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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Nope, they don't qualify. It's another Daily Mail non-story.

    I have to say though, that paper does seem to be heel-obsessed lately.

    Every time a celebrity wears them, they seemingly have to run a story on it (cf. the Billie Piper one a few days ago - "Billie takes off her high heels shocker!!!")

  2. All,

    I am curious about the childhood upbringing us guys had as we were growing up. A few of these features I experienced myself.



    I had a pretty unremarkable 1970's one. No major trauma's that I can recall.

    My pet rabbit died. My dad painted his Mini purple.

    Those were probably the highlights ;-)

  3. If you're in the UK you can hear Sandi Toksvig wearing high heels for the first time on today's episode of "I've never seen Star Wars" on Radio 4.

    ;-) how does that work then?

    Actually, seeing that she's a woman of 'restricted stature', I find it hard to believe she's never worn heels before. or is she disbarred from wearing them due to her sexuality?

  4. This gorgeous creature was on the Paul O'Grady Show this afternoon in the highest pair of vertiginous heels I have ever seen!!!

    Billie Piper was on the show the day before, wearing red-soled black stilettos (Christian Louboutin?). The heels were probably 5-inches.

    She had jeans on but the heels could be seen easily enough.

  5. The woman is an idiot. This isn't a 'one off' - she frequently attracts criticism for wearing vertiginous heels in impractical places (as would any other woman who did the same thing, though of course non-celebrities don't get a press write-up about it). She usually compounds the situation by wearing poorly-fitting shoes and affecting a haughty, 'look at me -i'm famous', demeanour. People like her deserve to get 'knocked off their perch' & I'm happy the press are there to do it ;-)

  6. I really dissapointed, hope the actual thread of the HM take shape and will be atractive again.

    No chance of that, what with it being locked now!

    I too would have liked to see a few testimonials & reports about it, as per the previous few years.

    It certainly appears, from the lack of reporting, to have been a bit of a 'damp squib' this time around but I expect the majority of attendees did actually enjoy it. I would have enjoyed it if I'd been there - spending a Saturday afternoon in the pub wearing heels & talking to a group of likeminded people about heels - that can never be a disappointment can it!?!

    IMO. the change of date was the key factor in the 'failure' of IHM 2009 as it sigificantly reduced the number of attendees. That this was going to happen could, of course, never have been foreseen - various calendar conflicts and 'sods law' issues seem to have played a part.

    That said, do not be disheartened fellow HHP Members! Another meet will be sure to come along soon. ;-)

  7. I propose that the heelmeet be held in Bristol next year.

    Here's a tentative YES from me. ;-)

    It's way too far off to be 100% positive about it though.

    If other suggestions are being sought, how about Oxford or Birmingham?

    If no good for the International Meet, I reckon we should do some interim mini-meets at those places anyway.

  8. Is having a fetish for shoes not the same as an obsession? I do understand that a fetish is a turn on, but it can also be an obsession as the person having the fetish can not have enough of it, then it becomes an opsession.

    So is there a difference?

    Nope, not the same, although there are similarities & the two can overlap (like a venn diagram).

    Generally, a 'fetish' means there is a sexual-attraction element to the persons interest. If there is no sexual element, it isn't a fetish.

    This is why shoe fetishism is a typically male pastime - we get a sexual charge from them! - whereas although women (typically & stereotypically) love shoes, they're not sexually exited by them, hence their interest is just 'obsession'.

  9. Yep, I'd also do it myself like a shot. I reckon the entire UK HHP membership would be there. Unfortunately, it might also draw a large proportion of TV's, CD's & drag queens (closet or otherwise) and thus undermine the event in terms of it being for charity and for just 'men' in heels. The linked article is also pretty scathing about the whole thing. Perhaps Kevin Fischer 'doth protest too much'!

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