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Posts posted by euchrid

  1. Anyone visited the newly opened Selfridges Shoe Dept. yet (Oxford Street)? It's the biggest shoe dept. in Europe apparently. There's various Architect-designed zones in it or something. If you've been, what d'ya think of it. Worth a visit?

  2. Not surprised, anytime you see 2 or more people wearing the same attire, its looked at as some sort of "club", so imagine seeing 3+ guys all together, same place, same time, all wearing heels... No wonder you got a few sniggers.

    In this case, only one of us was street-heeling.

    He received most of the negative attention - mainly within the 'upmarket' shops (Moda-in-Pelle, Dune, etc.)

    As well as the Top Shop episode, I got sniggered at in Dorothy Perkins when I was alone & trying on some shoeboots.

    We all tried things on 'en masse' in Barratts, Schuh & all the department stores with no real reactions from anyone.

  3. Where's the problem? The assistant doesn't know you from Adam and you wouldn't be the first male customer they've had.

    It often isn't the staff that's the 'problem' - it's the other customers, many of whom will start up the usual routine if they see a guy trying on high heels

    --- elbowing-their-partner, whispering, sniggering, frowning, tutting, etc.

    I saw some of this when out & about in Oxford Street last wednesday with three fellow heelers (mini-heelmeet!). It's not always easy to ignore.

    I'm growing accustomed to it myself though. I usually just smile & throw a 'thumbs up' at anybody taking an interest in what i'm doing, as happened in the middle of Top Shop :cry1:

  4. Mariah Carey is hardly an idiot...

    Mariah not an idiot? Well let's just agree to differ on that score.

    Here's one of her 'intelligent' quotations for you to cut out & keep:-

    "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry.

    I mean I'd love to be skinny like that but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

  5. We've had some attrocious weather in the UK over the past 3-4 days.

    ----- far more snow than we're used to and so bad in some areas that people have been unable to get home from work & are having to cancel their xmas travel plans.


    Despite this chaos, I am still seeing many women out-and-about in stilettos during the day. On Monday, I saw one woman struggling up a steep snow-covered path in her best office-wear 4" pencil heeled courts!

    Saw a couple of girls yesterday walking around in stiletto heeled boots as if they were at a disco rather than in a snowstorm.

    It seems a bit mad if you ask me - surely most women would welcome an opportunity like this to leave their impractical & uncomfortable footwear at home.

    But it's somehow a wonderful thing to see: Their refusal to put practicalities (and risk of injury!) ahead of fashion.

    So, a question to the stilettos-in-snow ladies: Why do you do it?

    A question to the guys: Have you noticed this phenomena yourselves & would you risk it?

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