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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. I have 2nd degree burns covering about 7%. They say it will take about 2-3 weeks to heal. The antibiotics are really upsetting my stoemach:sad:

    Well, 7% 2nd degree burns isn't really bad. The average arm or leg is about 18%. Still, the antibiotics are a necessary part of your treatment.:o But perhaps you could get your doctor to change the prescription to something not quite so upsetting to you. Just hang in there, Pumps.;)
  2. Too much gone into them to return, unfortunately, so I'm just chalking it up to "lesson learned" and then trying again. No harm no foul. I'll let ya know how it goes seeing if they can convert the zipper!

    You might consider having yer cobbler put in an expansion strip - an extra cut or two at the top with a bit of elastic to allow for your calf and for pulling the boots on/off and while zipping them up.
  3. Anything like these? Or is the heel maybe too narrow? They are all leather with a 4" heel. I have used these a lot. Don't look at the toe piece, that is what I put there to save the tip. Later I went to the cobbler to get a real piece put there. And also that had been replaced once again so that is a proof that I uses them a lot.

    Posted Image

    WOW, nice looking boots, Admirer. The toe is just a bit too pointy to suit me, but they look great! :thumbsup:How much did they cost?
  4. Erm, nooo, its not even a factor....

    I would never put footwear over having a nice home... Engineered wooden floors are far better than "laminate" but anyway, not meaning to go off topic, but I would never reconsider how I build my house or decorate it to suit a pair of shoes, thats just nuts... (IMHO)

    ;) Ancient custom to remove shoe before entering house: keeps foors neat and house clean. This especially true for high heeled shoe. :o
  5. If you're looking for wearability and comfort you would do well to get a size 10. If you're only doing it for the moment it doesn't matter. The tightness is probably what you want at the time. No amount of stretching is going to make those shoes comfortable to walk in.

    I totally agree! There's no way yer going to get those shoes to stretch out 1/2 inch without ripping them apart. If it's only for the moment then suffer! But stretching them 1/2 inch is out of the question, IMO.
  6. Most guys who arent into heels arent into fashion, their wife chooses their clothes; to my mind us heelers like fashion anyway and if you keep in style then the whole look is right. Ive seen an old guy lookin scruffy with long greasy hair, tatty gents clothes, thick socks and platform sandals. Now that was a shame, it lets us down. My opinion!!

    Right you are! ;) There's a huge difference between fashion and scruffy!
  7. I've been wearing skirts since I came home from the hospital thursday and even though I'm used to it, I'm pretty surprised about the attention I'm getting. I've been to the hospital 4 times now and basically my skirt was commented plenty by the doctors and nurses. One nurse said that it was it was a much better choice than pants, because the wound needed to breathe, yet she still wondered why I wore it. I guess the fact that few women wears skirts right now, makes me stand out more.

    The most annoying incident was when I went outside a took some pictures of the neighbourhood to test my new camera and this guy kept staring at me and eventually asked me (in a hostile tone) what I was photographing. I told him that I was just testing my new camera, but I'm sure his hostile manner was because I was wearing a skirt. Like so many uninlightened people a man in a skirt just spells "pervert". I'm just so sick of that:sad:

    Sometimes you've just got to let it go, Pumps. Some people in this world are so narrow-minded that they can see through a keyhole with both eyes! ;) Maybe next time you get him to take a picture or something.:o

    BTW, I hope your wounds are healing well. Any word on how extensive they are or how long you need to recover?:smile:

  8. Thank you very much for your observations. As you suspected, it has been a concern of mine, how others would perceive me and that they would assume that I am gay. Considering I have not had a girlfriend of late nor have I ever been married, I've been worried that my parents and others might think I am gay. Also, since I am the last hope for grandchildren for my parents, the extra pressure has made me doubt myself even more.

    However, being gay would imply some sort of attraction to men. This is not the case. It has always been about girls/women. I just like different parts of women than others, that's all. I just have to be confident in that and not try to always avoid telling people of my likes and dislikes for fear of being pigeon holed about this or anything else for that matter.

    I'm glad that there's a place like this.

    Thanks again,

    If you are not attracted to men and you do not want to attract men, then somewhere out there is a woman for you. Now all you have to do is go and find her.;) Lottsa luck! :o
  9. The specific episode is "Mirror, Mirror" and it comes from the second season of the original series.

    The first season of TOS was good, but they really hit their stride in the second season. The plots were better, the costumes were better, everything just seemed to click a lot better.;)
  10. I was going to say that that is a standard repair for this problem, some might take the zips out and cut the boot so that the new zip extends right to the top.

    I, too, would opt for having the zipper going all the way to the top in such a circumstance, especially if you've got to take them to the cobbler anyway. But I'm glad you got it fixed.;)
  11. I love the thigh boots worn by klingnons & romulans (& that one episode where kirk & crew are in a "mirror" universe, dressing & acting more like the 2 alien types just mentioned)

    Did you mean the episode where Spock is wearing a beard and Uhura is hiding a knife in her thigh-high boot and slapping Sulu around?
  12. This varies from one manufacturer to another...

    Next time you are in a shop, measure the heel heights in the same style across different sizes. You will be able to see what scheme is being used. If you don't want to use a tape in the shop just compare the heights against the back of your index finger or hold one shoe from each pair with heels back to back to see a small difference.

    An excellent point, Firefox. ;) One does not necessarily need a ruler to measure the difference in heels. All that is really necessary is to have some fixed dimension that can be used as a standard - i.e. a box edge, a ball pen, a nail clipper, the edge of a credit card, etc. Grant you, you will not have precise measurements, but you will have a general comparison.
  13. I don't have those kind of prblems myself, but I would say boots with rounded toes are a good way to go. They offer plenty of support to the foot. And, if they are a bit loose, you can always wear them with a thick pair or two of cotton/lycra socks which are both cool and ensure snug fit.

    First of all, let me say welcome to the forum, Dragster.;):o

    I have not experienced the kinds of problems you discuss. However, due to a very serious car crash, my late girlfriend had to have her toe joints replaced (among other things). The process was both painful and required long-term recuperation.

    My personal opinion of the medical profession is rather low, but some of them really are worth their salt. Still, the very best of them will tell you that surgical results are dicey :P and cannot be guaranteed. Moreover, IMO, you're seldom as strong after surgery as you were before. Usually, the part that required surgery is left a little bit weaker than when you started-out.

    Dragster, based upon your description of your medical problems, I'd say that heels are probably not for you. You'll be lucky :smile: if you don't have to have corrective surgery again. Unless you are prepared to pay exhorbitant prices to have custom made heels, you probably should leave heels alone.

    I often have to look at things and just shrug and say I can't afford it. What I'm saying is that the total expenditure, both monitarily and otherwise, is simply greater than what I am able to pay. I think you're going to have to say the same thing about heels.

  14. I found them very interesting.

    The look is not beautiful at the first glance, but they are different and can be funny, can match some kind of different clothes at all.

    We want people to be open minded for guys wearing heels, we can't be closed for new styles and designs even if they don't appear to be good looking.

    I found the design of the second picture very interesting. Wanted to try a pair. [/quote ] GREAT! EVERYBODY, SHIP 'EM ALL DOWN TO FLAVIO! He want's 'em down in Brasil!!!

  15. If you watch Enterprise, T'Pol is occasionally seen in heels.

    In the action stuff they suddenly become flat again !

    Ain't that amazing, how those futuristic boots work? ;)

    Live long and prosper.

  16. Thanks.

    I can see what you mean. the cold water would have stayed on better with the pants on. I just took them of and went into the shower. Going out the door the skirt was the best choice. I went up to a check up today and with the bandages on my thighs I couldn't wear pants, so once again the skirt was the obvious choice.

    One more thing, if your doctor(s) are using silver nitrate to treat your injuries, that stuff will blacken your clothing and linens, and it won't wash out. So be sure to use old clothing and linens that you don't mind getting blackened or yer willing to throw away afterwards. The silver will help to keep down infections, but it does leave some ugly stains behind.
  17. I got burned pretty badly by boiling radiator water on my thighs today. Obviously I didn't want to take my pants back on to go to the emergency room, so I was pretty happy that I have skirts in my closet. Wearing a wrap-around skirt was a much better choice in such a situation. Go skirts !

    OUCH!!! AGONY! :smile::o Having been burned several times myself, I know what yer going through. I will be saying prayers for you, Pumps.

    As far as going to the ER, that's no time to be worried about what you look like. In fact, you might have actually been better off to simply get into a tub of cold water with your clothes on. This proved to be the most effective first-aid treatment for burns during WWII. ;) The idea is to try and remove as much heat from the affected area as quickly as possible. Especially with a scalding type of injury, the caloric input is enormous and you want to try and reduce that as much as possible.

    On the other hand, by changing into a skirt, you may have saved yer pants; because some hospitals simply cut them off of burn victims. Either way, my prayers will be going out for you. Keep yourself clean and follow the doctor's instructions to the letter, because the biggest problem with burns is infection.

  18. I think I have found the reason why I started liking and wearing heels, some 25 years ago...

    Anyway, do you remember the footwear they had?

    The men wore som high-heeled (ok, only about 5 cm) boots that I guess wore supposed to look futuristic for men. And occationally some nice loking woman stepped into the picture wearing (even with todays standard) a pair of nice looking stiletto boots...

    After reviewing my Star Trek library, I am forced to conclude that the original series with James T. Kirk had something that the later series lacked. The original series had a certain glamor, glitz, pizazz, and style that none of the others were ever quite capable of duplicating. Perhaps Deep Space 9 came closer than any of the other subsequent series, but it still lacked something that TOS had in abundance in every episode. Perhaps even more bothersome is the notion that, even if they tried, it would be impossible today to duplicate the verve and pizazz that TOS had.

    Yes, I did like the footwear and the uniforms in TOS, but there was more to it than that. But I've never quite been able to put my finger on just what that piece of magic was/is.

    Live long, and prosper.

  19. Words fail me in trying to describe those awful things! Whoever designed those horrors must've been on some serious cocaine at the time!

    My word!;) I've heard about some bad trips on LSD, but whoever designed those things must be living in a yellow submarine!:smile: Whew! :o And just yesterday my daughter was asking why there's never someone around with a strait-jacket when you need one?

    But the good news is that we can always send them (the shoes) to IRAQ! After all, anything that ugly ought to be enough to get everyone running for cover! It might even be enough to stop the war! (It's hard to keep a good war going if nobody shows up.):P

  20. ...Under the new rules you will be perfectly entitled to go outside and smoke, so the only real intrusion into your liberties is that you can no longer force it on others. -Chris

    Well, there is the additional inconvenience of having to take the filthy habit outside as opposed to being able to smoke indoors; but then smokers ought to come with me to the hospital to see for themselves how inconvenient throat and lung cancer is. Just one 5 minute talk with my neighbor, who has throat cancer (he wasn't a smoker), ought to be enough to convince anyone that throat and lung cancer is a major inconvenience.

    Or to put it another way: My right to swing my fist ends where your nose begins. So if we wish to recognize equal rights for all, then we had best dismiss the notion of special rights for some.

  21. :P Ancient proverb say: To Thine Own Self Be TRUE. You will never be truly happy trying to live up to someone else's expectations or trying to fit into some mold some person (or society itself) says you must fit. You are an individual. You must come to grips with your own expectations, shortcomings, talents & abilities, limitations, values, tastes, and so forth. Trying to live-up to someone else's notion of what you should or should not do is to live a lie! Sooner or later you will find yourself paying the price for the lie. So you happen to like heels: big deal! So do I, and I've been wearing them for more than 50 years.;) Do you like wearing earrings? My ears have been pierced for more than 30 years. :o Do skirts and kilts turn you on? I wear 'em. Whatever you do or don't do - be honest about it! Be a man and say: This is what I am!:smile:
  22. Wow I wish I could wear a size that is readily available I would definately pick up a couple of styles at Macy's and Aldo. But with the smallest shoe I can squeeze into an 11 US and only in some styles I like many others here continue to search for the Holy Grail of shoe stores. Seems as though womens feet are getting bigger maybe the designers will start making larger sizes to accomodate those women soon.

    A ray of hope, Derf, I'm seeing sizes 11, 12, and even some 13's in shoe shops these days. Grant you, they're still hard to find, but they are out there.;)
  23. I love my kilt. It feels great to wear it in the hot Atlanta summers, especially to fetish/other parties. I can see why women love skirts so much!

    Skirts and kilts are cool; they are easy to get on and off, and they look and feel good. I'm planning on making a sopran to go with my kilts.
  24. I have have found heel height does typically adjust with size. The better the maker the more frequent the adjustment. I wear 10 and 11 depending on fit, but have purchased multiple pairs in many sizes and noticed they seemed to jump the height at every other size. This saves the manufactrure a lot money because it reduces inventory to have fewer individual part numbers.

    Many manufactures will use the same heel and sole beds for a large variety of styles, pumps, slings, etc for the same reason and only change seasonally.


    Hi there Joe, and welcome to the forum. ;):o
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