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the old Halloween Bash 2008 version


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it that great party time again, Halloween, and i hope some of you older board members might remember my wild "nurse" costume from 2005 which took sexiest male award that year. for those who missed it, i wore a white pvc ultra mini dress, the kooky hat, and my sexy white 7.5 inch heels. i shaved my legs down and had them oiled up nicely and painted my toe nails i think a copper sun from revlon. it was a pretty wild outfit and as soon as i walked into the party, attended by 350 to 400, was immediately spotted by two of the judges and handed their votes. so i was off to a good start! well that's old news now. i've been wearing my white high heels to those parties for 8 years! started out with my white sling backs with the 6 inch heels and eventually worked my way up to that nurse thing with the totally exposed white 7.5's. fun stuff. the last couple of years i've been going in fetish mode, black mostly, fish net stockings, pvc shorts, vests, collars, etc. but with my white 7.5's in plain view and i always get a kick out of the girls staring! well tonight i'm going to try something diff. instead of black, i'm going to dress in white! i have a big selection of white 7.5 inch heel shoes to choose from, but to go with, i'm going to wear a pair of white, pvc skin tight shorts and a white tuxedo style jacket with tails. black fish nets are for certain. not sure about what to do about a top just yet. but i'm going to dye my hair jet black and i might paint my face up to look like an alien and go as... the disco alien... also up for grabs is the to and from. my party friends are going early but i never go early to these things so i might make my way over there via city trans bus or just walk it. it is only 20 minutes on flat foot from my place. its for certain going to be a good time and i'm off the sauce tonight as i've told you before... i've fallen off those shoes a few times, all while lifting the glass. so that part is cut out of this trip. i'll let you know how it goes.

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the party went pretty well last night, another sold out show and a good time had by all i'm sure. i was going to wear the white outfit but after i had it on and looked myself over in the full length mirror, something just wasn't grooving. one thing is for sure, those pvc gel shorts in white, when ultra skin tight are way too revealing. i mean nothing is left to the imagination. i had that thing packed so tight that when i moved it was kinda jiggling around and i thought this is almost obscene. so i went back to the old black fetish wear mode with the pvc shorts, not as revealing, fishnets, black top and leather jacket and white 7.5's, the same ones in my avatar, which have really been around the block by this point. some of last summer's fun and games are still splattered on the back of the right platform. i drove down to the party and parked on a side street two blocks away from the venue. i sat in the car for a few minutes, listening to music and trying to muster the courage it would take to walk down two city blocks alone with totally exposed white 7.5 inch heels. those white high heels attract attention no matter where you go but at night, on a city street, they are like beacons! after several minutes i thought time to get busy with the living and got out of the car, stepped on the sidewalk, took a deep breath and slowly made my way out to the main street. as soon as i got out there some young folks came along and a young man looked at my legs and said you have got the perfect legs for those shoes! then his lady friend took my picture! i thought okay if that's the kind of night its going to be i guess i'll have no more problems. and i didn't. i made it to the party, had to wait in the line outside for half an hour, but got in and joined the club. of course i'm always amazed at how the girls stop and stare at my shoes! its really quite exciting. and in particular, the gals who pat me on the ass and say i love your shoes, now that's a real boost. some of them took pictures of me and i know for certain, a few of them were taking pictures of my shoes with their camera phones... you wonder where those pics are going to end up... of course inside the club the floor was a party mess. i stepped on something very thick and gooey with my left platform and i could feel my shoe sticking to the floor every now and again. then i stepped on a wrapper and it was sticking out to the left side of the platform. this woman came along and said i love your shoes and i showed them off by moving both feet, displaying the heel and platform height. then she noticed that paper sticking out. i put my left foot down and she put her right foot next to my platform, right on that piece of paper and i lifted my shoe. cept it didn't come off the first time. it took three tries to get that thing unglued! all of this happened without saying a word! then she moved into the crowd and was gone. now that was a bit freaky! anyway, i posed it up until 1 a.m. before we decided to skip the party and hit a late night diner. of course the place we went was full of halloween party goers and we weren't standing out. but even in there, everyone was staring at my white heels and commenting. it was a lot of fun. one asian lady said, as i was crossing the street, after saying a few thing about my heels, she said, its tough looking pretty isn't it? by the time it was said and done i'd spent 5 hours in my favourite pair of heels and had made quite an outing of it, with hundreds of people seeing me, and quite a few of them taking pictures. this morning i looked at the bottom of my left platform and that stuff was still smushed into the tread, whatever it was.

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Jarl: thanks! truth is wearing high heels is a very real and serious motivation to keep running long and lean! i'm working my way into my 40's and wonder when i'll have to put away my heels for good and give up wearing them in public... a grim thought... DawnHH: it was a blast! i don't know what i stepped on but its stuck in there big time. it was weird feeling my left platform sticking to the dance floor!

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Damn! Icky, sticky, gooy, oooy....better be fully attired in a complete HASMAT protection suit when trying to remove that yucky stuff. :winkiss:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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W6ish:-) I completely agree with your statement about not wanting to give up wearing heels in public. I have got quite a few years more on my odometer than you and even I hate facing that subject. I think that the only way that you are going to get that gunk off of your shoe is to go back to the shoe repair place and get that rubber peeled off and get a retread in place of it. YUCK!!! Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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i think i'm just going to leave that stuff on there as a reminder of what a great night halloween truly was. i like seeing that my shoes are being worn/used, from my foot prints stamped on the suede footbed to the bottoms of my platforms showing some signs of being out of the house. whatever is stuck in there will eventually fall off. the leaf that was stuck on there has already fallen off.

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Freezer spray (as used for diagnosing faults in electronic equipment) is often good for getting off chewing gum. It makes the sticky mess go brittle so it can be broken away easily. At worst it's harmless.

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here are two very "cropped" photos from the halloween party, taken at the end of the night. that first one is me coming down the stairs, the gooey left shoe coming down those filthy steps. and the second is a the pose before going out the door, once again, the only shoe visible is the left one!

these are the only two pics i've seen from the night.

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i hope to find some better ones.

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