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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. The "5 inches" bit is obviously a typo. They probably meant to say "5 cm" which would allow a maximum 2-inch heel height. At my school, 6-formers were exempt from wearing uniform but (disappointingly!) few of the girls took advantage with their footwear choices. One girl did though, occasionally sporting some gorgeous FMB's.

  2. My vote’s also for Oxford. My folks often go there shopping on a Saturday but I’m willing to take the risk. If the weather’s nice, we could go punting! ... in stilettos :roll: !!! June 3rd‘s no good for me but the other June/July Saturdays are free at the moment.

  3. My verdict on the Heelmeet (my first one too!): It was great to meet so many forum members and put faces to the Usernames. As bruce forsyth might have once said – “what lovely people!” I thought the day went really well. There were a few logistics problems (including my own when I started off in the wrong Starbucks – D’oh!) but Heelfan did a sterling job of rounding us all up. Kudos to him for maintaining a semblance of order during the day. Some real laughs were had watching the reactions from the people who noticed the heel-wearers in our party. They ranged from disapproving tuts, eyes-raised-to-the-heavens, wry smiles and looks of complete bewilderment. Priceless! It was amazing though how many people didn’t notice anything. Talk about tunnel-vision! The shopping was enjoyable. It was mostly just furtive browsing on my part as I’m still pretty green with it all. I almost got to try on a pair of boots late in the day but I couldn’t do up the b****y zip. Hopefully I’ll have better luck next time. The socialising was excellent, the topics of conversation jumping all over the place. Who says we're all obsessed with heels!?! We ate and drank pretty well too - lager in the afternoon and an eat-as-much-as-you-can Italian buffet in the evening. The perfect combo! Thanks to Jo, Shakedown, Mel, Heelfan, Firefox, the fogborkenvv’s, kneehighs and to all you other attendees for making it a day to remember. It was my first meet, but it definitely won’t be my last!

  4. not my cup of tea at all...

    i'm pretty sellective over the types/styles that "do it" for me and these are way down the list, i'm afraid.

    also - does anyone know why they are called 'kitten' heels?


  5. New Look have something similar available at the moment - in black, pink and probably other colours too. I think they might have a little bow on the front though... not too sure about the material/finish (probably cheap plastic) . I really like them myself - not that I have the b*lls or the opportunity to buy/wear a pair... :D

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