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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Okay, this thread has been idle long enough...

    When I was explaining to the boss why I would be in late, she said I didn't look like I was in pain. That's when I assured her that pain is my constant companion. It notifies me that it's still too early to call the undertaker.

    Once again, before this thread dies of old age, I thought I'd mention that we've been having quite a bit of rain lately. So when you can tell 3 days ahead of time that the rain's coming - well this kind of weather really reminds me of the number of miles on the old bod':text_help: . Too bad we humans can't go into some sort of body shop to get the rusty joints oiled-up and a few dents and dings straightened out :rocker:.
  2. Hi Jon,

    I would never accept to cripple my feet only for my passion. I'm wearing my high heels in the same manner as many girls are doing: never extreme high heels on a long shopping tour in the city. High heels should be a pleasure but never a pain!


    RIGHT ON TARGET!:irked:

    A part of the treatment for my cancer was Thalidomide, which has damaged the nerves in my hands and feet. This has not made the pain go away, but rather, transformed it into a new sensation that very nearly resembles frostbite. So anyone who thinks that nerve damage in any form is the answer is very badly mistaken.

    Heels are not intended for long distance marathons, and nobody is going to wear them as such without paying a price. That is exactly why many women who are required to wear heels for long periods (strippers, bar girls, and others) often have an extra pair of low heels that they swap into at every opportune moment.:biggrin: They know that 8 hrs. in heels can be killers and so they try to be sensible about it. Personally, I cannot be on my feet in heels for more than a couple of hours.:rocker: Driving or sitting is not so bad, but a couple of hours on my feet is sure to get my dogs barking.:huh:

  3. ...There's the old saying "buyer beware." That said, I agree with Angie that people don't take the time to digest descriptions posted in ebay offerings. ...Buyers do have choices, you know...

    I think the Latin term was: caveat emptor = Buyer Beware! Buyers do indeed have their choices and, for all of the reasons I've seen discussed, I chose not to shop on e-bay. Whenever I buy a non-disposable item I at least want to see the guy that is selling it and get both a name and address where I can find him. That's why I can't deal with anyone who might simply disappear into cyberspace.

    On the other hand, I too sell stuff, and I expect a reasonable price for it. But often times, I sell an item (particularly cars) as-is, no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. I also make it a point to have 2 witnesses on hand to observe such transactions. If there are any further controversies - I'm more than willing to tell it to the judge.

    Unlike times past, when a person's sacred honor hung on his word, the sad but simple truth is that today we live in an age of deceit. Not only are lies, cheats, and prevarications the order of the day, but also it reached the point where it's actually expected. If only men would simply speak the truth. Well in an age of deceit - truth is revolutionary; so call me a revolutionary.

  4. They're still running around in horses and buggies where I live.LOL Not kidding.Like to see em try to clamp a horse.LOL!!!

    Lessee, yer talking about the Ahmish, who still run around in animal-drawn vehicles, right? As for immobilzing the steeds, they've had hobbles for centuries - all you'd have to do is add a lock to them. As for the buggies, that might be a different story. Most buggy wheels are so thin that a saw will go through one in a matter of minutes. Just cut a slot, take out the chain, and be on yer way. Besides, the average buggy is so flimsy that 3 or 4 able-bodied men could easily pick one up and move it - not at all like dealing with 1 or 2 tons of steel and machinery.
  5. It wasn't that long ago, or maybe it was, that a man who wore heels was considered a bit daring. That alone made him more attractive to women. I think all the talk about "transgender," a system of classification that is highly oppressive to anyone who doesn't fit the narrow hip hop (Down-Low) definition of masculinity, has pretty much queered, no pun intended, the chances of heel wearing returning to its previous state of being a sort of daring thing that gets women...

    ...I don't think male heel wearing will ever become even the left-field fashion it was before, too much bogus masculinity going on and too many attempts by the gender crowd and their psych allies to label everything a mental illness and then shove it into the little "transgender" box.

    Those who are willing to allow their lives to be ruled by a comittee called "they" are inevitably heir to all manner of fears and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. How can anyone say they have truly lived unless you have decided to chuck all that judgmental stuff and live life to the fullest, regardless of what "they" think? I still herald: Unto thine own self be true! :rocker:
  6. 2 things spring to mind. Firstly VAT is included in the quoted price whereas it's added on afterwards in the US and secondly, if the shoes have been imported from the US then duty and transportation costs will have been added too.

    If you buy from the US be mindful that you will have to pay postage, VAT (applied by HM Customs and Excise) and a handling fee that can add as much as £40 on in total.

    EXACTLY! Regarless of how the tax is added, you can bet yer boots that it's gonna be there somewhere, some way. That gets me back to Hayek and The Road to Serfdom. It's a must read if you really want to understand what's going on.
  7. :biggrin:

    I saw this in today's Metro. Just the gutter press up to their usual shinanigans! They're doing it to attract people's attention.

    I mean, the police haven't even found anyone guilty yet!

    Looks like the same old bag of tricks to me: publish a bunch of irrelevent tripe, front page a bunch of lables, then try, convict and hang the guy in the press. :irked: See how much money the press can save the taxpayers?:rocker: Some people need to be run outta town.

  8. They send me their catalog a couple times a year and the price is way to high for a lamp but it's really cool and I like it alot.

    Man, at 170 clams I could make my own! That's Jessie James without a 6 shooter!:rocker:
  9. OIL COOLED?!? Man that's a new one on me! But yes, the heat being generated was a real problem because much of that stuff was transitor logic and the linear power supplies alone generated huge quantities of heat. I can remember trying to install the equivilent of a 2703 in a computer room in Atlanta one August. I expect I really looked odd going to work with a top coat, but there was an 80 ton air conditioner just 3 feet from where I was working. It was enough to give you frostbite.:rocker:

  10. I have just located two pairs of identical shoes. One pair is sold in the UK for £60 and the other pair sold in the US for $54.99, which converted to UK pounds (todays currency), works out to be £29 (rounded up). It just goes to show how much of a rip off the UK is when buying anything. I really do wonder if there is anything in the UK which is actually cheaper than the rest of the world??

    There was a man who lived in England named Fredrick Hayek who wrote a book during WWII titled Road To Serfdom. In his book Hayek explains exactly why the economies of the US & Canada and virtually all of Europe are in the sorry state we find today. While the book really could use an update, it is still well worth reading. You might also consider reading Milton Friedman. His books explain exactly why we see chaotic prices in the world today.
  11. Its not quitting smoking thats hard, its not starting again that always caught me out.

    I havent smoked since xmas last year...and i think that if i still smoked, i would be glad of the ban. I think a large part of smoking is social smoking, eg, if you are a 10 a day smoker and you go to a pub, you seem to smoke a heck of a lot more around all your mates (if they smoke too) because it almost seems the 'sociable' thing to do. As opposed to when your in your house, and no one else there smokes, and you have to stand outside the front door in the freezing cold to smoke your smelly cigarrette. I think the ban will definitley cut the numbers of smokers, which is brilliant.

    10 A DAY?!? That's hardly enough to keep the cough going! Before I quit I was already past 2 packs a day and I knew the damn things were killing me! When the first decision of your day is whether to turn off the alarm clock or to light up a cigarette - I'd say you've got a problem :rocker:; and that's exactly where I was!:huh::irked::biggrin:
  12. ...I am concerned that we have not heard more from Plats? While I do enjoy the depth of our discussions, it makes me wonder why and what he truly started here? Perhaps they are deep into discussions and he has not had time to come back to the forum? Perhaps he is busy packing his things to move on? I sure hope he is not finding new homes for his heels... Be Well All


    I must agree that Plats has become somewhat conspicuous in his absence. :rocker::biggrin:
  13. I remember when one of my friends was trying to quit smoking. There was a farmers' market near where I used to live, so I offered to buy a cattle-prod and zap him with it if he gave in and smoked. He didn't take me up on the offer... :rocker:

    Joking aside, he just went cold-turkey and managed to stay off them.


    Some people can quit "cold turkey". Nevertheless, the sad but simple truth is that tobacco is so terribly addictive that most people cannot give it up without some kind of support. I've been there and I know!
  14. Went back to ebay this morning and Christmas story lamps are selling like size12 pumps. All sizes. The 45" to 50" tall are going well over 200.00 US. Even saw one like mine if anybody is interested.

    Naaah! It's a cute lamp, but at over 200 smackers, they can keep it.
  15. OK Guys -

    I have never posted here, but do read it quite a bit...

    Today however, I simply MUST post...

    I am very concerned over the many, many posts giving advice to move on, find another girl, dump her, back out, walk out, etc.

    OH MY GOD ! ! !

    These two have been living together. This would tell me that a serious relationship has been started, one with real commitments! Like the commitment to be honest with eachother in ALL things. Especially things as BIG as the guy wearing heels!

    The lies, I am sure have been several, the deception has lasted over years, please tell me why this is not the first place for them to begin???

    I suggest he put all his heels in the closet and close the door.....Right now the most important thing is her feelings, which he has cut down deep. I am sure she feels very lost and confused right about now. Not to mention she probably has a few questions.

    Amens needs to be made in the hurt he caused her. He has to find some way of reassuring her she can trust him again. Only if and when her hurt has passed and SHE believes she can trust him again, can he then approach her with his desire to wear heels.

    He screwed up big time. He took something as precious as her heart and her trust and walked all over them in his heels!

    I also believe there should be no compromise. I believe there is no way he can ever live happy and fulfilled without his heels. This may be why he kept it from her in the first place, as maybe, just maybe he can not live happy and fulfilled without her as well????

    Once the hurt has passed and the trust can be rebuilt, then she needs to make the decision, not him. The choice now whether or not she can except this as a part of the guy she loves, will be her choice. If she makes an ultimatum, his heels or her, I feel he should tell her he can not live without either and can not make the choice. While I hope he would lay down his life to save her, he would not make a conscious choice to end his life, or his happiness, as he knows it, for anyone.

    Priorities, Priorities, Priorities... They go both ways, but not when one has been deeply hurt, and lied to... Fix where he has caused hurt,then move on to the other things.

    I hope this couple can both remember why they love the other, remember all the many reason they fell in love in the first place, and can work from there... I also hope this guy tries VERY HARD to resolve this and thus becomes a better man for having done so, and does not take the advice of those who can love so shallowly and simply walk away from true commitment... He made this commitment, how he has to honor it!

    I shall carry them in the light, and hold them hope in my heart.

    These are my feelings and thoughts, and were NOT intended to hurt anyone, and I do apologize if I have..


    I have read your post with interest and I must say that many of your points are well taken. Furthermore, I will allow that Plats has probably not presented a complete picture here. For instance, I'm not at all certain as to exactly who is living with whom. So there are, no doubt, details that we simply don't have on hand at the moment.

    I will also allow that deceit has played a major part in this whole unhappy episode. For whatever reason(s), Plats has been a good deal less than honest with the GF. Has he been equally dishonest with his post here? One can only guess.

    After having said all of the above, however, I find the major sticking point to be with the ultimatum the GF has allegedly laid-down. This is especially so in light of a lack of commitment - i.e. a marriage, which is a binding commitment for the both of them. It is precisely the absence of such a binding commitment that makes an ultimatum such a dangerous matter. If either of these young people are harboring the mistaken notion that sex alone is sufficent to hold the relationship together, it is past time to smell the coffee. While love might be enough to hold them together, by resorting to the ultimatum they are sure to find out. Therefore, anyone who resorts to such a play for power must be prepared to face the consequences if it should backfire. Moreover, if the relationship is in fact as fragile as Plats leads us to believe, it is far better to address it now than wait till after marriage or some other thing to find this out.

    I agree that amends are definitely in order and there's probably enough blame to go around for everyone. I most sincerely wish them well and hope that they can get things sorted-out. But the bottom line here is that there is hardly any point in trying to maintain a relationship that is so fragile that it is already in ICU. The girl can be replaced without excessive hardship; and in the long run it might prove to be the best for both of them.

  16. Those great big room-filling computers from the days before PC's. The ones that consumed so much power that they could heat an entire building. They were officially called "mainframes" back in their day, unofficially called "big iron" and a plethora of other somewhat more derogatory names.

    They had six-figure price tags, whopping power requirements, occupied enormous amounts of space and your average desktop PC from Wal-Mart could out-perform one of them any day!

    The designs of our modern PC's grew out of mainframe designs and most of the jargon used by computer engineers and programmers today (geeks) has its roots with these machines.

    Well, almost. IBM, also known as Big Blue, employed a 64 bit word for their 360 & 370 series, and that was just on the bus line without even counting the tag lines. As far as I know, no PC today uses a full 64 bit word.

    Now I'll grant you that the speed of a modern Pentium processor will run rings around one of those old monstrocities, and so there probably isn't much need for a genuine 64 bit word. Besides, I know that some PC's do use a 32 bit structure, which is actually a half word. So with the speed of the Pentiums, the new stuff is really stepping right along and you don't need ConEd to power the sucker or Niagra falls to cool it either.

    But the PC's still can't replace the Crays; and you'll never again be able to pull the memory out and cart it across town and have it go to work. On the other hand, we now have memory sticks that'll hold more than the total core capacity of some of those really big old mainframes.

  17. I have been deeply in love more than once in my 60 years and my passion fro shoes has NEVER gone away. I don't know of anybody who has ever been "cured" of this though I know many who have tried.

    If I were in this situation where no real commitments had been made (such as marriage) I would strongly consider backing off that relationship. There will be no acceptable (for you) compromise and you will always be hiding that part of you from the relationship (in effect cheating).

    Hey Plats, after reviewing your original post I find where you said you are living with your GF. If you are living with the GF, how did you get the shoes into her house/apartment without her knowing?

    On the other hand, if it is your GF who is really living with you, then she's outta line. Change the girl!

    Also, the short version of Shrimper's post above is: Change the girl.

  18. :rocker:

    Francis really came up with a good one for this topic - it's been most enjoyable.

    Yes, I can see someone charging a wheel clamper for grand theft auto. All they would have to do is prove that the clamper denied rightful access for any significant period of time (under US law).

    It would be an interesting trick, however, to run it through the courts, which are prone to give wheel clampers the benefit of the doubt. One would have to prove they were legitimately parked.

    I, too, would like to see such a case in court. But it would have to be the right court with the right judge. As for proving that you were legally parked, there is nothing like a witness. Since 2 witnesses are all that's required to convict a person of treason (in the US) another passenger or witness of legal age ought to be sufficent.

  19. The paper my parents get takes about 2 hours to read, and is full of interesting articles.

    I was thinking of moving there, just for the paper, but the problem is, by the time I'm finished reading it, it's usually around 9am, so I'd be late for work, and I've usually downed a fourth cup of coffee, so I'd be wired and irritable all day!

    With 4 cups of java, who wouldn't be "wired"? I guess you know yer easily talking about a quart!

    For mine own part, I found it a lot easier to put a rack in my bathroom and keep the Sunday paper there for easy reading. After only one or 2 firing squads everybody has learned to keep the entire paper there.

  20. I was looking for a lamp like the one on Christmas story and this is what I came up with. It was the only one I could find and was called the Christmas story lamp.Well I thought it was pretty cool so I bid on it not thinking I would win it and I guess nobody else saw it. It is so cool.

    Too bad it's only 15" tall. I think I'd put it on some type of pole and make a floor lamp out of it if it were mine.
  21. Some of the laceup oxfords and boots that I have came thru with no eyelets. Over time the laces start to elongate the holes in the leather. Does anyone know of a source for eyelets and the setting tool ?

    I buy most of my stuff through Tandy Leather. If they don't have a shop near you go to TandyLeather.com.
  22. Ah yes the memories! Accidently shortcircuiting the master CPU with the cabinet and frying about £50,000 worth of electronics, still a lot of money in 1982. Programming in FORTRAN, using B2DEC commands to get anything at all to appear on the VDU, EEPROM blowing and having all sorts of fun with upside down displays and transposed keys.

    FORTRAN! Now there's a language, not quite as colorful as Klingon, but a bit more responsive.:irked: I also used the Datapoint equivilent called Databus. After all, Fortran was really designed for use on a 64 bit system and was not much use on an 8 bit system.:rocker: Speaking of which - how about speaking in OCTAL! :biggrin: That was mostly what they used on the military fire-control CPU's.
  23. Think about it. You might get rejected this time and the next time and the time after that. If you ask a hundred girls and you get knocked back 99 times but the last girl you ask is a hot babe who you end up spending the rest of your life with doesn't that make all the rejections worthwhile?

    RIGHT ON! :rocker: Just because my wife says she won't fix me a meal doesn't mean that I quit eating!:biggrin:
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