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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Been snowing here for three days, quite vigorously at times. We have a good 10-12" now.

    Well today it got up to 82 F. I think I can safely say that all the snow around here is finally gone!:o;):smile:
  2. oh gawd ive got the answer right again. Didnt look b4 voting. Anything 3" or below is ordinary, i said 3 3/4" as the minimum height but ive only tiny feet and for me 5" is hard work for no gain. 4" pointy feels right and is an all day height. It all depends on yr size, 4" on size 11 must be like a flea bite.

    ;) Well, there really is no "right" answer. There really isn't any wrong answer either, except those that are so preposterous as to beg the question of what the guy's been smoking these days? :smile::o
  3. This is where the trouser tyranny comes in, men wouldn't dare even consider heels of skirts...

    Also, do you think that the average guy is afraid of being laughed at...?

    Fear of being laughed-at is exactly why some people's lives are run by a committee called "they".;)
  4. A neighbour of mine took it into his head to block me in every morning so that I'd have to go and ask him to move it. It wasn't like there was nowhere else to park and at 10pm he would still be in a space four down from mine.

    One day I had the day off work and so there was a knock on the door. It ws him.

    "Have you seen my car?" he asked.

    I leant over the balcony to look to where mine was parked and didn't see his, nor was it in the space it occupied some 12 hours earlier.

    "No, " I replied, "Where's it gone?"

    "I don't know," he said "I was hoping you'd know."

    "Why should I?"

    "Well, it was parked across the back of yours..."

    "What makes you so sure because it was in the space three slots down at 10 last night?"

    "Er... Um... I moved it at midnight!"


    "Er... Um..."

    "I suggest you get onto the clamping people then, they've probably towed you."

    It cost him £135 to get his car back, clampers do have a use after all!

    WOW! What a story!;) Lessee, £135 ought to translate into about $200! That's a pretty hefty fee! I hope that helps him get his parking priorities straightened out.
  5. As a cancer survivor myself, I appreciate no smoking laws. I have never smoked myself, but my dad, mom, and sister did so I did get second hand smoke. I was diagnosed with Kidney cancer in 2002 and one of the first questions they asked me was, "Do you smoke? If so quit....now!"

    ...a lot of our tax dollars go towards taking care of people who made a personal choice to do something that has been proven to be harmful. I personally would like to see that money go towards finding cures for cancer and other diseases...

    Hi, Craig. Since I am also a cancer survivor (my cancer had nothing to do with smoking), I can most definitely identify with your story. Unfortunately, your statement is all too true. Smoking has been identified as the number one cause of preventable disease in America (and I suspect, the world). IMO, the diseases associated with smoking are the Indian's revenge for what the white man did to them here in America.;)
  6. I just heard that Boris Yeltsin has died. IMO, Yeltsin did more to restore Russia from it's squalid communist past than any other man I can think of. While Yeltsin certainly didn't much look like one, I believe he was both a patriot and a hero. Too bad that Russia can't seem to find someone else like him. He deserves a hero's send-off.

  7. Yup! If you find my post about the boots I recently purchased for $15, you'll find that the main reason I was required to try them on in the store was because one boot was marked a size smaller than the other. Now it's true that my feet are slightly different in size, but not a full size. So I can only conclude that some mfgrs. have some definite problems with their QA/QC programs. This seems to be especially true of Chinese made products. In my case the boots fit me fine, but they are definitely marked as different sizes. However, I've already worn them several times without any problems whatsoever. So if your shoes fit - ignore the markings - they're usually stamped on at the last, anyway. As for the box - well after what I've already seen in several shoe stores, things often get so mixed-up that you can't rely on what the box says, especially at the end of season when the shop may use whatever box is available to put the shoes in.;)

  8. Actually it's what we call trouser tyranny. Women want it all and want men to have nothing except a uniform.

    Many moons ago I was told that women are nuts about uniforms - I just didn't understand or appreciate the depth of meaning behind it at the time.
  9. So long as you keep the rest of you looking good, viz hair and clothes, then you will keep young forever. Think young and you will be...

    Went to see the Shadows with my ex and thought why are all these old people here, then thought oh fk!! They're the same age as I could be...

    Never again, even though Hank and the boys played a blinding set...

    Well, maybe some of you young squirts (I use the term advisedly) are greatly concerned about your looks, but when you get to my stage of life I think you'll find that there are some much more important issues that concern you - like being able to get into and out of a car without hurting yourself or needing a painkiller afterwards :o. I'll leave the the really hazardous areas - like getting into or out of a bathtub - alone for now.

    I think it's amazing how just a few years can change one's whole perspective on things, not to mention priorities.;)

  10. You know the old argument many women has that heels just don't look good on men, and that men shouldn't wear skirts or any other female garment for that matter?

    We'll I have a theory about the whole issue they have with men invading fashion previously known to be a women's only domain.

    It goes like this:

    When women started to invade politics and the male dominated work arena and decided that they could also have a career. Men where heavily opposed to the idea. Or at least most of the men where opposed to the idea. Men felt afraid about this new threat that is busy invading their domain and they reacted negatively to the changes women where looking for. Men felt they would now be seen as lesser men. Women persisted and men just had to fall in or fall out.

    Now the seasons are changing and women are facing the opposite of the coin. Men are starting to invade what women thought is their domain. Men are invading their fashion, women as men before them are afraid of this new threat and also feel that if men are starting to wear things women proclaimed their own, they will now be seen as lesser women. I predict that men will persist and the traditional idea that heels and skirts for women only will leave women resisting change with the decision to either fall in or fall out......

    Let's hope their vanity will survive, (No pun intended)

    AHEM! So sorry, TLJakes, but you seem to have missed a very important point. In reality, it is not men who are invading the women's domain. On the contrary, it was women who have invaded and taken over the domain of men. Only now that men, like myself, are seeking to reassert ourselves and take back what was rightly ours in the first place, the women are up in arms about it!

    Well as far as I'm concerned, that's just too bad. When women quit wearing men's clothing and start becoming more feminine - they'll start being more becoming. In the meanwhile, I'll be coming to the the stores to buy heels and skirts and anything else that suits me.

  11. It's only cloths for gosh sakes. Why does there have to be a gender on everything and mostly aimed at men! Kinda like food. You don't know if you like it until you have tasted it no matter what it looks like. Open your mind and enjoy life and don't resist any oportunity to please your partner. Relax and enjoy life in every way you can as long as its not hurting anyone else and who knows, you might like it.

    An excellent point, Johnieheel!;)

    I am reminded of a scene in a John Wayne movie (I forget which one) where he sits down to a breakfast meal someone has just fixed for him. When he notices some strange looking meat on the plate he asks, "And just what kind of meat is this your serving me?"

    To which the gal that prepared it replies, "Those are lambchops."

    At this Wayne goes into a tirade, "Whadda ya mean, serving me lambchops? I never eat lambchops! I don't like lambchops!"

    After this outburst the woman asks him, "Have you ever eaten lambchops?" To which Wayne responds, "No! I never eat lambchops! I don't even like lambchops." :o

    I suppose there are still some people around who are so narrow-minded that they can see through a keyhole with both eyes.

  12. When someone disses someone else's choice, they're just struggling inside about something, like what they don't like about theirselves.

    I never really thought about matters that way, Inscapable, but it makes sense. I think someone once defined envy as: that discomfort or upset one experiences over what someone else has that you either don't or can't have. If that is the case, then what you said begins to sound to me a whole lot like envy. ;)
  13. My favourites are the Islay malts. There are quite a lot of them, mostly ££££££££££s. The most common, if you'll pardon the term, is Laphroaigh. If you are not used to it, Medicine sounds like a good name for it. It is so smooth. It can be found at reasonablely affordable prices here in the UK.

    My all time American is Wild Turkey. My daughter brought me a bottle of 12 Y.O. single something American, I made it last for ages, as I knew that I would never see another.

    Some of our supermarkets sell "Own Brand"malts at fair prices. They are not bad for the price.


    Well now, laddie, if yer goin to go American, that Wild Turkey is a right good brew, as is Rebel Yell. But you'll hard-pressed to find a smoother whiskey than Jack Daniels Black Label. I've actually been to the stills where they cook the darlin brew, back about 30 years ago, an it was quite an experience. One interesting thing that might be hard to fathom, is the fact that Jack Daniels is actually produced in a county where 'tis illegal to sell or serve alcohol (a dry county):P . So they don't offer any samples when yer taking the tour. But 'tis possible to get a pretty good buzz while yer walking around the vats where they's cooking it.

    I've not heard of any accidents since that one man wuz overcome by th' fumes and fell into one of the vats an' drowned. They still talk about how 4 or 5 stout lads tried to rescue him and pull 'im out. But he managed to fight 'em off.:o;):smile:

  14. Thanks for your words of advice Guy N. Heels, but I AM a realist as far as my condition goes. However, I'm not going to travel carefully through the remaining years of my life, merely to arrive safely at death!

    The surgeon who operated on my toes was amazed that I was still running, without pain, on my feet as they were before the operation, but I'd just run the first Great Manchester Run (10k) when I first saw him, and was running about 10/15 miles a week (not excessive). He knew of my ambition to run my first marathon (yes, in my 60s!), but strongly advised me not to, because of the effects of the training needed, and I've taken that advice, but I have started running shorter distances again, and can feel the cardio-vascular benefits. I'll keep that up for as long as I can.

    You are right about the medical pre-disposition to hallux valgus, I inherited it from my mother, but the Orthopaedic Appliance Specialist I saw at the same time reckoned my flat feet were the primary cause of my toe joints becoming deformed, and I'm now wearing shoe inserts to reposition my feet correctly.

    I'll never be more than a very occasional high heel wearer. I do get a big kick out of walking in 5" heels at home, but because my wife is not supportive of any of my crossdressing activities, that can only be when she is out and I'm not. A rare occurrence! So I will not be walking in them for lengthy periods or long distances. Even if I ever venture out en-femme, I would stand out in anything above 3" heels (I'm almost 6' tall without heels!), and flats are more likely. So, I'll get my kicks whenever I can, and if I feel any pain, or see any obvious problems, I may reconsider my strategy.

    Again, thanks to you and all the others for responding.


    Then please allow me to most sincerely wish you the very best of luck. ;) Or as they say on Star Trek, "Live long and prosper."
  15. What precisely is lenscrafter...?

    Lenscrafters is a nationwide eyewear chain here in America. Their main selling point is that you can have your eyeglasses in about an hour. But I wouldn't call them "discount". On average, their prices are about the same as most other eyewear shops. Since I haven't seen their latest ad, I'm unable to speak about it.
  16. Sadly there's a lot of it about, two of my exes were raped before I met them and I had to help them deal with the aftermath. I wish they'd castrate the offenders when they caught them, then lock them up for life. -----Chris

    Or maybe, as W.C.Fields would say,"Give 'em 20 years in the electric chair!" ;):o
  17. With our interest in wearing high heels, I can't believe that no-one else has had the same foot problems I have, and the cause of mine was not due to wearing high heels!

    Is there a message here? Perhaps it's not VERY high heels that are the primary cause of this problem, where the foot is on tip-toes, and there is not much of a pressure forcing the toes into the toe-box, but mid heels, where the foot is resting on a ramp. The tendency of the foot to slide down that ramp then provides a force to jam the toes together into the toe-box, particularly with pointed shoes, and especially if they are a size too small. Many women will buy smaller shoes than they need so that their feet do not look "too big", and we all know that it also helps to keep shoes (paticularly courts/pumps) on the feet.

    Does anyone have any knowledge or evidence to support or disprove this theory?


    I am no medical expert. For proper medical advice, you need to consult a medical doctor. However, IMHO, there are many factors that could lead to the kinds of things you are discussing. You might have a medical predisposition, based upon your family history. There may be some specific problem you are experiencing or have predisposed yourself to. Or, it could just be the luck of the draw. I honestly don't know.

    But based upon my late girlfriend's experience, I'd say you need to learn how to accept and live with your condition. After my late GF had her foot surgery she almost never wore heels again, and when she did feel frisky enough to try, it was only for a few steps. I don't recall her ever walking further than from the living roon into the bedroom (I had a very small apartment). The heels I bought her stayed in the bedroom closet, for the most part.

    I'm sorry, Dragster. I wish I could be more encouraging. But in your case, it's time to smell the coffee.

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