Becky Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 Is it me or is there anybody else that doesn't bother reading long, long posts that seem to drivel on forever? There are a number of members that love to write and write and write - I hope that their efforts aren't totally wasted, because on me they are..............yawn :sleeping: I like to read punchy, short and sharp posts. So, why use half a dozen words when an essay will do - and you know who you are So many shoes & boots to buy in so little time!!
Rockpup Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 Well, I figure if someone takes the time to write a long post they obviously they feel they have something important to say. Let them. If you want to skim, go ahead. If you don't want to bother.. then don't. If it's in the rant forum, don't feel bad if you get ranted against I'm not good at long posts. Sometimes I change my mind 90% into a long post and just delete the whole thing. Btw.. I voted sometimes, since I do not always have the time to read longer posts. Jim (formerly known as "JimC")
genebujold Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 Do you bother to read long winded posts that are just drivel? Of course not - no one reads drivel! But I'll stick with a long post if it's interesting. What one person considers drivel another may find quite interesting. Different people have different interests. Are you still with me on this punchy, short and sharp post? Hello? Hello? Main Entry: driv·el Function: verb Etymology: Middle English, from Old English dreflian; perhaps akin to Old Norse draf malt dregs intransitive senses 1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : SLAVER 2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly transitive senses 1 : to utter in an infantile or imbecilic way 2 : to waste or fritter in a childish fashion Draf malt dregs!!! Oh, boy! My favorite! This round's on me, folks...
ShockQueen Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 Long posts are great to read as long as it stays on track, and doesn't wander aimlessly all over the place. I always love a good story! SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!
shyguy Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 Sometimes I read long posts, depends how much time I have, and also how the first paragraph rates in the interest stakes. He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes. Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly
Firefox Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 The premise of the topic seems to be that long winded posts are drivel whereas short ones are meaningful. There are plenty of short posts which are rubbish and plenty of long ones which are good and vice versa. Mind you, unless you take the trouble to read them, you won't know either way. So, good luck to those who want to pick and choose on the basis of length alone. Don't let me discourage you
Bubba136 Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Yeah! I always look at the topic and let my interest be my guide. If I am really not interested, why waste my time? Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.
Rockpup Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Some of us ADD people will self edit eventually when we realise we've spanned 25 topics, and still have not paused to finish a sentence (formerly known as "JimC")
chris100575 Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 To answer the question strictly accurately, I don't bother to read long posts that are drivel. Interesting long posts are a different matter. Usually I start reading and then skim the rest if I'm not particularly interested. Chris
Dawn HH Posted July 29, 2004 Posted July 29, 2004 I'm like Chris100575. If I begin reading a long post and it doesn't seem to go anywhere but in circles, I'll drop it like a hot potato. But if the post is very interesting---then I will read every word and try to post back in an intelegent manner. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
Anne_Louise Posted July 30, 2004 Posted July 30, 2004 As one of those who tend to be long-winded sometimes I can only apologise for so often letting my thoughts run away with me.
Bubba136 Posted July 30, 2004 Posted July 30, 2004 Don't apologize, AL. Those that don't like reading longer posts, won't. And, those of us that are interested in what you have to say, will. Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.
genebujold Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 Thank you all for re-emphasizing the fact that post length is not necessarily proportional to interest, and that "long-winded" posts can indeed be interesting on their own merit.
Firefox Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 I'm the only one who said yes so far. Though I have to admit if it is a really boring post after about half of it, I'll just skim the rest for any posting guidline violations.
raccoon Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 I tend to judge long posts more by writing style than by contents. Drivel often comes down to poor writing skills. I suppose I skip potentially good stories.
Heelfan Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 It's simple! The best way to deal with long-winded drivel-filled posts is simply to ignore them. The perpetrators will soon get the message that their drivel is not impressing anyone, and will dry up. Well, except I dunno! Come to think of it, I can think of at least one member who drones on and on in a pseudo-scientific way seemingly for his (or her) own amazement, and maybe no amount of ignoring will ever dampen his (or her) ability to bore everyone! Such is life! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan Onwards and upwards!
genebujold Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 It's simple! The best way to deal with long-winded drivel-filled posts is simply to ignore them. The perpetrators will soon get the message that their drivel is not impressing anyone, and will dry up. Well, except I dunno! Come to think of it, I can think of at least one member who drones on and on in a pseudo-scientific way seemingly for his (or her) own amazement, and maybe no amount of ignoring will ever dampen his (or her) ability to bore everyone! Such is life! Cheerfully yours, Heelfan Heelfan, some topics require a thorough analysis. Other's require but short replies. Ok - is that better, JeffM? And my apologies to you, as well, Heelfan - didn't mean to offend thee. However, I do have a question - were you referring to me in your post?
JeffM Posted August 2, 2004 Posted August 2, 2004 Hey come on people, it is one thing to be in complete and total opposition (bit of tortology there) to some thing some one says on the board but there is no need to be insulting when you let them know about your opposite view. There has been quite a bit of this lately and if it continues we will head into self destruct mode from which there is little likely hood of recovery. Demonstate your opposition by all means but do it nicely. By way of examples may I suggest you read what Anne Louise and Lucy have said, in particular how it is said when they dont agree with some thing. Jeff
jmc Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 I voted "no" because of the specific wording of the question. I will not likely read any post, long or short, that is composed of mostly drivel. But a thoughtful, well-written and intgelligent post may well be worth my attention even if it runs on for some length. (Fortunately there does not seem to be a whole lot of drivel here -- and I have been a "lurker" for quite some time.) Have a happy time!
Dawn HH Posted August 10, 2004 Posted August 10, 2004 Jmc:-) Welcome to the HH Place Forum. Keep posting your drivel-less posts as we all would like to know of your interests and opinions and of yourself. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
flipflop klipklop Posted October 12, 2004 Posted October 12, 2004 I'm caught! Yes, I post novels. I don't write drivel though, IMHO. Yes, it's beautiful isn't it?
Laurieheels Posted October 13, 2004 Posted October 13, 2004 Gee, I feel the sting quite deep here. But I don't care, I write, I type super fast, so it takes me less time to write it than it takes for people to read it, and it should be the reverse, right? A poll like this won't stop me.
Dawn HH Posted October 13, 2004 Posted October 13, 2004 Go Laurie, keep on typing superfast as I read everything that you write. Cheers--- Dawn HH High Heeled Boots Forever!
jayteasee Posted October 28, 2004 Posted October 28, 2004 WTF? What does it matter if someone has something to say and likes to say it in a long way? No need to read all of it, just skim...
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