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Oh, and your other posts, they just wernt spotted yet, but they are not appropriate for this website at all. We have notihng against CD/TV's, but this is not the website for it, and nor will we let it become one, so those post's have also been removed.

this is what i was told by the tech on this website as to why my pictures keep being deleted, although all the comments i got was the people who saw my pics had to look twice before realising

all i wanted to do was make friends with the same interset in shoes but it seems even 2010 wearing womens clothes is still unacceptable so im off else where as trannies just arent welcome here.


obviously it is your perogative to leave if that is your wish. I like many of the cds here including some techs, have come to understand this IS a Shoe forum, and as such, crossdressing is only touched upon in contex of foot wear. The majority of your posts have been well recieved, so by all means join a tranny forum, but stay and enjoy this site for footwear. Whatever happens, enjoy your lifestyle.

totter along into history


I would say we have a problem here. Surely we accept anyone who is interested in wearing high heeled shoes whatever their other interests are; Caveat: clearly those interests must me totally harmless. What is going on is that there is an understandable desire, among many men, that they wish to promote their high heels without the baggage of being pigeon-holed as a cross-dresser. If mshighheel resigns, then I will follow. M

You won't get me wearing flat shoes...I really can't do it.


Okay, once again. Look at the banner at the top of our site. What does it say? On my monitor it says "High Heel Place", and "The High Heels Meeting Place" just below that. That has been the case for years, as long as I have been coming here. It does not say "CD High Heel Place", "TV High Heel Place", "TS High Heel Place" or "TG High Heel Place" and it never has. Nor will it. That's what this site is about -- it's a fashion forum dedicated to high-heeled shoes. Seems like that shouldn't be too hard to grasp.

Now if you are a CD, TV, TS, or TG'er and you want to come here and talk about shoes, this is the place to be. If you want to come here and talk about CD'lng, transvestitism, transsexualism or transgenderism, we will not let you. That is not what we are about here and we will openly invite you to go elsewhere. There are plenty of such sites on the Internet and no more than a dozen keystrokes directed at Google will turn them up.

We did at one time have a forum dedicated to CD, TV, TS and TG'ers and we came to learn that was a mistake because topics tended to spawn in that forum and weave their way throughout the site. Before long, one could find such topics in all the forums of the site, including "For the Girls". The site had de-facto turned into "The CD/TV/TS/TG (and anybody else) High Heel Meeting Place" and the majority of our members began to find the content uncomfortable. For this reason the mistake has been corrected. If the CD/TV/TS/TG community could exercise a little bit of self-control and not yield to the temptation to spread their content all over our site, then they would have a better time here. (And we, in fact, do have a number of such members who possess enough self-control to get along well here -- thank you all.)

So if you have decided that you do not have a place here, we wish you well in your pursuits.

Have a happy time!


Oh, and your other posts, they just wernt spotted yet, but they are not appropriate for this website at all. We have notihng against CD/TV's, but this is not the website for it, and nor will we let it become one, so those post's have also been removed.

this is what i was told by the tech on this website as to why my pictures keep being deleted, although all the comments i got was the people who saw my pics had to look twice before realising

all i wanted to do was make friends with the same interset in shoes but it seems even 2010 wearing womens clothes is still unacceptable so im off else where as trannies just arent welcome here.

And, once again, a "tranny" as you put it, is getting the wrong idea. Why do you always think the whole world has to revolve around you dressing up as a woman?

You say your here for the shoes, so then why were almost ALL of your pictures you posted showing man dressed as woman? You really made a point of making sure you were fully "en-femme" for the camera huh? You chose a very femme username, and was signing your posts with a female name too.. What does that say to anybody reading things here?

It sends out the vibe that "Man + heels = Tranny", something many do NOT want to be associated with, or stereotyped as, which if you had taken a moment to read things here, you would see that many guys have posted about that very same fear of being labelled or ridiculed for, so I think its extremely selfish that you bust in here and play up to that very stereotype and set people back like that.

If its about the shoes, then why not a picture of the shoes?

I cant help thinking that maybe this isnt the website for you, as your more interested in the CD/TV side, and thats totally NOT what this website is for, or about, as I told you already.

Also, as it clearly states in the "Personal members websites" section, facebook/flikr/etc/etc are NOT your own personal website, but you didnt read that did you, you just send me PM's bitching about it when its deleted claiming your the only one being given a hard time!

Oh, and please consider yourself banned for posting "private message" contents in public. Clearly you dont read any rules that you agree too either.

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!


mikeheel & mshighheel, in the context of the stated general purpose of this forum, I understand the "mod squad's" interest in preserving the aims and purposes of its concept. While the interest of most members go far beyond just high heels, or woman's shoes, there are more appropriate websites that are dedicated to these proclivities. And, admittedly, while there is a certain amount of "overlap" between some of these other "interests" and high heels, it remains that the focus of comments be mainly about "footwear." Both of you have made significant contributions to this forum for which I am very grateful and will be sorry to see you depart. But, while I understand if you choose to promote your interest in cross dressing over your interest in high heels, I also understand that our moderators must maintain the integrity of the forum, less it degenerate into a unmanageable hodgepodge of unrelated and even more unacceptable sexually deviant practices. I wish you both would remain. But, should you depart, good luck. :wave:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.


As we well know, high heels are commonly perceived as female shoes. If one embraces other items that are ordinarily part of the female wardrobe then I don't see how this harmless activity can prevent anyone being part of this community. I have underestimated the strength of feeling for avoiding men who enjoy dressing in this way; I am not of their number, but mshighheel has only published pictures of himself in high heels whilst wearing the clothes of his choice. We ask for tolerance from all and by all for our fashion choice, why take such an hard line? I am yet to read a compelling explaination for this beyond the notion that some men here are fearful of being labeled by the tastes of others. I think a man in high heels, like me, has to deal with his own fear of being labeled in real life ; once one realises that people can think what they like and it doesn't matter then one is better placed to accept other peoples idiosyncracies.

You won't get me wearing flat shoes...I really can't do it.


Example: This is why I am here and that is as far as it goes with me. When asked why am I wearing womens shoes, I reply, they're not womens shoes, they're mine.


real men wear heels


As we well know, high heels are commonly perceived as female shoes.

If one embraces other items that are ordinarily part of the female wardrobe then I don't see how this harmless activity can prevent anyone being part of this community.

It won't, as long as the CD'er in question comes here to talk about high heels.

. . . I am yet to read a compelling explaination for this beyond the notion that some men here are fearful of being labeled by the tastes of others.

You may be underestimating the strength and depth of this fear on the part of a great number of male heelers.

I think a man in high heels, like me, has to deal with his own fear of being labeled in real life ;

Very much so. In many parts of the world, men have been ingrained, almost from the moment of consciousness, with the idea that to wear any article of female clothing (and especially footwear) is "sissy", "effeminate", "gay" or just plain not right. It is a significant hurdle for a great many male heelers just to realize that they are in fact heelers -- that is, to slip on that first pair of heels, stand up, take a step and experience the feeling. This may be a sad commentary on society in general but it is a reality. It is a reality that we are attempting to change and such change comes slowly.

So imagine a rather nondescript guy who is interested in heels, does an internet search (this site will be one of the top ten hits in a Google search for "men wearing high heels"), and winds up here. And not too long ago, he was greeted with long and illustrated descriptions of various men wearing bras, panties, skirts, stockings, nylons, wigs, makeup -- and oh, by the way, high heels too -- out "on the town". And many of these nondescript guys were put off by this -- possibly because they were conditioned to do so but they were put off nonetheless. We heard about it. This is not what we want. We want such people to grow to embrace that which makes them happy. If it is wearing high heels then go for it and we will get behind that. If it is crossdressing then go for that too, but not here, this isn't the place for it. There are plenty of other places for that.

Not everybody is ready to go out fully "en femme" for a night on the town. Many of us have no desire to do so, and would not even if there were no social stigma attached.

Then there is another dimension to this issue -- the ladies' side. It is simply not possible to run a website dedicated to the discussion of high heels without including the female perspective. We invite and encourage women to join and participate. And the ladies also found themselves put off by all the CD/TV/TS content, to the point where all but a handful gave up participating. Face the fact, they are just not "into" it. Look through some of the old postings -- you will find long dissertations on how few women we had here and what we could do about it. All the time, the answer was staring us in the face.

It probably took way too long for us to come to the realization that the CD/TV/TS content had to be taken off our site but the realization eventually came. Now that we have implemented it, it has proven to be the correct course. HHplace operates with far more vigor and enthusiasm, and with a far more diverse membership than it did "back in the old days".

once one realises that people can think what they like and it doesn't matter then one is better placed to accept other peoples idiosyncracies.

That is a wonderful insight and the world would be a much nicer place if a good 6 billion souls would embrace it. It is not likely that any of us can make that happen. We certainly will not do so by shocking anybody with content that they are not ready to accept.

It is unfortunate that we cannot be all things to all people. As it turns out, nothing on Planet Earth can, so we are far from unique in that respect. Some people want something that we cannot offer -- fortunately the Internet is a big place.

(You have probably noticed that I completely left out one point you made regarding the content of mshighheel's pictures. I did this because I did not see the pictures and therefore I am in no position to comment on them. However, I fully trust the judgment of the rest of the HHplace staff to moderate content in accordance with our stated website guidelines and goals.)

Have a happy time!


As we well know, high heels are commonly perceived as female shoes.

If one embraces other items that are ordinarily part of the female wardrobe then I don't see how this harmless activity can prevent anyone being part of this community.

I have underestimated the strength of feeling for avoiding men who enjoy dressing in this way; I am not of their number, but mshighheel has only published pictures of himself in high heels whilst wearing the clothes of his choice.

We ask for tolerance from all and by all for our fashion choice, why take such an hard line?

I am yet to read a compelling explaination for this beyond the notion that some men here are fearful of being labeled by the tastes of others.

I think a man in high heels, like me, has to deal with his own fear of being labeled in real life ; once one realises that people can think what they like and it doesn't matter then one is better placed to accept other peoples idiosyncracies.

Its not so much taking a "hard line" but more of a "we do not want our website to portray the image that its full of guys all pretending or wanting or being women"

You obviously didnt see the pictures he posted that were removed, or the messages posted signed as a woman.

I have nothing against that at all, but this just isnt the place for it, we have been down that road before and it almost killed the website coompletely, only just 4 years ago when the website was more than 50% CD/TV users, all posting pictures of themselves "en-femme", it was so off-topic it was a joke.

We welcome everybody equally, but we dont welcome people trying to adjust the focus of the community turning it into a Cd/TV gallery.

Cant please everybody all of the time...

Heels for Men // Legwear Fashion // HHPlace Guidelines

If something doesn't look right, please report the content ASAP!


As the resident "tranny" in Mod Mansions I have been following this thread with a great deal of interest.

This is most definitely a fashion site and not a lifestyle forum. We talk about heels, we talk about buying heels and we talk about wearing them. Why some people feel it at all neccesary to talk about going out en-femme and must include the fact that they do so in every post I just do not understand. As you know (or can guess from my avatar) I am a TV myself and a very confident, adept and accomplished one. However, I do not include that fact in any of my posts unless it's relevant. For example, if I were to talk about buying a pair of shoes from Next why would I go into any detail of what I was wearing? You wouldn't do it if you were wearing men's clothes: "..at the time I was wearing my blue tee shirt and jeans!" would you?

Personally, I don't see a lot wrong with posting pics of yourself en femme but to post the picture just as an excuse to show off the fact that you are TG is crossing the line. In the "olden days" that Tech and JMC allude to we would get people posing in lingerie without even being able to see the heels. And that was why the CD/TV/TG forum was dumped.

If you feel you need to go elsewhere because of the "censorship" of this forum then that's fine but at the end of the day we'd rather lose one or two people who want to bend the rules than hundreds that don't want to be associated with transvestism when all they want to do is wear cowboy boots.

If you honestly believe that threats of leaving are going to change our point of view then you are plainly wrong. We have tried all sorts of different strategies for this site over the years and the way it is now works best for everyone who wants to be a part of it.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.


I hate long good-byes.:wave:

. . . and this one has been long enough. Closing thread.

Have a happy time!

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