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Dating And Heeling, When Do You Mention It?


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Sounds like fun. Watch her body language and don't go overboard. Keep it fun and keep the focus of your attention on HER, not the shoes. If she enjoys the experience you may get another date. Keep us posted, and good luck! Steve

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I met my wife online and I told her about my heels the first time we met IRL. She was fine about it, and the next time she was at my place she asked to see my heels, and wanted me to try them on for her. Since then she's been an absolute star about it. I'm sitting here in a pair of stiletto ankle boots that I've been wearing all evening with her blessing. She knows that they're just shoes and it doesn't stop me being me, what I have on my feet is a total non-issue for her.

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Well its update time. The date in general was a total success. I went to meet her at 8:30pm est and we were so into the conversation and getting to know each other that our date didn't end until about 6:00am ! a nearly ten hour date holy smokes. Plus it would seem that heels are never gonna be an issue at all. I'll bet we spent half our time talking about them. She is a great match in every other aspect as well so double bonus! We already have plans to see each other again next week and of course to continue talking on the net quite a bit as well. I feel like a billion dollars right now. We might have gone on even longer except that we were both getting terribly sleepy. At any rate I've very very very happy with the way things turned out so YAY.

Life is like a good shoe store, the more variety the better!

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Well its update time. The date in general was a total success. I went to meet her at 8:30pm est and we were so into the conversation and getting to know each other that our date didn't end until about 6:00am ! a nearly ten hour date holy smokes.

The first date with my wife was much like that, minus the heels. We met at about 8PM, and talked nonstop until 3AM when we said our good nights under extreme duress as we both had plans in the morning we could not miss. I am sure it would have went on for several more hours if other stuff had not gotten in the way. That was many years ago and we still talk all night. Hopefully things work out as well for you!

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It's a great sign something like this happened with me and MrsF, I don't really do more than two minute phone calls but I spoke with her for five hours solid on our firs phone call. My mobile also got blocked by my service provider as I used so many texts they though it had been stolen as it was such out of charact usage.

High heels are the shoes I choose to put on, respect my choice as I repect yours.

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YAY for me hehe and thanks for all you guy's well wishes. I think once she gets out of the situation she is in and into something more stable (I think that was innocuous enough) she might be interested in checking out our little community here. I have mentioned it anyway and how important I've come to feel about being here. We're hoping to hang out some tomorrow so yay again. I'm just trying to stay grounded in all this but at the same time not be self-defeating or pessimistic. It can be rough to strike a balance. I do tend to fall hard and fast so I'm trying to keep things in check as best possible. You guys are so awesome thanks. :)

Life is like a good shoe store, the more variety the better!

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Well its update time. The date in general was a total success. I went to meet her at 8:30pm est and we were so into the conversation and getting to know each other that our date didn't end until about 6:00am ! a nearly ten hour date holy smokes. Plus it would seem that heels are never gonna be an issue at all. I'll bet we spent half our time talking about them. She is a great match in every other aspect as well so double bonus! We already have plans to see each other again next week and of course to continue talking on the net quite a bit as well. I feel like a billion dollars right now. We might have gone on even longer except that we were both getting terribly sleepy. At any rate I've very very very happy with the way things turned out so YAY.

Congratulations on an amazing date! May many more ensue! :pulsingheart:

p.s. Mind telling us how you initially revealed your interest in heels to her? Was it first through a picture you shared before you met in real life? Was it through you actually wearing the heels in front of her in real life? Or was it through you talking about you wearing heels with her in real life? Thanks for your answer!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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I very cautiously lead into the conversation. This was during the week leading up to our date where we would spend hours a night IMing back and forth. As we discussed our likes and dislikes the topic of sex eventually made it into the conversation. She, like myself, has no trepidation towards the topic and with both of us thinking about it logically we both knew that sex would eventually come into play should things go that far. During that conversation my fetish for high heels did come up which lead to a conversation about heels in general and thus to my love of the heel in my everyday fashion. She is very supportive of it and in fact wants to encourage me to start doing it again as I have not in a few years. Now granted the way the discussion of heels as it pertains to me came up in a rather unorthodox fashion but even under more normal conditions I try to make it a point to bring it up in conversation before the first face to face meeting. As many have said here its better to put it on the table early to avoid the potential for losing someone that you are more attached to down the road. Basically she has no issues with it that I can tell thus far, and perhaps even more importantly during a few more steamy conversations after our date she has expressed that she is a bit turned on by my fetish specifically. So I'd have to say that if nothing changes with regard to her feelings on my heeling that I couldn't have asked for a better match in that particular aspect of our relationship. Of course the best thing of all is that everything else seems to be just as good a match so who knows. :) I would like to also add that I've probably had fewer problems with explaining my love and desire for heels than some because I truly do enjoy some of the shock value that always occurs when I come out about it, especially to a date etc. In some situations I even find it a bit of a turn on. She hasn't yet gotten to actually see me in heels but we both hope to have an opportunity to remedy that sometime soon. :) Hope that answered your question kneehighs, and thanks for the well wishes.

Life is like a good shoe store, the more variety the better!

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I very cautiously lead into the conversation. This was during the week leading up to our date where we would spend hours a night IMing back and forth. As we discussed our likes and dislikes the topic of sex eventually made it into the conversation. She, like myself, has no trepidation towards the topic and with both of us thinking about it logically we both knew that sex would eventually come into play should things go that far. During that conversation my fetish for high heels did come up which lead to a conversation about heels in general and thus to my love of the heel in my everyday fashion. She is very supportive of it and in fact wants to encourage me to start doing it again as I have not in a few years. Now granted the way the discussion of heels as it pertains to me came up in a rather unorthodox fashion but even under more normal conditions I try to make it a point to bring it up in conversation before the first face to face meeting.

As many have said here its better to put it on the table early to avoid the potential for losing someone that you are more attached to down the road. Basically she has no issues with it that I can tell thus far, and perhaps even more importantly during a few more steamy conversations after our date she has expressed that she is a bit turned on by my fetish specifically. So I'd have to say that if nothing changes with regard to her feelings on my heeling that I couldn't have asked for a better match in that particular aspect of our relationship. Of course the best thing of all is that everything else seems to be just as good a match so who knows. :) I would like to also add that I've probably had fewer problems with explaining my love and desire for heels than some because I truly do enjoy some of the shock value that always occurs when I come out about it, especially to a date etc. In some situations I even find it a bit of a turn on. She hasn't yet gotten to actually see me in heels but we both hope to have an opportunity to remedy that sometime soon. :)

Hope that answered your question kneehighs, and thanks for the well wishes.

It answers it! And it even creates another choice that I didn't think of: you talked about it before you met in Real Life.

Glad it's working out for you and best of luck!

Feminine Style .  Masculine Soul.  Skin In The Game.

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