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Posts posted by Highluc

  1. About a year ago I tried a pair but this was not a success. As I had no problems on 5 inch heels all day I thougth it would be easier but I never was able to manage 6 inchers without bent knees either so the outcome was as expected. I don't think at age 51 my feet will be able to take the required angles to handle ballets. As I like any challenge I would have liked to be able and thanks Joak for pointing out that Peneloppe model, this is really tempting me as a house slipper. I think they would be ideal as foot stretchers when working on the pc or watching television, when not much walking is done anyway, and the price is afordable as well (although still a lot for the little material involved). Did anybody else on this board try that or one of the assiciate models held by straps to tell their experiences? They appear to be completely flat (yuck) and I am interested in knowing what is under your toes? Joak, do you intend to buy them soon?

  2. she, has in the past renendered advice. She has also been quick to desist in giving advice once she's uncovered any ulterior or disingenuous motivations.

    Sorry Bubba, I thought my English was good but here I've got to look it up in a dictionaire because I never heard those words before
  3. Oh great! This is just what I need - another true leftist liberal european who is trying to silence the voice of opposition (of truth, logic, and reason that is!)

    If you had access to all the sources and did your homework you would find out I happen to be a retired United States Air Force graduated fighter bomber pilot that flew F104's and F16's all his life, when not in the air I pulled Quick Readiness Alert duties with a US nuclear bomb on my aircraft. I've been fighting in ex-yougoslavia, also coordinating all the humanitarian Medevac flights during 3 months with Mr Annan before he became the UN boss, and after retirement was called back to coordinate the flying activities of the Belgian and the Dutch air forces over the Balcan out of the headquarters of Italy during the 6 month crisis.

    Does that sound like a leftist liberal European? I know what I'm talking about and have often seen how the US brings peace through the world. What are your credentials?

    This is my final posting in this discussion, I'll watch from the sideline (as most of the European cowards prefer to do).

  4. No, you better don't say more, this was already too much. Please continue your homework in silence and analyse the latest reports from the CIA and FBI, those guys have done a great job in the past keeping your (war) industry going by first supporting then afterwards countering the same factions in different parts of the world. Your very smart democratically elected (or judge appointed) president will certainly not act as a coward this time, and will have his troops comitted to war unlike his own Viet-nam commitment when he was younger.

  5. Maybe not my favorite either but at least I will be able to wear heels without weather or surface limitations. Some of us live 24/7 on heels and have to take the practical as well as aesthetic side into account. These would see much use if I lived in snowy Finland you know. Have a heely week, Highluc.

  6. And yet another pair I bought yesterday, only to be worn on dry winter days of course but ooooh so nice. Check my website for more details but here they are already in all their glory:

    Posted Image

  7. Hi guys, with only 3 of this this was a rather limited New Years gathering but I think Lion and Jeff got satisfied with their day and new boots. I hope next time some more people will join. Instead of typing everything twice I recomend you to read the report of this fun meeting on my 2003 diary page on http://www.highluc.net

    ps: got myself new boots as well after resisting for a total of 20 minutes.

  8. Nyghtfall, I've been wearing sandals for years as you can see and read on my website, and never had problems with it. It is a relief to wear open footwear in summer and if combined with a silent wedge attracts little attention.

  9. I'm awaiting delivery of some real winter boots I got through e-bay. I think most of you will not like them but for me they will be perfect to wear in rainy or snowy weather. Remember I have problems walking on flats for longer times so finding this type of boot wit a heel was like a miracle to me. They will also be a good match for my 2 winterskirts in similar material and color. The price was ridiculous and even with the 19$ shipping and 10$ money order transfer costs they still will be excellent value for money. Definitely not exciting, but for sure different and practical.


    Item Description:S quareTrade © AP6.0Ladies winter boots by Windy Hill, high tops with high heels. Gray in color. Brand new. Size 10. Nylon type material. Real warm on the inside. Measures 18 inches high and 10 1/2 inches from heel to toe. Heel is 2-3/4 inches (measured from the back). A must for the stylist who has to tread snow.

  10. Nice acquisitions Bert. I know the red Bronx ones are superb. I have the same in off white and I had to take size 40 otherwise they would have been too large. The leather is very soft and although the heel is high they walk very comfortably even if worn all day for shopping. I sill don't understand your wife's problems on the cowboy boots. Have patience and good luck.

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