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Posts posted by RonC

  1. 8 hours ago, mlroseplant said:

    Heh, heh, we've had this discussion before on JeffB's page. It may be that the angle of the photograph does have something to do with it, but by the time you get up to size 13, numerical heel heights can be deceptive. A 3 1/2" heel in my friend's size of 5 1/2 U.S. women's is a decent amount of steepness, not crazy, but definitely a "high" heel. The same 3 1/2" heel height in Jeff's size is practically a kitten heel! I think that's another part of what may be going on with this photo.

    Very true.  Most makers do increase heel height as sizes increase to maintain the aesthetic of the design.  Not all, but I would say most do to at least some extent.  

  2. Very nice chesterx.  I'd enjoy those as well.  Do they come in size 11, or even better, 11W?

    I answered my own questions - on line at ShoeShoe/ShoreDepartment and available in sizes to 13 and wide widths.  Heel looks higher in their photos of the shoes than in your photos though.

  3. For a while, I did prefer no sound from my heels.  Now it doesn't bother me too much, though something truly loud is not my preference.  I agree on squishy carpet being nasty to walk in.  My choice of commercial type carpet over concrete is for the stability it offers, as it is not squishy at all and offers good traction with a softening of the blow on the ball of the foot.  A berber type of carpet is fine too, as long as there is little or no pad.  It's really the pad that makes carpeting difficult in heels I believe.

  4. I like the stability and comfort of commercial type carpet - no pad beneath - over a concrete floor.  Offers just a tad bit of padding for the ball of the foot while still being firm when stepping with the heel.  I don't mind concrete/asphalt, and most tile is ok as well.

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  5. 4 hours ago, chesterx said:

    Man what a sad situation we are in. Went out to buy groceries & 2 hrs later my weekend outings are over. At least the panic buying has calmed down. It is rainy to boot, so I wore my nude mid heel pumps by INC out of caution. Saw one other young lady wearing some black pumps a little taller than my own. Turns out from the name tag she was wearing that she is a bank employee. Everyone else was wearing horrid gym kits. I still remember when folks would make an effort to dress nicely when going out in public. What can you do other than set a good example....

    You were very fortunate to spot a young lady wearing heels period!  'Tis a rare sight these days.  Of course, now no one is out and about at all, so these days would actually refer to just before the Covid-19 social distancing!  And you know, why do we have to have a catch phrase for everything these days.  Social distancing is a stupid term IMHO.  

  6. Wow, I just checked to see when I joined and it was January 2002 - 18 years ago.  Hard to recall how I found the site, but likely a Google search for men wearing high heels brought me here.  I, like others have noted, found it reassuring that there were, in fact, others that shared my enjoyment of and desire to wear high heels.  What I do find puzzling is how many others have come and gone, even though they indicated they were heel lovers/wearers.  There is nowhere else on the web that I have found that deals specifically with this subject, so if one is a male heel wearer, I can't believe you wouldn't remain active here once you found the site.  With whom do these others share their passion and receive the feedback like we all get from this site.  Yes, there are many here that enjoy a segment of heel wearing that I personally do not gravitate toward, such as those that like extreme heel heights and thigh high boots, but we all are heel lovers and as such have something in common with experiences and information to share, which is what keeps me here!

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  7. 4 hours ago, Jkrenzer said:

    These are shoes i mentioned earlier today while at the grocery after breakfast at the waffle house. 


    I like the Mary Jane strap on those.  The gold trim is rather nice as well.

  8. Just curious, are you wearing any type of legwear with the skirts, or bare legs.  If bare, are your legs shaved or perhaps you have minimal leg hair?  Personally, I'd have to wear some type of hosiery to feel comfortable at all with my legs showing in a skirt, or have hair free legs at least.

  9. 20 hours ago, hiddenheels said:

    Have been trying to wear one of the skirts out in daylight, but even when I had the chance, I didn't have the courage. Feelings of being a failure come back... Not just a failure to wear what I want, but thoughts of "why am I doing this to myself"... If life were a rollercoaster, at the moment I'm headed down... :(

    Don't feel like a failure - that simply does not apply.  It's not easy to go outside the norm.  Take your time with this.  It will happen when you are ready!

  10. Not sure how the boots over pants is not considered feminine.  The style is rooted in the ladies and the exposure of the boots is akin to how they show with a skirt.  Yes, I know male horseback riders wore them over their pants, but beyond that, not so much.  But the ladies have been wearing them outside of their slacks for years.  

  11. For those of you that like impossibly high heels, you might want to take a look at these at Amazon.com



    Rosing Women 18cm High Heel Pumps Pointed Toe Sexy Thin Heels Wedding Party Unisex Shoes

    They come in sizes 5 to 16 (US) and are marked wide width for whatever that is worth.  Don't know how anyone could walk in these.  Crazy!

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  12. You looked great in that outfit.  You have progressed fantastically in satisfying your desire to wear heels.  I wish I had the nerve to try a skirt and heels in public, even if no one really saw me.  I did don a skirt, hose and heels and visit drive-thrus a few times, but never had the nerve to get out of the car.  Go at your own pace to whatever is next!

  13. Yes, that is the ad.  And yes, those are the only "heels" they have, and those are about the only style (one other I think) that has any kind of heel at all.  None are, in my opinion, even remotely feminine looking.  If these were being marketed to men, I'd be perfectly fine with it.  Any woman that would wear this stuff should never say a word about a man in heels - but of course they would just because they are heels, and the woman that would wear these shoes would likely be against heels period.  Not all, I know, but I'd bet the average buyer of shoes from that site wouldn't be caught dead in a pair of heels.

  14. 8 hours ago, jeremy1986 said:

    What an interesting thread. Also comforting, knowing there are so many of us out there, that cannot enjoy the freedom of heeling.

    I think is pretty clear why - 

    1) jealousy (and that might be why your GF is ok with you heeling - because as you say, she can strut her stuff!)

    2) thoughts/fears about one being gay, as @Pierre1961 mentioned above.

    and finally -

    3) I think anything "off center" will often rock someone's boat, especially, is that someone is someone close to you, and might be in the position of having to depend you (to friends, family, members of the community etc) 



    I think #3 is probably a very big issue.  I can't compare it to women wearing men's clothing, because they do that every day without question (there was an ad on this site that I looked at the other day that was selling direct copies of men's shoes for women.  Wing tips, brogues, etc.  Sad IMHO.)  But imagine if your wife or girlfriend decided she wanted to wear a false mustache every day.  It certainly would be thought of as weird and would be the talk of the town.  You wouldn't be jealous, and I doubt you'd worry about her being gay, but you likely wouldn't enjoy the undesirable attention that it would create I'm sure - and you probably wouldn't like the look either.  Men wearing heels, and especially a pair of heels designed for women, is still primarily thought of as being odd or weird, and I don't think that will be changing anytime soon.

  15. For me it is as the old saying goes - if I only knew then what I know now.  It would have been different.  Would have explained my desires to my girlfriend before marriage, etc.  But nearing 50 years of marriage, and my health issues, my wife just doesn't need the stress that would cause her at this point.  It would be unfair to her moreso than it is unfair to me at this point.  So I take my fun when I can.

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