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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. All of your points are well-taken, Metalspikes!:wavey: I really love it when I find someone who can tear a thing apart and then put the nuts & bolts under a microscope. How very different from the 80% or 90% of people who go through life without ever really understanding who they are and why they act in the ways that they do. :smile:

  2. I bought my girlfriend a pair of the cheetaprint Pollys back in the 70's. She found them both flattering and very comfortable. I seem to recall that they were rather expensive at the time, costing something on the order of $50. That would translate into about $250 in today's prices!

  3. I actually wanted to try something, and before I say, lemme thank JNR, Guy N., Daniel, and ShockQueen for your contributions to this topic, especially to the help of a youngster like me. Appreciate it, but um...

    Mind if I show this to my mom? I want to see her reaction to this site, and her reaction to the advice I'm giving. Don't worry; if she argues about what you've all suggested, I'll cover you all, as I feel too in place here to let her snatch me outta here.

    YEAH, Dude! Show her the site and let her know that there are some perfectly "normal" guys out here who actually enjoy wearing heels. Hell, for years I thought I was some kind of "head-case" until I found out that yer head and your feet are at 2 different ends of yer body. And don't worry about covering for us, either. If she wants to talk to some old-fudd about this - have her PM me. :smile:
  4. One more thing, before you start sinking some serious money into heels, you really ought to try your local thrift stores and second-hand shops - just to try out various styles and heel heights without breaking the bank account. Then, if you find you don't like a particular style or height, you really haven't lost all that much. You'll also develop some definite ideas as to what you really want when you do decide to shop High Street. Also, there are many threads around here that have already addressed the same questions you've asked. Look around and check them out.

  5. That's dining room, not "dinging" room. Guess my ability for typos is not effected by age! Heels so sound nice on the hardwood instead of the carpet it replaced.

    Hey man, stuff happens! I just got back from another hospital secession myself. :wavey: I think the emoticons tell the whole story. :smile:
  6. I think we've come to the conclusion that high heels are an "unwanted invention" in the mind of Marilyn vos Savant herself. She is supposed to have a very high I.Q. (if I remember correctly she is a Mensa member) and she likes to sit upon that I.Q. as if it was a throne from which to direct the lives of all we plebes.

    As I have said before, there are a lot of high heels for sale out there -- a plethora of different styles, sizes, colors, heights, etc. Just look on eBay, most online shoe stores, or in most real shoe stores and there will be a whole bunch of heels available, and they do sell. For an "unwanted invention", somebody sure wants 'em -- and not just the members of this site!

    An excellent point!:smile: After all, there is a huge difference between the mailbag and the sales charts. Somebody's sure selling a lot of "unwanted inventions" to a whole lot of somebodies out there.

    BTW, I've finally figured-out that Mensa is really a self-worship religion with a minimum threshold requirement for their priests and priestesses.

  7. I've been considering telling my parents about my love of heels, any advice for me out there?

    You're hearing it! If this doesn't seem to fit your notions, just stay tuned for more. Around here we've generally got about 10 different notions for every topic.:smile:
  8. Hm, I see...........

    Don't know though. Like I said, she's one not to be taken lightly. She will personally find an excuse for everything, even if it means lying to herself, so I'm a try this, then I'll keep posted with results later

    Well, a few things you might want to keep in mind: 1]Baseball bats and hammers tend to shatter things, but butter tends to soften things up. 2] You can often get people to eat some tasteless food if you first put in a spoonful of honey. 3]In my experience, a friendly card, a flower, or just a hug will often win the day - even with the hard-hearted-Hannas. Be smooth.
  9. I'd put those morons in THEIR place like REAL quick if THEY tried ANY of that stuff with ME!! boy, talk about being BOLD! (in ones own front yard @ that!!) well, to put it more directly, I'd say (off-hand) that those kinds of people have more that a FEW "loose" screws lying about in their heads.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to include a quote for a post like this. It took me a few trys before I found the entry I think you're are refering to, and yer right! That is bold as brass (which also rhymes with another part of the anatomy)!

    For those kinds of remarks I've been known to say something like, "I've also got some blue-steel (whether it was true or not) in my pocket (handbag) that I can get to speak to you. Would you like to hear it?":nervous:

  10. Thank you for a rather detailed explaination of what is, obviously, a huge difference between US law and British law. If I'm ever in the kingdom I shall endeavor to remind myself to keep my hands out of the garbage cans. :smile:

    However, the real purpose of this thread was to plumb the merits of the Parade Magazine article in which Marilyn vos Savant claims that high heels are an unwanted invention. If anyone agrees with that assessment, now is the time to speak up.:wavey:

    Well, I've tried to revive this thread before it goes off into cyber-oblivion. But I guess I'm flogging a dead horse here.:sad:
  11. Can't help but wonder if Minnie's dilapidated boots still had the tags on 'em -- like her hat?

    I think the concept of the tag was that unless you paid for the item at the "Genr'l Store" you had to leave the tag on until it was paid for. The gag wouldn't have worked for the boots because they almost never showed her feet anyway. But the tag on the hat was always an attention getter since the string was long enough for it to keep falling in her face.

    I have seen the original boots and I am amazed that she got 40 years worth of wear out of them. She even admitted that in some places the leather was almost worn through from the inside.

  12. ...This is something that will never really go away, so it's just a matter of how supportive your mom (family) is about the whole thing.

    I think perhaps showing her some pictures of guys who can really wear heels with class..., and then see what she thinks. It's an evolution in fashion, and it's high time that the guys had more fun with it...

    I'm inclined to agree with Shock Queen. There's another pirate movie out (which I haven't seen), which is usually good for some heeled jackboots. Find some telling shots and point them out to yer mom. Find some old John Wayne movies (like Red River) and point out the 3" heels he's wearing. Same thing goes for Gary Cooper (High Noon) and some of the other famous movie stars. Round-up some fashion magazines and show yer mom how they are now being worn by men with class these days.:smile: Above all, keep your cool:cat: and win your mom over:rose:. She may be a tough sell, but if you are brave enough to try wearing heels then I'm pretty sure you've got what it takes to bring her around.:wavey:
  13. Hi Zopot, and welcom to the forum.:smile::wavey: Now about all those hang-ups - I think we all have certain preferences that we hold near and dear. But I try to hold to a live and let live attitude. Mature feet? Yeah I've got 'em, along with a lot of others here, but there is something to be said for the younger, more supple legs and feet as well. Transparent heels? Well I kinda like them because they put me in mind of "Cinderella" slippers. High mileage shoes? I like to think of mine as high smileage shoes. I have some that I've worn for more than 10 years. So when something comes loose, a little glue or a nail or a stitch or two usually gets 'em back on the road again. Some of my shoes remind me of the story of Minnie Pearl who was complaining about having trouble replacing her shoes. It seems she had been wearing the same pair of shoes in her show for some 40 years and over time they had been repaired, reheeled, resoled, and restitched to the point that her cobbler finally had to tell her that there was nothing more he could do for her - she needed to replace the shoes. :sad: Trouble was, she had worn the shoes so long that nobody was even making that style any more and she was facing having to have them custom made. Well I have a pair of espadrilles that are nearly that bad. They've been glued, stitched, screwed and nailed beyond all proportion, yet I still wear 'em. Let's face it, there's nothing like a good shoe.;)

  14. Unfortunately, unless you ban smoking in public places, only smokers have the right to choose. Smoking areas only work if they're enclosed, otherwise it's like having a peeing area in a pool. I have no problem with people smoking outside in public, but anywhere with a roof I fail to see why I should have to put up with the smoke. It's not only unhealthy, it's disgusting.


    Here I must add my support to Chris' assertion. :smile: Unless you are talking about a hermetically sealed area, a designated smoking area in an indoor public place is really no compromise at all! All you've really done is kowtowed to the smokers while trampling upon the rights of the non-smokers. As a former smoker I can see both sides of the argument - much more clearly now.
  15. Don't underestimate the value of support. I have no one and face the prospect of going out entirely on my own. Bottom line-- there is some safety in numbers, less chance I'll get the stuffing knocked out of me.

    Metalspikes, we all encourage and support you in your choice of individual fashion expression! :smile: However, there comes a time when no amount of external support can make-up for individual initiative. Those first few steps outside on your own require considerable courage. You are to be congratulated on that alone. ;):wavey:

    But much like riding a bicycle, your initial success should also help bolster your courage and initiative. Unless you live in a neighborhood where the folks flat-out will not tolerate freestyling, you should be able to see for yourself that most of our worst fears never come about.:sad:

  16. Well, the initial response is far better than I anticipated, but the one problem is that the guys are out-voting the gals by about 20 to 0. Can we have some female input :smile: here, please?

    Well, so far it's a runaway. That is, the guys are running away with this poll about 50 to 1. So where are the girls? What ever happened to Blond Bimbo, Suzan the Original, or Wolfgang, or any of the others I know are lurking out there? Don't tell me that suddenly none of you have an opinion on this?:wavey:
  17. I have always loved high heels but have never been able to wear them in front of my wife. She knows that I have a real fetish for heels but that is far as it goes. I would love to wear a pair of heels in front of her but have no idea how she would react to it. She is not a great lover of heels herself but has just bought herself a pair of 4 and a half inch wedges form River Island (uk) and she says that she really likes them! I was delighted of course. How do I tell her that I would love to wear heels too, mayby not in public but with her at home? Any advice on this one?

    Hi there Magowan_nt1, and welcome to the forum.:smile::sad:

    Now, is there some reason why you can't just ask her what she thinks about men wearing heels? My late GF and I didn't always agree upon everything, but our ability to discuss matters openly was so refreshing. Over time we found that there was nothing we couldn't discuss, even if we disagreed about the matter.:wavey:;)

  18. you can be damn sure a lot of guys havnt got the "balls" to wear skirts OR heels (not always in that order of ocourse) even though they would probably like to (talk about secrets) but would NEVER admit it!...

    Isn't it interesting how the pendulum swings? Men around the world have worn skirts since before the time of Alexander the Great. But today most are too ashamed to put one on and say, "Well Alexander wore one!"
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