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Posts posted by Highluc

  1. I sometimes have problems with new shoes or boots that have very slippery soles (painted?) on the real leather. It only takes about about a 2 hour walk (on the streets) to get rid of that nuisance and the real leather sole is good for grips but soaks up humidity. Very few (high quality) shoes still have that problem while most recently produced shoes and boots might still have leather uppers but man made (or rubber) soles.

  2. Hi SQ, congratulations on your first steps to school and let me be the first one to congratulate you for your upcoming birthday. regarding the blisters, I don't know how well your new loafers fitted your feet to start with but you could have broken them in slowly instead of wearing them a full day to start with. I also suspect quite a bit of man made materials instead of leather on those wedge shoes and this combined with your weight pressing more on the ball of your feet due to the elevated heel could have been the cause of your troubles. Just take it easy till you are used to the heels and allow time for the shoes to coform to the shape of your feet. Insoles are ok if you have sufficient space vertically but otherwise will do more harm as good. The Dr Scholl gel insoles are great and last very well compared to the cheap stuff. Keep on heeling, Highluc

  3. Hi Trolldeg, nice to see another guy who is not afraid showing himself in male mode with a ccordinited outfit including some very nice heeled boots. I don't know how often you wear such outfit in real life but I wished I had your age to pull it off because last weekend I noted people don't accept such freestyling anymore from an older guy. Hi Moda Stivali, also a nice outfit of yours and good looks in disguised mode. I'm sure you can pull it off in either mode and just do it the way you feel that day. Courage to both of you and don't feel ashamed to be yourself and enjoy life (and nice heels).

  4. Hi squirelheel, nice to see you back here and glad to hear everything is fine and you still wear heels. The wedges you refer to seem sufficiently inocent to wear to school. They will be noticed for sure but shouldn't cause such big commotion. After a few days everybody will be used to it and they won't bother you anymore. When asked, be honest in your answers, just tell them you like them and they are just shoes, nothing more. Don't go defensive and start inventing excuses. Good luck and hold on to that girl friend that tolerates it.

  5. Hi Lion, I appologize for confronting you with such experiences. I enjoyed it and don't give a damn about narrow minded peoples' reactions. I attach the picture of me taken by Xaphod this afternoon but more can be read and seen on my website.

    Posted Image

  6. So later I (GJ) joined. We went to the local restaurant to have some great belgian dinner. The word vinagar has a special meaning to us now (ask Xaphod the details). Next to us were 4 women And at another table 6 persons aging around 60. We got quite a number of examenig looks from them. We had great fun :lol::( reacting to the looks of these people. The food was great and I recomend to you all comming over here in the near future. We are going to go to rotterdam tommorrow. See you all!!!! GJ (on highlucs machine, fighting the azerty-keyboard) :):o

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