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Guy in heels on American Idol


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I was watching American Idol tonight. and one of the last ppl to audition was a guy named Zackery (spelling?) He was wearing slim blue jeans, a white double latch belt, a short, short, sleeved T shirt. and black 4" heel boots. his hair was dirty blond and about to the top of his neck in length. and his voice, mannerisims, and features (slim body and such) were very feminine. But he took offence to the judges when they mistook him for a girl. Now of course I'm not gonna judge ppl for what they wear and how they look and act. But he can't be so blind to see that we was very feminine looking, especially with his taste in fashion. So what I'm asking is, if other ppl have features who look the opposite to their sex AND indulge in freestyle fashion, are mistaken for the opposite sex, do they really have the right to be upset by other ppl's reactions/mistakes? I was also wondering if anyone else had seen his audition? Personally I loved his outfit, if I was as slim as he was I would be inclined to dress pretty similar. But in my opinion, he shouldn't have taken offence to them questioning his gender. He also blamed them for using his image as their reason for not accepting him into the compitition. I closed my eyes as he was singing and personally I agreed with the judges, his voice wasn't right for that sort of compitition.

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Damn, I wonder if anyone has a still shot of that?

Isn't there an online show that can be found in the archives? I mean here in holland you can watch shows online whenever you like ^^

A screenshot would be nice indeed..

If all is lost as it may seem,

in a cruel endless game,

I'd rather live to redeem,

than to die in shame!

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Okay, I went to the Idol site to see if I could track down a pic of the guy. The good news is I did, the bad is it's not a very good one and sadly you can't see his boots. But you can see enough of him to see what I was talking about. He's the guy on the left in the white shirt leaning forward...


Let me know yer thoughts!

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The bootss weren't that bad from what I saw. They weren't stiletto but they weren't Block either. On a side note his mom would have been cute without the white lipstick. I also think she has him seriously confused.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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Okay, I went to the Idol site to see if I could track down a pic of the guy. The good news is I did, the bad is it's not a very good one and sadly you can't see his boots. But you can see enough of him to see what I was talking about. He's the guy on the left in the white shirt leaning forward...


Let me know yer thoughts!

I can see why now! I would just assume that's a woman at first glance!

Hell, even at second or third glance!!

Good on him for wearing the shoes he wants though! :D

Heel-D - Freestyling since 2005

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My first reaction was , cool! Great heels, nice Boots and I liked the outfit. Paula made a very nice compliment about Zacharey's confidence. After some thought I am there too. What a great amount of confidence it took to go in front of a panel that contains Simon and also to be in front of millions of viewers. So my hat is off to Zach for his courage and confidence. He was being who he is and he is right, why judge a person by the cover, he is quite an outstanding young man. david

"Dress For Your Own Pleasure"

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Having no clue what this guy looked like I heard about him on XM radio's "Opie and Anthony".. after their standard mocking of just about everyone, the guest comedian Patrice Oneill mentioned that "America just isnt ready for that", refering to the young man in question. They did mention how the producers of american idol had the song "the crying game" playing in the background for this guy.. Doubt he ever had a chance... I'd love to see video to help clarify a few things though. Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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This is all great stuff. But unfortunately no one has touched on my question. I commend the guy for being himself, and dressing as he pleases. And he's extreamly lucky to have such a supportive family. However, like I said before, his singing wasn't that great, so the judges didn't let him advance. But the second he found that out, he blamed them for judging his looks instead of his voice. Also he talked about how many ppl mistake him for a girl... well I think we can all agree that if we weren't told, we'd all make that mistake as well. So reiterate, if someone who has features contrary to their sex, and also wear cross gender clothing, is it right for them to get upset if ppl make the honest mistake about their gender? But I do agree that Idol saying it was the "weirdest audition ever" was a bit much. I know for a fact tye've had weirder and it wasn't fair to call him weird based off his style.

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I say if you are a bit effemenate, and dress in a mix of male/female clothes you shouldnt be surprised if someone guesses wrong from time to time. I've seen alot of masculine females that one could mistake for being a guy.. Works both ways I guess Jim

(formerly known as "JimC")

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Man!! that kid is much more fenamen sp… than I am, and I get mistaken that I am a homosexual. That offends me very much, as I been discriminated in the past of such assumption. Kudos for him for being open about his sex, it just proves how we still judge people by the cover of the book. Also can we really argue that the clothes he wore were really women’s clothing?? I mean they were his.. :D

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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the lads mannerisms and appearence are very feminine, and i marvel how he can thihnk people would assume he is a man good on him for the courage to go on the show, however in the street i think he wouldnt encounter much pressure due to the fact that he looks so much like a woman anyway. daz

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In the end when he hugs his mom, he says "I hate looking like a girl" and him mom says "oooh, it's ok honey" I think his mom has something to do with the way he is.

Maybe, maybe not. Personally even if he was wearing clothes suggesting that he was a man he could be easily mistaken for a girl. Just his looks alone may confuse people. Well any way do we know how old he is?

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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18. He looked like he had hit puberty. I agree tho, if you want to be seen as a guy, don't wear girl's clothes, wear your hair gilry, pluck your eyebrows, and act feminine. I've heard other guys with voices as high as his.

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My wife, sister-in-law and I were talking about this today. A thought that struck us was maybe he knew his voice wasn't good enough to go all the way and did it as a way to get his name out there. I mean, no disrespect to him and kudos for his courage to dress as he wants, but if your going in front of those guys, ESPECIALLY Simon, your going to get negative comments. Top that off with the last minute bombshell (before he said a word, they seemed at ease, you can see the 3 tense up as soon as he says he is a guy). This would be like a nice looking women who is not a glamour model going on Howard Stern. You know the guy is an a-hole and is going to make negative comments. Anyway, you just know he is going to appear on the talk show circuit and all. If he just came in and did a normal routine and didn't get selected, he would be an unknown. By doing this, you pretty much know everyone will be talking about him. Again, not going against him, just wondering if maybe that was their motives. As they say, negative publicity is better than none (alot of celebs do this all the time).

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I looked at the message boards on the American Idol website. There were several ones about Zach. These two were the best. They also have some support for us.



It seems to me that people are still arguing about something that is going on for more than 20 years. Feminine guys, what's the deal?

What was considered normal in the 80's where rockstars looked even more femenine than this guy in the subject, is now confused but a revived subject to discuss. I mean to say that people of the mainstream world are more confused and uncertain of their desires then we (alternative lifestyle people) are. Throwing with random, some times negative comments, or even picking on some one who decided to be femenine are mostly individuals seeking for a rolemodel.

Last week something awesome occured to me. In college a group of guys saw me exiting the classroom, while I was on my way to the nearest toilet. One of them threw his sarcasm at me like: "Nice heels!" While he actually attempted to downgrade my image. So I walked up to him and offered a bet. "I give you 20 Euro if you walk on high heels for one day just like I do. Otherwise I call you a chicken..." "No way!" He said. "What?! Is the bid to low for you? Ah well then you must be spoiled little rich brat meaning that you can afford such expensive godly shoes, but you are too afraid to wear them even for 20 Euro. What a shame the world treats you this unfair. Heels are so much fun, but you wouldn't know because you don't dare to try, while still you judge them already. Ah well, I guess I better keep the money for good purpose better than wasting it on a common college boy like yourself."

And there it happened! I turned around and left my spell of silence up the entire group. I never thought the old arrogant me would return. So I returned to my classroom where my friends asked me about the performance that just happened.

You should have all seen their big eyes.... hehe.

If all is lost as it may seem,

in a cruel endless game,

I'd rather live to redeem,

than to die in shame!

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  • 2 weeks later...

In case anyone is looking for the clip in question, I finally found it after searching myself:


I thought he walked VERY well in heels myself, and has the right kind of build to pull it off.

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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After watching that video clip and what he said to his mom. She is the one confusing him. After he told her that she just said oh poor baby or something. She needs help because he is confused and all the blame goes to mommy dearest.

I hope that my wife asks me if i'm giong to wear those 4 inch leg wrap sandals that i bought from NIKE. Just a wish for the men in the world like us.

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In the end when he hugs his mom, he says "I hate looking like a girl" and him mom says "oooh, it's ok honey" I think his mom has something to do with the way he is.

In my opinion this guy is lying - he loves looking like a girl! But how could I criticize him - he has much more guts than I ever had. At an age of 18 or 20 I never had dared to appear in a tv show on high heels with a female make up. At his age I was simply a coward. My respect for this guy!


The best fashion is your own fashion!

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As a girl, i totally f***ing dig androgony. It's sexy when it's for real. I can't claim to watch these shows, coz, er, i don't/ but, i totally think that part of the world seems to wanna hold onto random ideals for no reason that i can fathom... Someone being themselves, no matter what they are, is better than enforced conformity. So... yeah!

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As a girl, i totally f***ing dig androgony. It's sexy when it's for real. I can't claim to watch these shows, coz, er, i don't/ but, i totally think that part of the world seems to wanna hold onto random ideals for no reason that i can fathom... Someone being themselves, no matter what they are, is better than enforced conformity. So... yeah!

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As a girl, i totally f***ing dig androgony. It's sexy when it's for real. I can't claim to watch these shows, coz, er, i don't/ but, i totally think that part of the world seems to wanna hold onto random ideals for no reason that i can fathom... Someone being themselves, no matter what they are, is better than enforced conformity. So... yeah!

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To me the shocking part is that the judges are blown away for seeing an androgynous guy singing!!! After a few seasons of AI, I’ll bet there are cases far more “shocking” that this boy. He had a good voice and an image to match, I think the judging was not fair at all! Do I hear law suit? :D (just kidding)

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