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Posts posted by xaphod

  1. If anything, the Parisians show more reaction to guys wearing heels, but nothing untoward. If you want to do the tourist bit, then you should have no more than usual heel-related problems by yourself. I noted we had to run the gauntlet of a bunch of black guys hanging around as we emerged from a Metro escalator emerging directly onto the street. Unfortunately I became separated from the rest of the guys in this pretty crummy area when we were looking for one of the elusive 'bigfoot' shops, and had to repel a scumbag trying to get my wallet, having pointed out something down by my feet. When I realised he had made a grab for my wallet and met his eye, he got the hell out back the way he came. He was wearing trainers so I was no match for speed in 4.5" heels. For me, this tainted what was an otherwise pleasant weekend. It's interesting to note that I have been wandering up to London every 2 weeks or so, for the last 5 years, and have never experienced anything like the above ! PS .... despite the appearance of the photo above, I wasn't wearing lipstick ! Xa

  2. .

    Yanks can be eccentric too !

    A wandering minstrel is due to complete his journey along England's coast-to-coast path, having sung Schubert's Die Winterreise every night along the way.

    American opera singer, David Pisaro, 28, has spent the last fortnight walking the 200 miles from St. Bees, Cumbria to Robin Hood's Bay in North Yorkshire.

    Every night he stopped to perform the song cycle which is about a lone walker battling against the elements.

    His audiences ranged from a 100-strong crowd, to a farmer and his friends.


  3. Sorry if you got the wrong idea. All I hoped to do was to point you in the direction of information already residing on the board. Cynical invective I reserve for the political discussions. Xa

  4. Calv has got the Eurostar tickets for the 1409 on Friday. Check in (ye Gods, can't you just get on the damn train anymore ?) is 30 minutes. Calv and I will meet in the Reef bar from 1300 onwards. I usually sit outside on the balcony, if there is space. The Reef bar is on the first floor in the main building, opposite platform 8-ish. Xa

  5. Here's another one from an insurance and 'financial advice' company which, for illustration, I will call Fred.co

    Information you provide may be shared amongst Fred.co, Fred.co personal finance, and Fred.co Direct, to enhance their understanding of your total relationship with them.

    ..... in other words, they are likely to bombard you with all sorts of unwanted advertising crap, based on how much spare money their software thinks you have to spend.


  6. Sales have been pretty grim this year, EXCEPT ALDO are having a big clear-out. They have reduced prices AND they are now offering 'buy the second pair at half price on the shoes' ..... that includes the sale price on the shoes. Yesterday I bought a pair of knee high boots in the latest brown colour, plus a pair of ankle boots in a light tan (which I have dyed) for £109. The quality is the usual Aldo good to brilliant, leather uppers, leather lined and leather/rubber sole. The price for these boots was about £175 and £100 before Christmas. Xa

  7. Personally, I would have voted if the form had a place for the vote

    'none of these lying cheating conniving b****ds'

    Having done some canvassing for a political party in my time, I noted the number of people who said something along the lines 'I can't be bothered because, no matter who is in power, the public still get screwed'.

    The last general election turnout in the UK was 59%, the lowest since WW1, indicating increasing apathy for politics (and politicians presumably).

    It is to be noted that the turnout for the elections to the European Parliament in the UK was something like 25%.


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