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My good news story


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Well, have been on here for a while, am on here almost on a daily basis even though I don’t say much Well the High heel issue can and is often a sensitive issue with the better halfs in our lifes! Had derived much inspiration from this forum and got to work on the issue of wearing high heel shoes that are generally marketed at the lady’s Have worked on the issue for quiet a while, gently and took a while to explain that my choice of shoes do not change who I am!! As a mater of fact it’s a part of me, and have had this fetish from as far back as my teens Had a look back at some things that might of influenced me, however cant remember nothing specific that might of lead to the wearing of high heels Had the wife look at the forum a few times at some of the discussions over men wearing high heels and the preconceived ideas in our minds that put there at a very early age. Eventually the wife gave in and agreed that I wear HH in front of her, that she could see how it looks, however she did warn that she might laugh, as its something strange to her as it is to the majority of closed minded society She agreed to it a while ago, and then came the need to now get the full courage to put on the a pair of her shoes (we have the same size feet LUCKY ME) walk for her to see A few weeks ago, she went for a shower and though, now is the time, will put them on and surprise her and take it from there Well, I do suffer from gout from time to time and when I stood up to walk, the arch of foot hurt from the sexy shape that shoes forced on the feet So had to wait often feeling how my foot felt, till it felt better, and then came mastering the courage all over again Last night got that right again, and while the wife went for a shower fitted a pair of her shoes on again walked to the bathroom to show her, and at 1st she did not notice, so had to point it out!!! There was a bit of a giggle (not in a bad way), walked up and down the corridor a few times with the heels on, the giggle went away and acceptance set in It’s a part of me, and does not change who I am!! Then went to the bed room lay on the bed and when the wife arrived and was brushing her hair, we started having a lengthy discussion about the shoes, she pulled out her other sexy HH, she put on HH and we even changed HH, we discussed some more actually for a few hrs, till long past bed time, we had a long open discussion about a lot of aspects with regard to the HH One being that we will keep the issue between ourselves as not every one is as open minded, specially where we come from We touched on the subject of heeling in public, will attempt it one day, just need to find the right venue(as we know way too many people), and then will need the right shoes for it, and that I might need to go for one size up to be comfortable for long walks like in shopping centres and a nigh out!! Was a great evening, one that I will not forget Oh yes something else, told her about the shoes that I have had for years that were stored in the outside store room, wife tried to get me to go out and go get them, was too comfortable just lying on the bed with the shoes on and chatting, this morning already got the box of shoes out the back room and is inside the house, so the wife will be able to have a look at all the shoes that I have, some never fitted right, and some fit just right Looks like we have very similar tastes in shoes, hope to have many adventures in future Need to thank every one on here that kept posting their stories and were of inspiration to me to get the courage to come to where I am now, and of help by posting material that helped convince the wife that HH are ok, and just another form of shoes marketed at woman, not necessarily only for woman thanx:w00t2:

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For someone who, “don’t say much”, when you do, its a great post. Congratulations on telling your wife and I hope you appreciate how lucky you are.

I dream of a world where chickens can cross roads without having their motives questioned.

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That's a great post that you have just put to us all. It sounds like there is a modicum of understanding starting to come out of your wifes discussions with you on your wearing high heels and the fact that it certainly is a part of your very being from way back. Something that you can't change and will be with you always. You are still the same person only one that enjoys wearing heels. You are among friends here. Keep us posted on what happens next. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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You, like many others with understanding spouses, are a lucky man to have a wife who understands your urges and pleasure and will comply with your desires for high heels. Take it nice and easy and both of you enjoy every moment together as you both become more comfortable with the situation.

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Welcome to the lucky club and congratulations, it's hard to get to get here but once there with support it's wonderful. Please pass on to your lovely lady that her support is greatly appreciated and she has a lot of respect from many of us and our lady partners out here Al

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  • 2 months later...

That is so cool that you were able to win over her understanding, and she was able to accept you for who you are - the complete you. Now that everything is out in the open, it'll just get better and better, and things will be so much more relaxed around the house between you two. Congrats! SQ

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!

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