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Posts posted by Highluc

  1. Hi Vanessa, this was mainly from members of my family. Although they accepted a litlle bit the idea of androgynous clothing or shoes they only saw it for the youth to experiment and show their rebelion on traditional values. They thought a man of my age should dress conservatively as the rest of the western world does. Same old stuff again.

  2. Hi guys, I still haven't heard anything from GJ, but today Rob told me he would join at least till mid afternoon and he told me of a possible other Dutch guy. That will be 4 or 5 guys which sound ok for 1 car. The program is yours but I propose meeting at my place any time in the morning, lunch at 12h00 in De Wijzerplaat (you all went there already), afternoon shopping the sales in Hasselt. Evening whatever. Any other proposals are welcome. Please indicate the number of people for lunch to get the table prepared. CU soon, Luc PS: anybody else on this board (lurkers also) are welcome to join as well.

  3. Glad the thread got back on track a bit, at the end it sounded a bit like an argument between Bush and Sadam (you are free to match the characters). I just hope Susan remains the original and doesn't get cloned because ....

    I felt compulsed to write this after Julietta got the blow when Susan wrote

    If I have a vendetta it's in defense of the treatment of women ....

    I hope like Julietta wrote this argument is now closed and we all can live a peaceful 2003.
  4. I've been wearing heels since decades, the last 5 years continuously (mostly 4-inch lift) from wake up till bedtime. I have no problems with either my feet or back. The only problem I have is pain in my tendons and calves on the rare occasions I wear flats (such as ski boots). By the way, I liked the advise of smiling to your mum while doing it your way. This will work with any caring parent.

  5. What the people think or say about anybody is irrelevant, that's just gossip. What counts is that people can express themselves the way they are, instead of having to mascarade to conform to a society that only approves local fashion dictated behavior. Everybody is entitled to live his (her) life the way they want and as long as they don't harm anybody, should be accepted for their value as human and worker instead of basing it on appearance and dress code. Wouldn't it be nice if 2003 turned out that way? by the way, happy New Year to all the open minded people reading this board (yes, that includes the lurkers).

  6. Ha, finally some response, I was almost ready to cancel the whole deal. Still havn't heard anything from GJ who got the idea started. I still hope some others will join as well and it will be nice if the ladies came as well, this heely thing shouldn't prevent us from being social. It looks like it is going to be the second weekend anyway so please state your desires: date, time, place, activities? See you all soon, Luc

  7. Hi Laurie, I couldn't have explained it better and concur with you on all points. By the way, platforms don't cause problems either and I never understood why driving schools and police officers make such a fuss over footwear type when driving cars, yhey for sure have a lot less experience as we have on the subject.

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