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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Why is there more pressure under a woman's stiletto high heel shoe than an elephants foot?

    Pressure is exactly equal to force divided by surface area. If that fact is true it is because the whole elephants weight (force) is spread out over four feet of relatively large surface area. A womans weight is only on her two (smaller) feet. If she leans on the back of her high heels all the weight (force) shifts to the tiny points of the stillettos. To find out how much more pressure is on the stillettos, just take the weight divided by the approximate surface area of the high heel. But since elephants weigh up to 13000 pounds, about 100 times what a woman weighs the heels would need to be (since only two heels to an elephants 4 feet) about 50 times smaller than an elephants foot to get equal pressure so it seems possible.

    Saxone :cry1:

    It's simple physics. Check this out:-


  2. You could try lubricating them with either clear silicone gun oil or sewing machine oil which does not stain cloth

    Two years between posts!!! :cry1:

    Hopefully chris100575 got his problem sorted a wee while ago & hasn't been holding out for that response :wave: :wave: :wave:

  3. They won't last long. They'll be worn down within a couple of miles & probably completely gone by the 10 mile mark. If you're lightweight (8 stone or less), you might get a bit more life out of them, but not much - it's basically the abrasion against the pavement which destroys them. Yep, you should definitely get some metal tips fitted. they will make a nice clicking sound as you walk too!

  4. Another "heel-bias" story in the Daily Mail.


    Michelle clearly stumbled down a hidden step (she twists her right ankle) - her heels are clearly of a normal/modest height. Yet the Mail has to highlight "her huge high heels". Absolute journalistic bilge.

    That said, Michelle herself blamed the heels - the daft bint!

  5. I have a feeling that second hand women's shoes are more interesting than new ones. What do you think?

    Nah, not to me they're not.

    Possession of a brand new pair of expensive shoes/boots gives me a modest 'high' and a 'pride of ownership' feeling - presumably the same sort of emotions that shoe-fanatic women get.

    Buying a used pair doesn't produce that feeling at all - quite the opposite.

  6. buenas noches, fellow heelers... :cry1: Is anyone interested in a post-xmas get together during week of 28-12-09? i'm thinking that wednesday 30th would be the best day -28th & 29th = crazy with sales shoppers & xmas still not quite "over" (yes, 30th still crazy but hopefully a bit less so) - 31st = New Years eve so people probably have other things planned - 1st = New Years day (sleeping off the excesses of 31st?) Venue - somewhere in central london. maybe Oxford Street and/or a large shopping centre (but not Westfield, for reasons I shan't go into here). itinery - eating, drinking, sales shopping & more drinking. heel-wearing to be optional but heartily endorsed time & length of meet - to suit the attendees basically. BTW - i'm not "arranging" this meet, i'm just suggesting it. Post your thoughts & suggestions here, or PM me if you want to chew-the-fat in more detail.

  7. Is this the normal situation?, were you not wearing any either?

    Normal for me, certainly.

    I always have heels with me, I just need the time & place to "be absolutely right" before I can endulge myself.

    I have worn them during previous heelmeets - under long trousers- including a Reading shopping centre, Oxford Street (at night time) & many indoor locations (Dept. stores, pubs & restaurants).

    I am still a virgin as far as full-daylight, high street wearing goes. :cry1:

  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1230181/Girl-16-killed-slipping-train-platform-ran-alongside-moving-carriage-high-heels.html

    It's a tragic story obviously - but quite why the Daily Mail needs to add such a bull***t angle to it is anybody's guess.

    They definately seem to have some sort of 'heel' fetish going on at that paper. So many of their stories highlight the high heel aspect or make unnecessary mention of heels. That's aside from the "stories" they print which are based on nothing else at all other than the "Posh wears stilettos in the cinema shocker!" variety.

    A few weeks ago they featured that story about the two drunken morons (in Cardiff IIRC) picking on a couple of dress-wearing cage fighters & getting thumped. The paper mentioned how the cage fighters "tottered away on their heels" yet the CCTV footage (accompanying the story) showed that they were only wearing trainers. Total BS again from the Mail.

    Just what is their constant fixation I wonder!?!

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