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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Executive summary:Well, bit of a mixed bag, verging on disaster really. :o

    Crikey. You paint a vivid and depressing picture. Our fellow heelers may never want to leave the safety of their armchairs now!

    Always look on the bright side, I say! Anyway, here’s some thoughts from my perspective.

    I too was totally under-whelmed by the Fetish Fair event itself.

    I thought it was pretty small - quite easy to look round the whole thing within 30 minutes - whereas I'd expected to find something 10 times the size.

    The 'demonstrations' that they were having appeared to be taking place in an underground carpark with a single-figure audience! (not that we were interested enough to check them out ourselves either!).

    Aside from one girl in a stretchy catsuit, a bloke in a leather skirt and a couple of TV's, the stallholders were all fairly plainly dressed.

    Not many visitors entered into the spirit either.

    Where was all the rubber, latex and PVC clothing that was supposed to be on show? Short-changed or what? I'd have definitely been happier if there were more fetish fashion / costume-wearing people in there other than ordinary ‘people off the street’. That said, I didn’t feel at all uncomfortable wearing heels there once I’d put them on - maybe the 3 pints of lager had something to do with it!

    As FastFreddy says, most of the punters in the place looked like middle-aged geezers out for a lech (as was I of course!). At least we gave them something to look at – probably not what they were hoping for though.

    The venue is definitely a good place for a private gathering though. Maybe it could provide an alternative to The Miller one year?

    The filming going on didn't phase me at all. I have no interest in appearing in the background of some late night perv-o-vision programme but in view of the 'tameness' of the venue, I didn't think it looked in any way dodgy. We were only sitting down having a beer - not licking strawberry milkshake off a dominatrix’s thigh boots (more’s the pity)

    Our flying visit to Camden didn’t add much to the day unfortunately. I have probably been there a bit too often now to find anything interesting about that place. Also, Sunday is the busiest day they have and wading through herds of people to look at exorbitantly-priced plastic shoes was never going to be too enjoyable.

    No time was left to get a proper meal either (noodles in a tin-foil tray does not cut it!). I’m sure if we had done that, we would have enjoyed the Camden visit much more - there would have been an opportunity for some people watching and a bit more indoor heel wearing for me.

    Yeah, there were loads of people ‘clocking’ the stiletto Mary Jane’s worn by Loveshiheels. I only ever saw looks of amusement and a few nudges & head-nodding going on though – there was no unwelcome attention or ‘negative’ reactions when I was there. At least, I didn’t see or hear any myself. Kudos to Loveshiheels for “going for it” anyway.

    In conclusion - Enjoyable but a bit of a disappointment. 5/10. Must try harder.

  2. Received these in the post today ------

    They are BRONX 'Dessa' style. A bit "bling" what with the gold buckles 'n all.

    I actually really like them though. They're probably one of the most stylish/well-finished boots I've bought so far - they have an orange lining & a tooled logo on the sole & ankle.

    RRP is £80. I got 'em for £13.50 inc. postage.


  3. Good to hear that you get something positive out of it Fastfreddy (& it sounds as though you do). Theres' a number of things I wouldn't like about it though. The noise/music sounds like one of the worst aspects. If it wasn't the type of music that I 'dig', I'd not be able to stand it in there for too long. And the non-drinking aspect would get to me also - being in a crowded, noisy pub for 4 hours without necking a few lagers. Just torture! Also, I turn into a pumpkin at midnight, so a 2:15am finish is a complete no-no! :thumbsup:

  4. I thought some of the answers were pretty good really:-

    "Pppl r differednt maybe the man is gay of maybe the man's wife of gf or wahtever has the same size feet and he was getting her a present. U shudn;t care anyways. That's something personal!"

    "this has happened to me several times. i just tried to be as friendly and helpful as possible!"

    "Tell him they suited him of course,diffrent strokes for diffrent folks as they say!!"

    "Carry on as normal and respect, because he is not hurting anyone. If I was working there I would ask him if he wanted any help or advice with the same professional attitude I would show anyone, helpful and respectful, not to be judgemental."

    ...and other similar ones.

    And this one was especially great:-

    "Obviously the man is very comfortable with who he is and not self conscious.

    Are you talking about women's shoes coz apparently heals are in fashion for men you know."

  5. I'm still A-OK for 21st.

    I think we need a better venue than High Wycombe though. That place is OK but generally fairly underwhelming.

    Luton would probably be way better (dunno though - i've never been there for shopping before) :wink1:

    There is also some prospect of something on Sunday 13th July, towards Islington .

    Ooh, looks interesting [i've found it on t'web].

    Yeah, pencil me in for that. Will need to check+confirm availability nearer the time.

    It happens 2nd Sunday of every month apparently, so could maybe be used as a regular HHPlace heel-meeting point? :thumbsup:

    Was talking to the long suffering mrs Shyguy, and she has said I can wear heels out and about as long as I don't leave the house in them and she doesn't know.

    That's the sort of deal I would like to strike with my missus.

    None too close to acheiving it yet though :smile:

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