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Guy N. Heels

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Posts posted by Guy N. Heels

  1. ...Not all men want thin women, some of us don't want to have to search for the curves in the feminine form.

    At church last Sunday I noticed quite a few of the ladies wearing heels. They, of course, had a huge variety of sizes and shapes. One young woman, who had on a beautiful pair of gold slippers, also happened to be somewhat on the plump side. My only objection was that her long pants concealed entirely too much of her beautiful stilettoes.
  2. I avoided all this grief when I was young by keeping it a secret and not telling anyone, after all these years I still think that it was the right thing to do.

    If you want to wear heels no one else needs to know about it!

    Trouble is, High Heel Dude has already let the cat out of the bag. Now there's no way to "un-ring the bell" or "un-shoot the gun". He now must deal with affairs with his mom being fully aware of his tastes and choices - an altogether different prospect from her not knowing.:smile:
  3. So here's the scenario, I will post a pic at the end. My mom was getting together a bunch of household clothes and such to donate to charity.

    As I was adding some things to the pile I noticed a pair of boots of hers that I had seen her wear in the past and I was quite fond of them. Secretly I have worn them before but no one knows.

    They are clearly a womens boots. They would normally be worn with a skirt. They are about calf height and have a side zip. They have about a 3" or so blade heel i'm guessing and a squarish toe. They are a size smaller than I normally wear but they fit and are not really uncomfortable.

    Anyhow, I noticed them and said to my mom, are you throwing out your "kiss" boots? I was making reference to the rock band. She said that she was. I picked one up and said I like these what size are they. I said I'll take them. She assumed I was joking and responded "those are a girls boot". I said I was serious and proceeded to try it on right there. i put it on under my jeans and stood up. I said I really like how it looked. She looked at it and said, it doesn't bother you that the heel is like that? I said no it doesn't and then she said well it bothers me alot so I proceeded to take it off and put it back in the pile and that was that.

    So here's my dilemma. I sit here knowing a perfectly good pair of boots I desire is going to waste. And there is no chance in hell I will posess them.

    Is there any way I could take them unknowingly?

    Anyhow here is a picture of them

    <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v341/lauri27/blackboot.jpg">

    Well, unless you filch them from the pile through some sort of subterfuge, no! On the other hand, even if you did successfully filch them, what would happen to your relationship with your mom if she ever found them?

    :smile: However, you might consider buying the boots from your mom and tell her that you really want the boots and that she can just donate the money to the charity.

    But my question to you is: Why do you want a pair of boots that are a size too small? :sad: Eventually you will either hurt yourself or harm the boots, or both! Either way, you eventually will either toss the boots back into the closet and forget about them, toss them into the garbage bin, or end-up giving them to charity yourself. :wavey: So regardless of how much the boots might appeal to you now, in the long run it's a no-win situation.

  4. Yeah, you've got this super high-tech, ultra-secure Federation flagship that's nothing short of an orbiting fortress, and a two-bit con artist with her own little ship and a knock-off cloaking device can take it over by remote control! But without that little strain on credulity we wouldn't have had a story. . .

    Come to think of it, that sort of thing happens a lot on Star Trek -- just think, would any truly serious space-faring species depend on some contraption as flaky as the warp-drive? Guaranteed, when the ship is in a jam the warp drive will be down, making the crew figure out some other way to get out of the jam. Next time I run through the series I'm thinking of keeping count how many times the warp drive fails in an episode -- I think the maximum is somewhere around five. Of course the transporter is just as bad if not worse -- how many times would it have been a simple matter to beam somebody out of a tight spot -- if the silly thing worked? But then that would have cut the story short. . .

    My point exactly! As for the flaky warp drive, I suppose there'll always be a need for some mechanic to whack the thing with a wrench.
  5. Very interesting and brought back memories. I too used to prowl their stores looking for bargains for my size 9 wife. Unfortunately none fit my size 11 foot but the clerks understood my fetish for heels and were very helpful. Wonderful leather shoes and boots with 5"+ heels. Many had metal heel tips and then they had the first total metal spikes...

    Welcome to the forum, Magnellia. :smile::wavey:
  6. Use mother's day as the reason to have her take you to the malll. Say you need to split up so she won't see her present and you need keys to her car to hide it. Go to a shoe store first get your shoes. Put them in the car. Then shop for her present.

    Uhh, any form of deception will only serve to further strain an already tense relationship. If anything, now is exactly the time when you need to show your mom your affection and that you are completely honest, reliable, and trustworthy. :smile: Remember, this is not about the "quick fix" but rather, the long-haul.
  7. Yup, sho'nuff! We only get a couple of glimpses of them but they are some pretty decent boots!

    That is funny when the captain suddenly appears in the science station in his jammies.

    One thing that's never really made clear is how she's able to seemingly take control of the Enterprise. :wavey: She beams on and off like there's a revolving door on the ship, and she somehow disables the internal sensors and even traps Jean-Luc in his own quarters. If it's all sleight-of-hand - she's quite adroit. But it's never really explained.:smile:
  8. The legs are healing fine. The skin have come back. Just a bit red and sensitive, but getting there. The stoemach is still insane though, even though I quit the antibiotics over 2½ weeks ago.

    thanks for asking. - pumps

    Okay, if you've quit the antibiotics and the stomach is still upset, try mint tea. Personally, I prefer peppermint, but spearmint will also work. Also, start taking brewer's yeast in fairly large quantities, as that will help to settle the nerves. Brewer's yeast is water soluble and so it's almost impossible to take too much. Try to avoid coffee, caffine, and alcohol.
  9. I have 2nd degree burns covering about 7%. They say it will take about 2-3 weeks to heal. The antibiotics are really upsetting my stoemach:sad:

    Hey Pumps, long time - no hear from. How about an update on those burns?
  10. Well, everyone, I told my mom of my high heel fetish, and I'm only 15 and a male. But she can't bear the fact that I like the so freakin much! how can I possibly convince her to just let it be and get over it?

    This is a tough thing to answer, I know, and if it results in me having to give up high heels, then I don't think I could be here or even stand to be here today. I just couldn't do it. Help needed please

    Ahh, 15. The joy, the wonderment - truly youth is wasted on the young!

    Now back to the coffee... As long as you live under your mother's roof you need to obey and respect her. So you may dismiss all notions of rebellion and/or mutiny at once.

    On the other hand, your desire for heels as a fashion accessory should not be misconstrued into something that it is not! I.E. sexual diviancy, personality disorders, moral degenerancy, etc.

    If at all possible, negotiate, negotiate, negotiate! But insist upon one presupposing fact - what's sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. Then, if your mom wears heels, ask her why? If she doesn't wear heels, ask her why not? If she wears jeans or pants, ask her why? If your mom wears tee shirts, ask her why? Then ask how your desire to wear heels differs from her desire to wear men's clothing? In short, if it's okay for her to wear men's clothing, then why isn't it okay for you to wear heels (remember - what's sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander)?

    One more thing - keep the voice down and the tone sweet. A soft answer turns away wrath. You must not challenge authority in any way. The way to win this battle is through principle. You must show, as gently as possible, that it is your mother who is applying double standards by denying you the ability to wear something unconventional while she's doing exactly the same thing herself.:smile:

    On the other hand, if your mother is a Donna Reed clone and waltzes around in heels and flowing dresses at all times - you've already lost the battle. Get a dog.

  11. It sounds like you are describing the episode "Devil's Due" in the fourth season. The character was "Ardra", played by Marta Dubois and she was a con artist trying to take advantage of a mythical legend on the planet Ventax II. According to the legend, this "Ardra" had promised and delivered 1000 years of peace and tranquility in exchange for the servitude of the entire planet's population at the end of that time. And of course, the 1000 years was up. Through a legal maneuver she claimed the Enterprise crew too.

    Funny, I don't remember the heels in that episode. I'll have to break out the DVD and re-run it!

    Yeah, man! That's the one!:smile: Check it out, for sure. Ardra is strutting around in heels and beaming onto and off the Enterprise at will. At one point she even makes the Enterprise disappear. But perhaps the funniest scene is when Jean-Luc suddenly finds himself on a science station with no clothes and is asking someone to bring him a uniform.:sad:

    BTW, With or without heels, Marta ain't a bad looking chick! :wavey:

  12. I hope not. Those were 5" heels in my vid.The white ones.

    Well, I suppose some guys can carry it off better than others. Now if I were to strap on a pair of 5" heels, you'd get to see lots of falls and spills.:wavey: In fact, I'm not even sure I could stand up in them, let alone walk.:sad: One thing's for certain, I wouldn't even think about it without medical help :smile: being prepositioned on the scene.
  13. I did not answer the poll because it is not for me. If I said never or no then it would sound like I did not think it was for men or men should not wear it. I don't feel that way.

    I just don't like polish in general, male or female, but is just my taste.

    Well, it's mighty difficult to cover all the bases with one of these polls. I started to have a minimum of 5 possible answers, along with the gender ID. Then I found out that I had only allowed for a maximum of 6 answers, which meant that I either had to eliminate one category or eliminate one gender selection. As it turns out, only the males are answering anyway, so eliminating the gender ID would probably be okay.

    It sounds to me like your answer would either be: Not Sure or the one that I left out, Don't Think So.

    While I profoundly respect your feelings on the subject, you are only the 2nd or 3rd man I've ever heard object to cosmetics.

  14. The question has been asked whether removing items from a skip (dumpster) or similar in the UK is illegal. There can be no absolutely universal answer but the short one is ‘yes’ as it is likely to constitute theft. Section 1, Theft Act 1968 states that a person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates the property of another with the intention of permanently depriving that other of it. (The key words are underlined.)

    ...There should be a very clear indication of abandonment to the world before specific dumped property is treated as a free-for-all; the ‘public domain’ argument apparently applicable in the US does not seem to have an exact parallel in the UK.

    Thank you for a rather detailed explaination of what is, obviously, a huge difference between US law and British law. If I'm ever in the kingdom I shall endeavor to remind myself to keep my hands out of the garbage cans. :smile:

    However, the real purpose of this thread was to plumb the merits of the Parade Magazine article in which Marilyn vos Savant claims that high heels are an unwanted invention. If anyone agrees with that assessment, now is the time to speak up.:wavey:

  15. BTW, there's an episode on TNG where some high-heeled gal is trying to take over a planet. She has a cloaked ship in orbit and is using it to create earthquakes and generally inflict panic so she can scare the good folks into becoming her slaves. Does anyone have any details about this high-heeled gal, who seems to be able to come and go on the Enterprise as she pleases? :smile:

  16. Well, the initial response is far better than I anticipated, but the one problem is that the guys are out-voting the gals by about 20 to 0. Can we have some female input :smile: here, please?

  17. Im glad this topic came up, as this was something I wanted to try, so last week, I did for the first time. To my surprise, I actually liked what I saw. Unfortunately, I cannot do this all the time, as the family will notice. They noticed my hair free legs and started to ask questions, so if they saw polish, I cannot imagine what will be asked :sad:

    Hi there, Pumplover, and welcome to the forum. :smile::wavey:
  18. Oh to be young and thin (like my avatar) again!

    When I went into the army I weighed 135 lbs. and was as skinny as a rail. If I were to put on a fur coat I'd have looked like a pipe-cleaner. O, for those golden days of yesteryear!:smile:
  19. Well, spring has finally sprung and I'm sure that many of you are dusting off your open-toed heels and sandals and are generally getting ready for summer. So today's poll concerns the guys who are going to show some toe this season. However, we definitely want some input from the gals on this one. So the question is: Should Guys polish (varnish for you Brits) their toenails this summer? Let's get some reaction on this one!;)

  20. Wkd time, well done!! In a way i'm not surprised, as my soulmate loves gays and sensitive men as her ex used to beat her up virtually daily. Those of us who openly admit to our feminine side are naturally more attractive to some women who realise 'hard' men are not necessarily the best. Remember that and you will often do better than you think!!

    HARD MEN and big hunks :o;):P make for great photographs. Unfortunately, they don't always make for great relationships, as many women have found out. :smile:
  21. JeffB - ;)

    I suggest you don’t judge things by the standard of “normal”, rather use the concept of “comfortable”.

    There are days when I am comfortable walking into a men’s room wearing thigh boots with stiletto heels and a short skirt and these are other days when I don’t feel comfortable going out of the house with knee boots with block heels worn under my jeans. There have been days when I’ve hit all of the points in between those two extremes. This board tends to present a one sided image because I don’t often post about "not feeling like wearing my thigh boots", but it happens. I suspect that even by the standards of the folks on this board I don’t fall into the “normal” category” but I do fall into the “comfortable” category. (I also suspect that, on this board, "normal" is an oxymoron.)

    I still recommend the full length mirror test. Look at yourself in a full length mirror and be sure you are comfortable presenting the image that is looking back at you. If you are, go for it. Is that image always going to be the same thing? I doubt it. Neither will your reaction to the same image be the same every day. Most of us change from day to day, week to week, month to month. And then some of us just get old and lazy.

    Variety is one of the things that keeps us from getting board. I don’t always eat the same foods, watch the same TV programs, or wear skirts and boots. Our tastes, feelings, desires, pleasures do change from time to time.

    The real question is why we change. It might be environmental pressure (the people around us), it might be social pressure (the world around us). It might be the chemical balance of our bodies changing (not a bad thing, its responsible for us getting hungry or thirsty) or it might be getting old and lazy.

    My advice is be aware of the change but don’t worry about it unless you start to see extremes. And... don’t sell you show collection just yet. Remember, things change.

    Sounds like good advice. Also, I would like to point out that treason is a very strong term. Before we start using terminology like that around here, we first need to understand that the fashion and the shoes are indifferent. So just be sure that you are not treasonous to yourself!
  22. britney spears....another one that hopefully will vanish off the radar scope sometime soon...like tomorrow.

    Yeah, she's nuttier than a fruitcake, alright. ;) There are newsstands around here that don't have as many issues as she does. :o

    But to respond to the question: The boots appear to be made of moderately thick leather (the stuff comes in different weights and degrees of hardness or stiffness) and there is some slouching of the uppers visible. My guess is that the boots are held up as much by the presence of her feet in them as anything else.

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