-underwear. And so, they longed - same as women do - for equal pay.)

Anyway, now that men can buy pantyhose, and do, it is fair to ask why younger women are shunning them.

The pantyhose, that is. What it is about this item that makes it such a cultural flash point?

When panties and hosiery first crossbred in 1959, they were more than an instant hit. They were an instant demarcation line. Before that, women had to wear all sorts of hardware to hold up their stockings. Pantyhose were not only easier to get on (and off!), they also went so high up the thigh that they made the miniskirt possible. Hello, youth culture, sexual revolution and Twiggy! Goodbye, rubber girdles - the very undergarment that had seemed so liberating to earlier women, when they bid goodbye to the even more-constricting corset.

What's appalling to me, a pantyhose baby, is that today's young women feel the same way about pantyhose that I feel about girdles: Eww. ''Sex and the City'' made bare legs the billboard for a liberated libido. Anything else looked pathologically prim. But just as women my mother's age tsk-tsked the no-girdle look, bare legs in winter look utterly ridiculous to friends my age. So now we sound like old ladies.

''Look at those winter white legs,'' snipped my friend Nancy at Dunkin' Donuts the other morning. ''Tell me that is attractive. She'd look so much better in a pair of nice black nylons.''

That's why I'm hoping that the pantyhose-for-men movement takes off. If men can make pantyhose sexy, then maybe women can wear them again, too, without feeling as old as Betty Grable.

Or, come to think of it, Twiggy.

I also feel it's time to end gender based clothing that men should have the same fashion rights as the woman have enjoyed for 60 years. Equality in Fashion!

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