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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. Just relax and don't worry about it or think in to it to much and things will go back to normal soon.

    DITTO! Relax and go with the flow. A few months back we had another guy saying much the same thing. So what?

    Stop and think on it; if you were forced to eat your favorite food 3 times a day, 7 days a week, how long would it take before you got disinterested? Shoes and fashion are the same way. You eventually reach burnout. So put the heels back in the closet and go yer way. The day will come when you'll want those shoes back, I guarantee.

    Live long and prosper.;)

  2. I'm trapped in Prescot (L34) and looking for somewhere I can go for evenings out in heels. I suspect I will need to head to Liverpool or Manchester.

    Any help would be appreciated as I had being trapped in doors - or having to go out in flats.

    Why does society have to say heels & skirts aren't for guys? Bring back the 70s when society was more open. Guys have work heels many times through history so why not today?

    Welcome to the forum, Teanna71. ;):o

    Sorry, but I can't help you with your social life. When I saw Prescot, I thought you were in Arizona. But having never been to England, I couldn't help you at all on that one.

  3. Remember Obi-Wan's instruction to Luke Skywalker, "A Jedi should feel the the force flowing through him." Well perhaps in this case, the force isn't the only thing flowing and this Sith warrior is in need of a loo that is far-far away.

    "...and now matters are worse." ;)
  4. Does that mean some of us have irony-poor blood?

    (Oh, yeah, that's a bad one ;) )

    NO-no, that's just the opposite of irony. It's more like the guy who took too much Geratol and all the compass needles started pointing at him. You know, like: "Hey Ma, you need to use more oil in yer cooking 'cause my pipes are starting to get rusty.":silly:
  5. I think that if you get a boot with a half-zipper, just be careful getting them on and off. Work your foot into the bottom, and then go easy getting them off - especially if you have a "fat heel". I accidentally tore the leather above mine, and am getting them repaired, but I'm not sure if that was due to thin leather or my own clumsiness. Once they're on though, they really do look great, and don't look all bunched up - or "slouched" as has been said.

    Definitely great for under-the-jeans boots!

    On the other foot, one of the main problems with a full-lenght zipper is getting something (stocking, pants, hair, skin) hung in the zip. Still, I prefer the full-lenght zipper.
  6. *goes to wipe Pepsi off of monitor*

    I'm starting to think a rule on another board I go to should apply here..........don't drink anything before reading these boards! ROFLMAO!

    Good one, Guy N. Heels!

    Remember Obi-Wan's instruction to Luke Skywalker, "A Jedi should feel the the force flowing through him." Well perhaps in this case, the force isn't the only thing flowing and this Sith warrior is in need of a loo that is far-far away.
  7. Posted Image

    Is it me or is there something not quite right about this !

    Well, no properly dressed Sith would ever be caught without a light saber and cape, for one thing. Also, the pose is suggestive of needing to visit the loo.;)
  8. Do anyone own any Platforms in here??

    If you do, can you post them up to share them with us??

    (BTW how to post photos on this forum??)

    Howdy SuperTurbo, and welcome to the forum.;):o

    Now about those plats, you could say "platforms are us". Some of the members here even use platforms as part of their name. Just look around a bit and you'll find lots of postings about plats.

  9. Exactly my point. The moslems are doing just that, just look at the Shi'ite/Sunni clash in Iraq.

    Look at the way Martin Luther was treated shortly after his "objections" and nailing his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg.

    Aparently he was made to eat worms or something... LOL

    You know, I never have understood the difference between the Shi'ites and the Sunnis. What is it: one reads the Q'ran from front to back while the other reads the Q'ran from back to front?
  10. You mean things like the Spanish Inquisition, the burning of members of other denominations at the stake just because they disagreed on the meaning of a tiny part of scripture. You mean where innocent people were starved to death because they would not embrace Christianity. You mean wars in which hundreds of thousands of people died...

    BTW is this politics?...

    Speaking of inquisitions, it seems to me that you Britts had a fair go at that yourselves. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that you folks spent about 100 years burning-down churches, burning people at the stake, throwing people into dungeons and all that sort of thing. Isn't that what happened to Tyndale, Locke, and Rutherford, to name a few?
  11. I have to absolutely agree. We went to Miami 2 weeks ago and I saw those ugly things e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. All shoe stores sold them in every color and size available (and yeah, I also think they only sell them 3 sizes too big)...

    Worst moment was in the Bayside Marketplace when a whole family (husband, wife and 2 daughters) were wearing them in different hideous colors.

    Please stop this madness and bring 8 inch platform shoes in fashion !! (hehehe, okay the last sentence was more a wish than meant seriously :o

    8" plats? Is this more of Oli's follies?;)

    Fleeing naked man in heels blamed for McMinnville lockdown

    03:01 PM PDT on Thursday, April 26, 2007

    Associated Press

    McMINNVILLE, Ore. - A man wearing nothing but women's high heels was the cause of a building lockdown by police in downtown McMinnville.

    The unidentified man was spotted sitting on a bench on the basement floor of a nearly vacant medical building Wednesday afternoon...

    The man was described as 40 to 50 years old, bald or with short white hair, of thin to medium build...

    Keep this in mind the next time YOU PEOPLE wear heels in public!!!!! YOU PEOPLE are a menace to society and a threat to public security.

    I DIDN'T DO IT!!! I haven't even been out on the Coast in over 10 years!
  13. Hey guys, this is my first official post but I was pondering lately a thought about men in heels.

    ...Most women who actually wear heels usually only do so when they are getting overly dressed up for a function outside their normal lives, like weddings, special occasions and the like. Not many really wear nice shoes to work these days. ...If it became the norm, and I sure wish it was:smile: , that men were to wear high heels how many of these women would just stop wearing them? Since the only reason for them to wear these in the first place was because it was required female attire to properly dress up...

    Welcome to the forum, JKrenzer. :o:smile:

    While I agree that many women seem to be abandoning heels these days, I do not agree with the notion that women are somehow required to wear heels. Even in places like Las Vegas, where employers have required women to wear heels in the past as a condition of employment, that has been overturned. Here in Washington, where women often dress-up very elegantly for various functions, they are often seen wearing lower heels and, sometimes, none at all. So the main reason that women wear heels is because they want to wear heels.

    However, it seems to me that the pendulum is now swinging the other way and we find more and more women wearing work shoes and even combat boots.;) So if the women want to go scruffy, perhaps the time has come for men to assert their taste for fashion and show some elegance and foot fashion in the way they dress.

  14. Thanks for the info. I'm not trying to get my wife to wear heels. She's been to the chiropractor with limited success and is approaching the "try anything" point. I really wanted to know if they'd help so that I could say "hey it helped this guy" so it wouldn't look like I was just trying to get her into heels. Actually it's better when she doesn't wear heels because it keeps my mind from thinking about how much I want to wear heels.

    Lower back pain is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.;) Many chiropractors offer a booklet about healthy backs. The booklet describes various exercises that will help to strenghten the back. I have found it quite useful. But one word of caution: even with the exercises, it may take several weeks, if not months, to build the back muscles up enough to eliminate the pain. So don't expect instant results.
  15. Posted Image

    I'm something of a traditionalist when it comes to women's shoes, especially pumps, and shoes like these with all that toe cleavage are a complete turn-off and don't look the slightest bit attractive to me. But hey! I'm not judgemental, to each their own!

    I must agree. At first glance at the picture my reaction was: "Hey, the better part of those shoes are missing!"
  16. Golly, you folks sure know how to keep the rusty old, creaky memory gears grinding. I remember finding a pair of my mother's heels in a closet somewhere when I was about 10. They were red peeptoe slings with about 3" heels. I do remember that it took some practice before I could even stand-up in them. Since my mother had already abandoned them, I simply appropriated them for myself. On other occasions, she would share her shoes with me, but that's another story. As for the first pair of heels I actually owned, I simply can't be sure. I've bought so many and thrown-out so many heels over the last 50 years that memory simply fails. My first guess would be a pair of 3" black patent stilettoes, but that is simply a stab in the dark. I know that there have been times when I've wished I had the money I've invested in heels, only to throw them out - but that, too, is another story.

  17. ...What I wanted to point out is that I really felt sorry for the girl since I know this feeling myself. ...The other side of the story still is if I would really have gone for it if I was on the 'scene' in the shoe shop...

    CU! -Mike

    I too, sympathize with your feelings over this situation. However, experience dictates that sometimes a longer view is necessary.
  18. That was no third-world report - it was on a German family who have had bad luck...

    Yeah, I must admit that it crossed my mind that it I might have looked wrong offering the girl some money even if it was just for the shoes...



    Well, since nobody seems to be able to tell me just where the "second world" is located, I'm not even going to address what is or is not a 3rd world country.

    But my point is - and this remains true, regardless of which world you find yourself in - that merely spreading money around, regardless of how much you may have, is not really the answer to the problems so many people are facing. The universal principles of thrift, hard work, honesty, and right living are foundational to the building and regulation of a proper society. To ignore these principles is to ultimately undermine the underpinnings of a society - usually with devastating effects.

    For example, in many Asian cultures the person who brings home the most money is the head of household. So, if a filthy-rich American suddenly decides to be generous and give his shoe-shine boy a big fat tip just because he wants the kid to have a little extra money in his jeans, that could suddenly place a 10 year old kid at the head of his household, thus undermining the established structure and authority of the parents! So one must come to grips with the fact that, even if such disposible wealth exists, dispersal of the money might actually create unforeseen problems that one has never even considered.

    I have heard all manner of short-sighted people say that, with enough money, they could solve all problems. Believe me, such is NOT the case! In some cases, the mere presence of huge sums of money might actually exacerbate the problems. Take for example, the oil-rich states in the murder-East! In many cases those countries have more money than they actually know what to do with! But they haven't solved their problems. In fact, at the rate they're going, they'll soon kill each-other off or blow us all to Kingdom Come, and still not solve the problems!

    I hope the girl eventually gets the shoes she wanted. But I also hope that she learns that there are more important things in life than fashion.

  19. If she is old enought to wear heels she is old enough to get a part time job. :o

    An excellent point, Hoverfly!;)

    Most people who know me personally know that I tend to be a rather "soft touch" about such things. But a posting in any third-world country very quickly teaches one that no one person is able to provide even the bare necessities (food & clothing) for the poor and underprivileged of this world - regardless of how much money they might have. The needs are simply too great. Therefore one must learn how to practice "tough love".

    Even if the girl had approached me for money, I might still have required her to "work it off" for me by performing some chores around my house, or something to that effect. :smile:

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