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In public view the first time


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Hi Guys, Its been along time since i have been here, but im happy to be back, Last night i got the courage to do this: I work as a electrical fitter at a large workshop, and was on night shift last night, when the shift ended a told the others ill lock up after i have a shower, Thay all left and i was there by myself, I had my shower and put on my new heels a pair of 4 inch strapy sandels ( i post a pic if you like), i was so nervous as a walk around locking up, hopeing no one came back to see me as i was, but i managed ten min of walking around in my heels, To top it off, on the way home i pulled over on the highway,got out of the car and walked 50m behind the car and back as cars where going past, it felt so awsome and im still have a big smile this morning.

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Like that old saying goes: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step." You've taken that all important first step, ice, a step all of us took when we started wearing heels. Hopefully, you'll enjoy many more steps to come!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Hi Guys,

Its been along time since i have been here, but im happy to be back, Last night i got the courage to do this: I work as a electrical fitter at a large workshop, and was on night shift last night, when the shift ended a told the others ill lock up after i have a shower, Thay all left and i was there by myself, I had my shower and put on my new heels a pair of 4 inch strapy sandels ( i post a pic if you like), i was so nervous as a walk around locking up, hopeing no one came back to see me as i was, but i managed ten min of walking around in my heels, To top it off, on the way home i pulled over on the highway,got out of the car and walked 50m behind the car and back as cars where going past, it felt so awsome and im still have a big smile this morning.

Turning around Neill Armstrong's historical citation: Only a small step for mankind, but a giant leap for you!

micha :P

The best fashion is your own fashion!

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I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I also recently had an outing I went out and about to shop for shoes, and it's been said many times around here that the best way to shop for women's shoes is to wear them while shopping. The first store I went to, I wore my wedge sandals, and besides not finding anything I wanted, a toddler who was running away from his mom came and hid behind my legs. I thought it was funny, and the mom caught a glimpse at my shoes, giving me a wink and a smile in exchange for her child :P Second store I went to that day, I figured hell, I'm on a busy street, might as well throw my pumps on, and I did... this time I did find some things I wanted, and the sales lady was really nice and commented on my pumps. So I left out with two more pairs of shoes (bringing the total to 13) and glowing with confidence.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Nice outing, Danielle. Just another incident reinforcing what most have been telling us here for years. The greatest fear we face is the fear we create for ourselves. Congratulations. And, thanks for telling us about it.

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Bravo, Danielle! Sounds like you had a great time. Nothing like positive reinforcement from passersby to fill you with confidence which will embolden you to do more in the future. I'll bet you were thinking about doing it again sometime in the future, eh? Interactions with public, when done right can be tremendous fun!

And to rainbow: yes, women are far more open and accepting of men in heels. Males wouldn't so much as acknowledge such a thing, never mind offer compliments, not even if their lives depended on it. This I know from first hand experience as the few men I work with at the office have NEVER said a thing about my shoes. But then, I could care less what men think anyway!


I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Ice and Danielle, Congratulations on your outings. I know how cool it feels and what is great it only gets better. Keep wearing!!!!

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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Women are definitely more accepting of different styles. I had a couple of good experiences myself in the last two weeks. The first happened in a restaurant in Fairfax VA when we were on vacation. I was wearing a pair of platform clogs with a 3" wedge and a waitress came up to me and said "I love your clogs!!" The other time was last Friday while getting my hair cut. The lady that cuts my hair noticed my platform thongs (I know, I can hear some of you groan :P ) and said "your thongs look cute, bet they are comfortable!" Needless to say both encounters made my day!!!! :P

If the shoe fits-buy it!!!!!!

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Congratulations to you all for the comments you all received recently while wearing your heels in public. Keep wearing them to further our cause. Enjoy...each one of you to the fullest. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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Dawn is absolutely right! The feeling of delight, of excitement that comes from wearing heels in public is almost impossible to describe. It's a thrill that touches you right at your heart like it does mine and everyone else's here! :P

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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