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Heels On A Hard Floor


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Hi Dawn Fortunately my heels haven't damaged the tiles, although there is a small hole in the bedroom carpet where my heel went into a crack in the floorboards! ;) When my new boots arrive they'll be getting metal heel tips, and I'll be taking them for a walk on the tiles. I've been known to spend several minutes just wandering around the kitchen to enjoy the sound of my heels! Chris

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chris100575 -

I have had several embarrassing experiences with worn heel tips when the metal came in contact with a slick surface. One of the stores where I shop maintains a very polished floor and I have had a heel kick out several times. As soon as I here the metal hitting the floor I know to walk cautiously until I get the heel tip replaced.

I don’t know if you plan on wearing you new boots out and about but if you do, be alert for any surface that looks shiney or wet.

Enjoy your heels.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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Great advise, Thighbootguy. Another thing to watch are the highly smooth and polished floors in the Mall stores. I have slipped a few times on them so I tend to walk cautiously on them and don't feel safe until I hit the carpets. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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i have been in shopping malls with smooth slick tile floors, with metal heel tips u have to walk with smaller steps trying to not let your heel move till your toes hit the deck, very tiering, but fun. later nhoj62

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are just one thing better than walk in high heels: Walk in high heels on a hard floor. But the good sounds come from leather soles and stilettos: thinner the heels, better the click clack they made. DeSalto

No shoe is better than a sexy pair of stilettos!

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Great advise, Thighbootguy. Another thing to watch are the highly smooth and polished floors in the Mall stores. I have slipped a few times on them so I tend to walk cautiously on them and don't feel safe until I hit the carpets.


Dawn HH

Definately one reason why I tend to eschew the plastic and metal-tipped heels in favor of more natural substances like wood, leather, and rubber.

Although my leather boots are very slippery in the snow, as I found out when I went for a walk over the weekend! Got about 20 yards, said to myself, "this is for the birds!" and returned to the house to exchange my heeled boots for my hiking boots!

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Hello, everyone. :D

There are just one thing better than walk in high heels:

Walk in high heels on a hard floor.

Except when you live in an apartment building with (relatively) thin walls, and you don't want to draw your neighbors' attention. :wink:


If the high heel shoe fits, wear it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The very FIRST thing I do when I decide to keep a new pair of shoes or boots ( even mules and strappies ) is to have the heel tips replaced with steel if they aren't on them already. I just LOVE the "click-clack" under my feet.

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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